Parish Council Meeting dates 2024

Bridford Parish Council meets on the first Monday of the month (except for Bank Holidays when the meeting will be held the following Monday) at 7pm upstairs in Bridford Village Hall. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend. There are no meetings in August or December. The June 2024 meeting is to be held on 10th June rather than 3rd June as a one off arrangement. Please contact the Clerk, Tamsin Mowat on should you have any queries.

Wildlife Warden Update – Verges

Many of you will already know that we are managing the Bridford verges – those up Pound Lane and near Butts Close- for wildflowers and we are happy to report that the Parish Council has given the go ahead for another year of managing them this way.  This means that the verges are left to grow from January until the plants drop their seed in August/ September, bar a 1.5 metre path by the road for access and visibility.

We have sown the area with yellow rattle seed, which parasites on grass and allows wildflowers the space to grow. Over a few years you will see that the grasses lessen and wildflowers increase and there is a maintenance plan to help this along, which includes:

  • Mowing in late summer/ autumn and taking away the grass (with thanks to Graham Dicker) – taking away the grass is vital so that this is not allowed to over fertilise the ground, as wildflowers like nutrient poor soil. The paths are regularly mown with cuttings taken away.
  • Weeding out docks and nettles in the early summer. Although these plants have their benefits for wildlife, they could take over in this case, so need to be pulled out/ cut so they are not allowed to seed.  You may see us out doing this in May/ June.
  • Ensuring that dog faeces are picked up – again these can over fertilise the ground and we appreciate you picking up any of your dog faeces and using the bins in the village provided.
  • The grass on the Butts Close verge is still growing through strongly, which is partly due to the ground being very fertile. This year the Wildlife Wardens have put some wildflower plugs including yarrow, oxeye daisy and knapweed to help this area along a bit. These should make the verge more visually appealing.

You may ask why we are doing this?  Wildflowers are vital to a healthy ecosystem, supporting insects, birds and small mammals.  Meadows of wildflowers used to be part of traditional farming, but 97% of these have been lost since the 1930s (including throughout the countryside) and this has had a significant impact on the species dependent on them.  The UK is in the bottom 10% of nations for biodiversity and though there are many factors, the loss of this habitat is one of them.  We can all help combat this, and areas such as the Bridford verges link up through the wider landscape with nature friendly farm margins, gardens and parks etc to become a corridor for wildlife.  This biodiversity is not just vital for itself, but vital for society, as it has wide ranging effects on food production and human health, both mental and physical. Having seen the swallows turn up again in the last few weeks, I am also glad that these verges and similar areas are supplying a bounty of flying insects for them after their long journey.

If you have any comments or suggestions for other ideas that would help wildlife in the area, please do let us know at

Parish Council News May 2024

Thank you

At the Annual Council Meeting on Monday 13th May 2024 we said thank you and goodbye to Chairman Jennifer Padgham who has resigned. Jennifer served on the Parish Council for many years as a Councillor and as Chairman for the past 3 years and worked so hard to ensure the smooth running and positive future of the council. Jennifer will be missed and we all wish her well.

New Chairman

Voting took place for a new Chairman and Councillor Judy Topley was proposed and unanimously agreed upon, so was duly elected to the post. Councillor Topley signed the declaration of acceptance before taking over the meeting from Vice Chair Stephen Purser. We all wish Judy well in her new role and look forward to working together. Councillor Purser will continue as Vice Chair for a further year.

Groups and roles

Responsibilities for groups and other roles in the parish were reviewed and agreed. Many thanks to all those volunteers in the parish who help to ensure that everything is well maintained and runs smoothly; we are very grateful for your help.

Bridford Fete Tug of War

Bridford has a long history of successfully competing in tug of war competitions throughout the South West. This continued in 2023 when Bridford beat the team from Christow in the Barbarians Cup, here’s a little clip of the winning pull Bridford’s Winning Tug of War team.

If you think you have what it takes to win the Barbarians Cup, at the Village Fete on 13th July please fill in the Tug of War Entry Form 2024 and email to Graham Padgham.

Remembering Bridford’s Tug of War History

A few remembrances about Bridford’s past connection with tug of war:

40+ years ago there was always a tug of war competition at the Bridford Fête between teams loosely linked to the valley’s pubs.

During the ’80s the Bridford team started winning our annual competition as well as others at nearby villages, such as at the Christow Show, Tedburn St Mary, etc.

It was suggested we should consider pulling at AAA events where pulls are controlled by national tug of war rules including teams being weight related eg under 600kg, 620kg, 640kg, etc.

AAA events necessitated being much fitter than for fête pulls where the heaviest team invariably won, so the Bridford team trained more or less weekly throughout the year.

Our main exercise was lifting a 45 gallon drum filled with concrete blocks up a tree via a pulley in the Old Rectory grounds.

For several years the team travelled all over the South West pulling at AAA events and winning numerous medals.

By the end of the decade the number of team members fell away as they aged and some moved away and Bridford’s successful tug of war era ended.

In 2022 fete committee agreed to revive this historical event and the Barbarians Cup was purchased and is on display in The Bridford Inn.

Bridford Barbarian Tug of War Cup Winners – 2023

Gritting Update – 7 May

No, not our Snow Team going out, looks as if it will be a different gritting team tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after. I just wanted to say that winter is now officially over ( source: DCC Highways) and I would like to thank publically our Snow Team who’ve been on stand by from last October to go out with the gritter and keep the hill open. We’re very grateful to them all for giving up their time and to everyone involved in storage, cleaning and maintenance. Fingers crossed that everyone will be willing to help out next winter. Anne

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