November 2013 Parish Council minutes

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday November 4th 2013 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), A Lord, J Bingham, E Price, D Goodwin-Hughes, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk) and two members of the public. Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting.

1 Apologies – Cllr T Evans

2 Declarations of Interest – none

3 Public Discussion – no items for discussion


4 Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of its meeting held on 7th October 2013 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5 Allotments – all allotments now taken and all paid up to date for the next twelve months. The contractor has been asked to cut back the hedge along the top of the allotment ground.

6 Play Area – the sea-saw has been removed. This completes the advisory items on the RoSPA 2013 report.

7 Village Hall – there has been a film show for village residents. A further showing on 23rd November will be open to other valley parishes. Next village hall meeting 5th November.

8 Textile Recycling Bank – the village hall committee has revised its request to receive some of the proceeds from a textile bank to 20%. The Parish Council has agreed to this but to be reviewed after 12 months. Village Hall secretary has offered to assist with sorting and bagging contents. Rag Bag will now be asked to deliver container.


8a Snow Warden confirmed that DCC has offered to supply a further two tons of salt/grit to top up Bridford’s supply. The owners of Seven Acre Farm are happy for the gritter and salt/grit to continue to be stored at the farm. The Snow Warden and volunteers had undertaken 20 runs last year using 100kg of salt each time. Cllr Goodwin-Hughes (Snow Warden) has been to a Highways meeting and has asked DCC about any specific risk assessments that may be required. The salt/grit bin at the bottom of Bridford Hill is facing in towards the hedge and as it is currently full cannot be turned around, although it is still accessible.

9 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council – none


Items for Discussion

10 Pound Cottage, Bridford – proposed extension to dwelling (DNPA ref. 0561/13). Deferred pending a site visit by the Parish Council.

11 Venn Bridge Farm, Bridford – proposed agricultural storage building (15m x 9m) (DNPA ref. 0551/13). After discussion, Parish Council had “no objections”.

12 Any items for discussion received since publication of the agenda Seven Views, Bridford – proposed replacement dwelling (DNPA ref. ) Deferred pending a site visit by the Parish Council

For Information – none

13 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none


14 Account balances as at 30 October 2013 – current account £4,531.94 and deposit account

£2,978.28 (balances include £851 earmarked for Play Area and £25 Christmas tree expenses) Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

15 Income – Allotment rents V Harrison £ 30.00

A Hawksworth £ 15.00

B Curtis ` £ 15.00

Allotment Deposits A Hawksworth £ 15.00

B Curtis £ 15.00

Old Bridford website – balance of account £ 44.16

Bank interest July £ 0.24

Bank interest August £ 0.25

TDC 2nd half annual precept £3.125.00

16 Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for October 2013 £ 170.51

D Cox re removal of sea-saw £50 + £10 V.A.T. £ 60.00

HMRC re PAYE quarter ended 5 October 2013 £ 129.00

The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure.

The Chairman checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.


17 Bridford Woodland Trust – request for financial assistance towards cost of signage. The Parish Council would be happy to support any applications to erect directional signage but is unable to assist financially.

18 Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

Ashton Community Design Statement – would not affect Bridford, but interesting document circulated to Parish Councillors for information.


19 DNPA Forum – next meeting 29 November 2013. Any items for consideration to be submitted by15th November. The Chairman will represent Bridford Parish.

20 Highway Safety Awareness Training Workshops – details of venues

21 Notice of Road Closure – B3212 Westcott Lane/Toll Cottage/Cossick Cross/Westcott Cross

The diversion will be signposted.

22 Travelling in Winter – updated leaflet 2013/2014 issued by DCC. Circulated to members of the Parish Council.

23 Parish Council meeting dates for 2014 circulated. Will be published on the notice board, website and in Unity.

24 Warnings

Bogus phone calls have been received by the farming community, the caller purporting to represent the Farm Watch Scheme and requesting donations in support of the scheme.

An incident occurred in the Whitestone are where a horse was injured by unknown means. Horse owners are advised to be aware of this incident and be vigilant.

