Tree Work – Back Road to Christow – 14th May

Tree surgeons will be working on the back road from Bridford to Christow between 9am and 4pm. They’ll be removing dead and dangerous trees that overhand the road. The road will remain open, but if you can avoid using it then it will make their life easier and most probably yours.

Revised Bin/Recycling Dates (no collection this week)

Due to the recent snow/severe weather conditions, the green bin and recycling boxes collection did not take place this week.

The next Tuesday collection will take place on Tuesday 27th March when black bins and recycling boxes will be emptied.

The collection the following week will be on Thursday 5th April (not Tuesday due to the Easter Bank Holidays) when green bins and recycling boxes will be emptied.  (Always assuming, of course, that we don’t get any more snow!!)

See Teignbridge website for details on when your bins and boxes are emptied.

Gritting Update

Thanks to Matt and David G who went out tonight to grit the hill. Do though take it carefully, our volunteers go out once, DCC is going out at least twice tonight on their routes.
If anyone else would like to join the team, we are short of drivers, it cannot be done without a 4WD and tow bar. If you would like to help then the Chair of the Parish Council, Francis Miles can explain the position on insurance.


B3193 Spara Retaining Wall Road Closures

The B3193 at Spara Retaining Wall is scheduled to be closed on the following dates between 8.30am – 3.30pm:

Monday 8th – Thursday 11th January 2018

Monday 15th – Tuesday 16th January 2018

The road will be closed from Spara Bridge crossroads with Lower Ashton to the junction of Christow


Bridford Rubbish Collections over Christmas


Usual collection on Tuesday 26th December  is on Thursday 28th December. And it’s green bin day.

Usual collection on Tuesday 2nd January is on Thursday 4th January. And it’s black bin day.

Usual collection on Tuesday 9th January is on Wednesday 10th January. And it’s green bin day.


Wrapping paper can be recycled providing it passes the scrunch test. Scrunch up your wrapping paper it it bounces back it contains foil and cannot be recycled, if it stays scrunched it’s fine. And you can put in your green box.

Christmas Cards can be put in the green box if they don’t contain glitter or foil. Otherwise they go in the black bin.

Real Christmas Trees can be taken to one of the Christmas Tree drop off points or if you are a green bin subscriber then branches less than 10cm in diameter can be chopped up and put in your green bin.

Full details from Teignbridge –




20 concerned citizens met on September 12th to talk again about the response of the village to the likely fall of snow this winter. The hope was for an avalanche of volunteers!
Following the meeting, the Parish Council will continue to lobby County Highways twice a year in criticism of their primary gritting route. Some new arguments were proposed and will be set out.
Until the County Council sees sense, Bridford Village must rely on self-help – or go into isolation for the duration. A team of 12 volunteers would do the task and spread the burden.
So amongst all those of you who have read so far, might there be any prepared to help out – for winter 2017-18, not for ever – with the following tasks:
3 more people to take out the gritter (we have 6)
1 or 2 more people also equipped with a suitable towing vehicle (we have 2)
1 mechanic to repair the gritter this autumn (if none we’ll take it to a commercial concern to do)
2 people who, in daylight and after the cold spell, will clean and maintain the gritter (teenagers?)
AND 1 or 2 people to share the role of administrator (snow warden) who will receive automated ice warnings and call out teams in rotation. (more sedentary types?)
Please contact Francis 01647 252750 if you can help