Minutes of Combined Annual Parish & Parish Council Meeting May 2014

Minutes of the combined Annual Parish meeting and Annual Parish Council meeting held at Bridford Village Hall on Wednesday May 14th 2014 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), G Hearnden, A Lord, J Bingham, D Goodwin-Hughes, E Price, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Simon Lee (DNPA Ranger) and one member of the public.

Cnty Cllr J Brook attended for part of the meeting.

1        Election of Chairman – Cllr S Purser was unanimously re-elected as Chairman by a show of hands.

2        Election of Vice Chairman – Cllr G Hearnden was unanimously re-elected as vice Chairman by a show of hands.

3        Acceptance of Office Forms were signed by both the Chairman and vice Chairman in the presence of the Clerk.

4        Apologies – Cllr T Evans

5        Declarations of Interest – none

6        Appointment of Committees

Neighbourhood Watch                           Steve Simm

Rural Aid                                                  Cllr S Purser

Village Hall                                               Cllr A Lord

TALC                                                        Cllr S Purser

DNPA Consultative Committee            All member of the Parish Council

Bridford Trust                                           Cllrs S Purser & D Goodwin-Hughes

Planning                                                    All member of the Parish Council

Lengthsman                                              the Clerk

Playing Field                                             Cllr E Price

Tree Warden                                             David Price

Parish Plan Development                       All members of the Parish Council

Allotments Representative                     Francis Leversedge

Allotments PC Representative                 Cllr E Price

Website                                                       Jarrod Poynton & the Clerk

Snow Warden                                           Cllr Goodwin-Hughes

7        Chairman’s Report – see appendix A

8        DNPA Ranger’s Report – see appendix B

Cnty Councillor J Brook joined the meeting at 7.20pm – he was welcomed by the   Chairman and invited to speak.

At the Budget Consultation meeting that day, there was a desire to extend the consultation period with more Councillors taking part and not just the ‘controlling party’.  The view of the Council is that there is little or no option to what they are having to do.  In the next phase it will be necessary to look at services.  The latest report on the roads show that very good progress is being made, but there are still a lot of major potholes still to be repaired.  If there are issues raised, the most cost effective ways must be found of dealing with them.  There are hard times ahead.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 7.35pm

9        Public Discussion

A Councillor raised the subject of potholes on the local bus route.  Members of the


public are encouraged to report potholes online.

An ash tree is causing concern, believed to be on Bridford Barton land, adjacent to 7 Moreton Terrace.   Contact to be made with Brian Beasley (DNPA) to look at the tree.

The hedge adjoining the road at Week Bottom opposite the lay-by, has not been cut for a number of years. Contact to be made with Simon Pearson to see if arrangements can be made for it to be cut at the end of the nesting season.

A Councillor reported increased activity at a building between Pole Farm and Lower Hole.  The Chairman confirmed that the building has been occupied for a number of years.

A Councillor mentioned the hand written sign on the gate of the Play Park.  The Parish Council agreed that, as there was money available for the Play Park use, a professional sign should be obtained.  TDC to be contacted to see if they will provide a board or if they can advise the appropriate wording.


10      Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7th April as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

11       Allotments – allotment 6a/7a has a new tenant.  Unable to contact tenant of plot 3. Parish Council to send a recorded delivery letter to last known address to advise that the tenancy agreement has been cancelled.  Plot to be advertised.

12       Play Area – Cllr Bingham has cut back the branches overhanging the fort. The Chairman thanked Cllr Bingham for volunteering to do this.

13        Village Hall – the treasurer is leaving the village and resigning.  Arrangements will be made after the next meeting to find a replacement.


14     Meetings Attended – Cllr Lord attended a meeting of the Village Hall committee as above.  Cllr Goodwin-Hughes attended a “Rails Resilience” meeting, which touched on options re the existing Dawlish line. The old Teign Valley line was mentioned. Okehampton could be the cheaper option.


Items for Discussion

15    Seven Acre Farm – deferred from last meeting pending site visit and comments already submitted due to timescales.   Proposed agricultural workers dwelling (DNPA ref. 0165/14)  “The PC fully and strongly supports this application.  The applicant is a major employer in Bridford bringing economic benefit to the village.  The proposed location is very suitable and will provide benefits in separating the manager’s children from the dangers of a farm yard and increase bio security for visitors.  The “long house” design will fit within the landscape and there are no problems with the access.  There are few dairy farmers left in Devon and this farm has the Parish Council’s full support.”

16    Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda

Land at Pound Lane re proposed erection of timber storage barn (5.4m x 3.6m) (DNPA ref. 0232/14).  The Parish Council previously objected to an application on


this site.  The Parish Council objects to this application on the same basis of the visual intrusion in currently open countryside.”

Southwood, Pound Lane re proposed single storey side extension (DNPA ref. 0250/14)   “The Parish Council has no objection but questions the use of Eternet cladding in relation to the Dartmoor Development Guidelines, especially as no pre-application advice has been sought.”