25 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

Details of the Elector Fund – available from the Clerk

Plunkett Foundation Grants – details available from the Clerk

26 District Councillors Report from Dst Cllr Stephen Purser. Plan Teignbridge now likely to be agreed by the Inspector but with significant alterations, thought to be an increase in the proposed number of planned new houses. The ‘Health and Wellbeing’ plan is currently being developed. Closure of public toilets – Teignbridge are going to go ahead and consult with the Parishes.

27 Public Discussion – a Parishioner asked if the new housing referred to in the District Councillor’s report would be for local people. Of the current 12,500 proposed, only 2,500 are meant to be in the affordable housing bracket. The rest will be available on the open


Cllr Lord has contacted the bus company with regard to Christmas New Year bus timetable which will see no buses operating from Bridford to Newton Abbot from 18th December to 8th January. Has also contacted DCC to ask if a bus service could be made available on 23rd December.

Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.45pm. The Chairman welcomed him and invited him to Speak. Cnty Cllr Brook spoke about the proposed forthcoming closure of the B3193 Valley Road for repairs at Whetcombe Bridge where the safety barriers have gone, the road has been undermined and it will be necessary to dig into the bank. The road will be closed for some considerable time. With DCC always looking to place traffic diversions on the widest roads, this diversion will take drivers via Bovey Tracey and Moretonhampstead. With locals opting to use minor roads, this will cause much congestion. Parish Councillors voiced concern about whether these road works will affect the gritting of what is a primary gritting route.

Cnty Cllr Brook has asked for a public consultation meeting at the Teign Valley Community Hall at the end of this month. It is vitally important to get this right and it is suggested that trees should be removed during the operation to prevent further future road movement.

Community Budget – Cnty Cllr Brook has allocated £1,000 to each Parish and is looking to use these funds by the end of March.

Cllr Lord advised Cnty Cllr Brook of the situation regarding the local bus service over the Christmas and New Year period.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 8.04pm

28 Date of next meeting – Monday 2nd December 2013 at the Village Hall. All are welcome.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.05pm

Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairman 2nd December 2013


Newsletters & Magazines

Healthwatch Voices October 2013

Report and Agendas

Dunsford PC September 2013 minutes

Local Police reports


Article relating to Dog Law

Letters sent







Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday November 4th 2013 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), A Lord, J Bingham, E Price, D Goodwin-Hughes, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk) and two members of the public. Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting.

1 Apologies – Cllr T Evans

2 Declarations of Interest – none

3 Public Discussion – no items for discussion


4 Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of its meeting held on 7th

October 2013 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5 Allotments – all allotments now taken and all paid up to date for the next twelve months.

The contractor has been asked to cut back the hedge along the top of the allotment ground.

6 Play Area – the sea-saw has been removed. This completes the advisory items on the RoSPA

2013 report.

7 Village Hall – there has been a film show for village residents. A further showing on 23rd

November will be open to other valley parishes. Next village hall meeting 5th November.

8 Textile Recycling Bank – the village hall committee has revised its request to receive some of

the proceeds from a textile bank to 20%. The Parish Council has agreed to this but to be reviewed after 12 months. Village Hall secretary has offered to assist with sorting and bagging contents. Rag Bag will now be asked to deliver container.


8a Snow Warden confirmed that DCC has offered to supply a further two tons of salt/grit to top

up Bridford’s supply. The owners of Seven Acre Farm are happy for the gritter and salt/grit to

continue to be stored at the farm. The Snow Warden and volunteers had undertaken 20 runs

last year using 100kg of salt each time. Cllr Goodwin-Hughes (Snow Warden) has been to a

Highways meeting and has asked DCC about any specific risk assessments that may be

required. The salt/grit bin at the bottom of Bridford Hill is facing in towards the hedge and

as it is currently full cannot be turned around, although it is still accessible.

9 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council – none


Items for Discussion

10 Pound Cottage, Bridford – proposed extension to dwelling (DNPA ref. 0561/13). Deferred

pending a site visit by the Parish Council.

11 Venn Bridge Farm, Bridford – proposed agricultural storage building (15m x 9m)

(DNPA ref. 0551/13). After discussion, Parish Council had “no objections”.

12 Any items for discussion received since publication of the agenda

Seven Views, Bridford – proposed replacement dwelling (DNPA ref. ) Deferred pending a

site visit by the Parish Council

For Information – none

13 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none


14 Account balances as at 30 October 2013 – current account £4,531.94 and deposit account

£2,978.28 (balances include £851 earmarked for Play Area and £25 Christmas tree

expenses) Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

15 Income – Allotment rents V Harrison £ 30.00

A Hawksworth £ 15.00



B Curtis ` £ 15.00

Allotment Deposits A Hawksworth £ 15.00

B Curtis £ 15.00

Old Bridford website – balance of account £ 44.16

Bank interest July £ 0.24

Bank interest August £ 0.25

TDC 2nd half annual precept £3.125.00

16 Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for October 2013 £ 170.51

D Cox re removal of sea-saw £50 + £10 V.A.T. £ 60.00

HMRC re PAYE quarter ended 5 October 2013 £ 129.00

The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure.

The Chairman checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the

bank statement.


17 Bridford Woodland Trust – request for financial assistance towards cost of signage. The

Parish Council would be happy to support any applications to erect directional signage but is

unable to assist financially.

18 Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

Ashton Community Design Statement – would not affect Bridford, but interesting document

circulated to Parish Councillors for information.


19 DNPA Forum – next meeting 29 November 2013. Any items for consideration to be submitted by15th November. The Chairman will represent Bridford Parish.

20 Highway Safety Awareness Training Workshops – details of venues

21 Notice of Road Closure – B3212 Westcott Lane/Toll Cottage/Cossick Cross/Westcott Cross

The diversion will be signposted.

22 Travelling in Winter – updated leaflet 2013/2014 issued by DCC. Circulated to members of

the Parish Council.

23 Parish Council meeting dates for 2014 circulated. Will be published on the notice board, website and in Unity.

24 Warnings

Bogus phone calls have been received by the farming community, the caller purporting to represent the Farm Watch Scheme and requesting donations in support of the scheme.

An incident occurred in the Whitestone are where a horse was injured by unknown means.

Horse owners are advised to be aware of this incident and be vigilant.

25 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

Details of the Elector Fund – available from the Clerk

Plunkett Foundation Grants – details available from the Clerk

26 District Councillors Report from Dst Cllr Stephen Purser. Plan Teignbridge now likely to be

agreed by the Inspector but with significant alterations, thought to be an increase in the

proposed number of planned new houses. The ‘Health and Wellbeing’ plan is currently being

developed. Closure of public toilets – Teignbridge are going to go ahead and consult with

the Parishes.

27 Public Discussion – a Parishioner asked if the new housing referred to in the District

Councillor’s report would be for local people. Of the current 12,500 proposed, only 2,500



are meant to be in the affordable housing bracket. The rest will be available on the open


Cllr Lord has contacted the bus company with regard to Christmas New Year bus timetable

which will see no buses operating from Bridford to Newton Abbot from 18th December to 8th

January. Has also contacted DCC to ask if a bus service could be made available on

23rd December.

Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.45pm. The Chairman welcomed him and invited him to

Speak. Cnty Cllr Brook spoke about the proposed forthcoming closure of the B3193 Valley

Road for repairs at Whetcombe Bridge where the safety barriers have gone, the road has been

undermined and it will be necessary to dig into the bank. The road will be closed for some

considerable time. With DCC always looking to place traffic diversions on the widest roads,

this diversion will take drivers via Bovey Tracey and Moretonhampstead. With locals opting

to use minor roads, this will cause much congestion. Parish Councillors voiced concern about

whether these road works will affect the gritting of what is a primary gritting route.

Cnty Cllr Brook has asked for a public consultation meeting at the Teign Valley Community

Hall at the end of this month. It is vitally important to get this right and it is suggested that

trees should be removed during the operation to prevent further future road movement.

Community Budget – Cnty Cllr Brook has allocated £1,000 to each Parish and is looking to

use these funds by the end of March.

Cllr Lord advised Cnty Cllr Brook of the situation regarding the local bus service over the

Christmas and New Year period.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 8.04pm


28 Date of next meeting – Monday 2nd December 2013 at the Village Hall. All are welcome.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.05pm




Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairman 2nd December 2013




Newsletters & Magazines

Healthwatch Voices October 2013

Report and Agendas

Dunsford PC September 2013 minutes

Local Police reports


Article relating to Dog Law

Letters sent








Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday November 4th 2013 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), A Lord, J Bingham, E Price, D Goodwin-Hughes, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk) and two members of the public. Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting.