Items for information

17    Rock Valley Farm, Doccombe – re proposed  construction of agricultural storage Barn (22.9m x 9.2m).  The application has been withdrawn.  (DNPA ref. 0155/14)

18   Pound Cottage, Bridford – Notice of appeal has been submitted against refusal of planning permission

19   Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda – none


20    Unbanked cheque no. 000669 –  dated 7 October 2013.  Payee has mislaid cheque.  The Parish Council authorised the cancellation of this  cheque and the issue of a replacement.

21   Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Electors Rights – has been displayed on the main notice board

22   External Audit – the date of the external audit is 2nd June 2014.

23   Internal Audit – date awaiting confirmation from auditor.

24   Receipts and Payments Account year ended 31 March 2014 The Parish Council resolved to approve the year end Receipts and Payment account prepared by the Clerk.

25     Annual Return year ended 31 March 2014 –  the Parish Council answered ‘yes’ to all the questions in the Annual Governance Statement and resolved to approve and accept the accounts in section one and the Annual Governance Statement in section two.

26    Annual End of Year PAYE Returns year ended 5 April 2014 have been submitted to

27    Account Balances as at 29th April 2014 – current account £5,601.20 and deposit account £3,172.59 (balances include £851 earmarked for Play Area, £120 balance re refund of allotment deposits  and £88.40 balance re proceeds of textile bank)

Balances take into account expenditure and income below

28    Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for April 2014                               £ 176.88

Mrs J Lockwood – replacement of lost cheque re allotment

deposit refund                                                                                       £   15.00

Mr C Baxter refund of 5 months allotment rent          £12.50

refund of allotment deposit                      £30.00      £  42.50

Bridford Village Hall re contribution to PO rent         £44.50

re hire of room for PC meetings £42.00       £ 86.50

Society of Local Council Clerks annual subscription                      £  76.00


29    Income

Cancellation of lost cheque Mrs J Lockwood                              £     15.00

Bank interest March 2014                                                                     £       0.24

First half of precept £3,250 less DALC sub deducted by TDC       £3,135.27

The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise payment of the expenditure.  The Chairman checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.


30    Parish Plan – possible dates to be circulated to Parish Councillors.  Date to be decided

at the next PC meeting.

31    Any Items received for discussion since publication of the agenda – none


32    Devon Waste Plan – has been submitted to the Secretary of State for independent

examination.  Documents can be viewed at www.devon.gov.uk/dwpsubmission 

33   Devon Remembers the First World War – website link: www.devonremembers.info

34   Teignbridge Citizens’ Advice Bureau – free conference Newton Abbot Race Course

10 June.

35   Fields in Trust – Have a Field Day event.

36  Three Parishes Meeting – to be held at Dunsford Village Hall on 20th May at 7.00pm.

37  Teignbridge Local Plan Inspector’s Report – can be viewed at

www.teignbridge.gov.uk/planteignbridge  Hard copy can be viewed during office

hours at Forde House, Newton Abbot

37a  Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

Rural Aid – the closing date for Rural Aid applications is 16th May 2014.

Laployd Bridleway & Windblow Clearance – work will commence week beginning

12th May.

Teignbridge Community Infrastructure Levy – the Examiner’s Report has been

received and can be read via the Council’s website at www.teignbridge.gov.uk/cil

Funding for War Memorials – grants being provided by English Heritage and the

Wolfson Foundation in association with Friends of War Memorials.  For details visit


Neighbourhood Planning Fund – the Department for Communities and Local

Government has launched a new £9.5m fund to support Neighbourhood Planning

which is available until the end of March 2015.

Western Power has issued guidance to what should be kept at home in the case of

a power cut emergency to help Parish Councils to better prepare their communities.

38  Warnings/Messages from Devon and Cornwall Police – reports have been received of

a burglary from Finlake Holiday Park in Chudleigh.  Gardening equipment of

considerable value was removed and stolen from a locked metal container between

13th and 14th March.  Anyone who has been offered any heavy duty gardening

equipment from these dates or has any information should contact the police on the

101 telephone number.


Children who have taken part in the ‘Cop Cards’ competition should hand in

their sticker albums by the end of June.

39   Devon Libraries consultation & Drop in Sessions – 15th May at Christow Church

40   District Councillor’s Report

Dst Cllr Purser reported that the Local Plan has been formally adopted and in place.

There are now designated areas for the 12,400 houses to be built in the community.

At the Annual Meeting, a new Chairman and vice Chairman were elected.  The

Community Infrastructure Levy Examiner’s Report has been received, the table of

rates is now in place.   Christow toilets will probably be taken over the Christow PC

The old Blackler’s site will now be a new University Training Centre.

41   Public Discussion – there were no other items for discussion

42   Date of next meeting – Monday 2nd June 2014 in the Village Hall


Original minutes signed by the Chairman       2nd June 2014




Notice of Election for the South West Electoral Region

List of Teignbridge Precepts for 2014/15


Junkmail issue 14

Healthwatch Voices Spring 2014

Reports and Agendas

Dunsford PC March minutes

Christow PC March minutes

Letters sent