1 Apologies – Cllr T Evans

2 Declarations of Interest – none

3 Public Discussion – no items for discussion


4 Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of its meeting held on 7th

October 2013 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5 Allotments – all allotments now taken and all paid up to date for the next twelve months.

The contractor has been asked to cut back the hedge along the top of the allotment ground.

6 Play Area – the sea-saw has been removed. This completes the advisory items on the RoSPA

2013 report.

7 Village Hall – there has been a film show for village residents. A further showing on 23rd

November will be open to other valley parishes. Next village hall meeting 5th November.

8 Textile Recycling Bank – the village hall committee has revised its request to receive some of

the proceeds from a textile bank to 20%. The Parish Council has agreed to this but to be reviewed after 12 months. Village Hall secretary has offered to assist with sorting and bagging contents. Rag Bag will now be asked to deliver container.


8a Snow Warden confirmed that DCC has offered to supply a further two tons of salt/grit to top

up Bridford’s supply. The owners of Seven Acre Farm are happy for the gritter and salt/grit to

continue to be stored at the farm. The Snow Warden and volunteers had undertaken 20 runs

last year using 100kg of salt each time. Cllr Goodwin-Hughes (Snow Warden) has been to a

Highways meeting and has asked DCC about any specific risk assessments that may be

required. The salt/grit bin at the bottom of Bridford Hill is facing in towards the hedge and

as it is currently full cannot be turned around, although it is still accessible.

9 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council – none


Items for Discussion

10 Pound Cottage, Bridford – proposed extension to dwelling (DNPA ref. 0561/13). Deferred

pending a site visit by the Parish Council.

11 Venn Bridge Farm, Bridford – proposed agricultural storage building (15m x 9m)

(DNPA ref. 0551/13). After discussion, Parish Council had “no objections”.

12 Any items for discussion received since publication of the agenda

Seven Views, Bridford – proposed replacement dwelling (DNPA ref. ) Deferred pending a

site visit by the Parish Council

For Information – none

13 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none


14 Account balances as at 30 October 2013 – current account £4,531.94 and deposit account

£2,978.28 (balances include £851 earmarked for Play Area and £25 Christmas tree

expenses) Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

15 Income – Allotment rents V Harrison £ 30.00

A Hawksworth £ 15.00



B Curtis ` £ 15.00

Allotment Deposits A Hawksworth £ 15.00

B Curtis £ 15.00

Old Bridford website – balance of account £ 44.16

Bank interest July £ 0.24

Bank interest August £ 0.25

TDC 2nd half annual precept £3.125.00

16 Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for October 2013 £ 170.51

D Cox re removal of sea-saw £50 + £10 V.A.T. £ 60.00

HMRC re PAYE quarter ended 5 October 2013 £ 129.00

The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure.

The Chairman checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the

bank statement.


17 Bridford Woodland Trust – request for financial assistance towards cost of signage. The

Parish Council would be happy to support any applications to erect directional signage but is

unable to assist financially.

18 Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

Ashton Community Design Statement – would not affect Bridford, but interesting document

circulated to Parish Councillors for information.


19 DNPA Forum – next meeting 29 November 2013. Any items for consideration to be submitted by15th November. The Chairman will represent Bridford Parish.

20 Highway Safety Awareness Training Workshops – details of venues

21 Notice of Road Closure – B3212 Westcott Lane/Toll Cottage/Cossick Cross/Westcott Cross

The diversion will be signposted.

22 Travelling in Winter – updated leaflet 2013/2014 issued by DCC. Circulated to members of

the Parish Council.

23 Parish Council meeting dates for 2014 circulated. Will be published on the notice board, website and in Unity.

24 Warnings

Bogus phone calls have been received by the farming community, the caller purporting to represent the Farm Watch Scheme and requesting donations in support of the scheme.

An incident occurred in the Whitestone are where a horse was injured by unknown means.

Horse owners are advised to be aware of this incident and be vigilant.

25 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

Details of the Elector Fund – available from the Clerk

Plunkett Foundation Grants – details available from the Clerk

26 District Councillors Report from Dst Cllr Stephen Purser. Plan Teignbridge now likely to be

agreed by the Inspector but with significant alterations, thought to be an increase in the

proposed number of planned new houses. The ‘Health and Wellbeing’ plan is currently being

developed. Closure of public toilets – Teignbridge are going to go ahead and consult with

the Parishes.

27 Public Discussion – a Parishioner asked if the new housing referred to in the District

Councillor’s report would be for local people. Of the current 12,500 proposed, only 2,500



are meant to be in the affordable housing bracket. The rest will be available on the open


Cllr Lord has contacted the bus company with regard to Christmas New Year bus timetable

which will see no buses operating from Bridford to Newton Abbot from 18th December to 8th

January. Has also contacted DCC to ask if a bus service could be made available on

23rd December.

Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.45pm. The Chairman welcomed him and invited him to

Speak. Cnty Cllr Brook spoke about the proposed forthcoming closure of the B3193 Valley

Road for repairs at Whetcombe Bridge where the safety barriers have gone, the road has been

undermined and it will be necessary to dig into the bank. The road will be closed for some

considerable time. With DCC always looking to place traffic diversions on the widest roads,

this diversion will take drivers via Bovey Tracey and Moretonhampstead. With locals opting

to use minor roads, this will cause much congestion. Parish Councillors voiced concern about

whether these road works will affect the gritting of what is a primary gritting route.

Cnty Cllr Brook has asked for a public consultation meeting at the Teign Valley Community

Hall at the end of this month. It is vitally important to get this right and it is suggested that

trees should be removed during the operation to prevent further future road movement.

Community Budget – Cnty Cllr Brook has allocated £1,000 to each Parish and is looking to

use these funds by the end of March.

Cllr Lord advised Cnty Cllr Brook of the situation regarding the local bus service over the

Christmas and New Year period.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 8.04pm


28 Date of next meeting – Monday 2nd December 2013 at the Village Hall. All are welcome.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.05pm




Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairman 2nd December 2013




Newsletters & Magazines

Healthwatch Voices October 2013

Report and Agendas

Dunsford PC September 2013 minutes

Local Police reports


Article relating to Dog Law

Letters sent








Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday November 4th 2013 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), A Lord, J Bingham, E Price, D Goodwin-Hughes, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk) and two members of the public. Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting.

1 Apologies – Cllr T Evans

2 Declarations of Interest – none

3 Public Discussion – no items for discussion


4 Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of its meeting held on 7th

October 2013 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5 Allotments – all allotments now taken and all paid up to date for the next twelve months.

The contractor has been asked to cut back the hedge along the top of the allotment ground.

6 Play Area – the sea-saw has been removed. This completes the advisory items on the RoSPA

2013 report.

7 Village Hall – there has been a film show for village residents. A further showing on 23rd

November will be open to other valley parishes. Next village hall meeting 5th November.

8 Textile Recycling Bank – the village hall committee has revised its request to receive some of

the proceeds from a textile bank to 20%. The Parish Council has agreed to this but to be reviewed after 12 months. Village Hall secretary has offered to assist with sorting and bagging contents. Rag Bag will now be asked to deliver container.


8a Snow Warden confirmed that DCC has offered to supply a further two tons of salt/grit to top

up Bridford’s supply. The owners of Seven Acre Farm are happy for the gritter and salt/grit to

continue to be stored at the farm. The Snow Warden and volunteers had undertaken 20 runs

last year using 100kg of salt each time. Cllr Goodwin-Hughes (Snow Warden) has been to a

Highways meeting and has asked DCC about any specific risk assessments that may be

required. The salt/grit bin at the bottom of Bridford Hill is facing in towards the hedge and

as it is currently full cannot be turned around, although it is still accessible.

9 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council – none


Items for Discussion

10 Pound Cottage, Bridford – proposed extension to dwelling (DNPA ref. 0561/13). Deferred

pending a site visit by the Parish Council.

11 Venn Bridge Farm, Bridford – proposed agricultural storage building (15m x 9m)

(DNPA ref. 0551/13). After discussion, Parish Council had “no objections”.

12 Any items for discussion received since publication of the agenda

Seven Views, Bridford – proposed replacement dwelling (DNPA ref. ) Deferred pending a

site visit by the Parish Council

For Information – none

13 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none


14 Account balances as at 30 October 2013 – current account £4,531.94 and deposit account

£2,978.28 (balances include £851 earmarked for Play Area and £25 Christmas tree

expenses) Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

15 Income – Allotment rents V Harrison £ 30.00

A Hawksworth £ 15.00



B Curtis ` £ 15.00

Allotment Deposits A Hawksworth £ 15.00

B Curtis £ 15.00

Old Bridford website – balance of account £ 44.16

Bank interest July £ 0.24

Bank interest August £ 0.25

TDC 2nd half annual precept £3.125.00

16 Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for October 2013 £ 170.51

D Cox re removal of sea-saw £50 + £10 V.A.T. £ 60.00

HMRC re PAYE quarter ended 5 October 2013 £ 129.00

The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure.

The Chairman checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the

bank statement.


17 Bridford Woodland Trust – request for financial assistance towards cost of signage. The

Parish Council would be happy to support any applications to erect directional signage but is

unable to assist financially.

18 Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

Ashton Community Design Statement – would not affect Bridford, but interesting document

circulated to Parish Councillors for information.


19 DNPA Forum – next meeting 29 November 2013. Any items for consideration to be submitted by15th November. The Chairman will represent Bridford Parish.

20 Highway Safety Awareness Training Workshops – details of venues

21 Notice of Road Closure – B3212 Westcott Lane/Toll Cottage/Cossick Cross/Westcott Cross

The diversion will be signposted.

22 Travelling in Winter – updated leaflet 2013/2014 issued by DCC. Circulated to members of

the Parish Council.

23 Parish Council meeting dates for 2014 circulated. Will be published on the notice board, website and in Unity.

24 Warnings

Bogus phone calls have been received by the farming community, the caller purporting to represent the Farm Watch Scheme and requesting donations in support of the scheme.

An incident occurred in the Whitestone are where a horse was injured by unknown means.

Horse owners are advised to be aware of this incident and be vigilant.

25 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

Details of the Elector Fund – available from the Clerk

Plunkett Foundation Grants – details available from the Clerk

26 District Councillors Report from Dst Cllr Stephen Purser. Plan Teignbridge now likely to be

agreed by the Inspector but with significant alterations, thought to be an increase in the

proposed number of planned new houses. The ‘Health and Wellbeing’ plan is currently being

developed. Closure of public toilets – Teignbridge are going to go ahead and consult with

the Parishes.

27 Public Discussion – a Parishioner asked if the new housing referred to in the District

Councillor’s report would be for local people. Of the current 12,500 proposed, only 2,500



are meant to be in the affordable housing bracket. The rest will be available on the open


Cllr Lord has contacted the bus company with regard to Christmas New Year bus timetable

which will see no buses operating from Bridford to Newton Abbot from 18th December to 8th

January. Has also contacted DCC to ask if a bus service could be made available on

23rd December.

Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.45pm. The Chairman welcomed him and invited him to

Speak. Cnty Cllr Brook spoke about the proposed forthcoming closure of the B3193 Valley

Road for repairs at Whetcombe Bridge where the safety barriers have gone, the road has been

undermined and it will be necessary to dig into the bank. The road will be closed for some

considerable time. With DCC always looking to place traffic diversions on the widest roads,

this diversion will take drivers via Bovey Tracey and Moretonhampstead. With locals opting

to use minor roads, this will cause much congestion. Parish Councillors voiced concern about

whether these road works will affect the gritting of what is a primary gritting route.

Cnty Cllr Brook has asked for a public consultation meeting at the Teign Valley Community

Hall at the end of this month. It is vitally important to get this right and it is suggested that

trees should be removed during the operation to prevent further future road movement.

Community Budget – Cnty Cllr Brook has allocated £1,000 to each Parish and is looking to

use these funds by the end of March.

Cllr Lord advised Cnty Cllr Brook of the situation regarding the local bus service over the

Christmas and New Year period.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 8.04pm


28 Date of next meeting – Monday 2nd December 2013 at the Village Hall. All are welcome.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.05pm




Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairman 2nd December 2013




Newsletters & Magazines

Healthwatch Voices October 2013

Report and Agendas

Dunsford PC September 2013 minutes

Local Police reports


Article relating to Dog Law

Letters sent
