Volunteers Required to Ensure Bridford Hill is Accessible and Safe in Winter


Our Snow Warden has a few volunteers who are willing to go out with the new grit spreader but we do need more drivers with access to a 4×4 vehicle with a tow hitch to come forward and offer their services. The more drivers and vehicles that can be called upon, the less often they will be needed to go out.

We know that Devon County will not budge from their decisions to remove Bridford from the primary gritting route, so it really is a case of the village looking after itself!

Our District and County Councillors have provided funds to finance a new towable grit spreader which is making the job a lot easier and taking less time to do. If it is important for you and your family to have safe access in and out of the village, be it for school, work or for medical appointments then please do consider if you would be willing to leave the comfort of your home for an hour or so to join the Snow Warden’s team to go out and grit the hill.

We are fortunate that we do not have the atrocious weather that other parts of the world are currently experiencing, but the real cold snap is on its way and the reality is that if we are to avoid accidents on the hill, then BRIDFORD MUST BE PREPARED!!

We are not only looking for men. There are some fit women out there who would be most welcome and training will be given.

Please contact the Clerk tel. 252805 or email [email protected] if you would like to help.

Road Closure – Past Middle Hole Farm – 7th to 11th January

From Monday 7th January through to Friday 11th January (inclusive) the road past Middle Hole Farm will be closed in order that Devon Highways can improve the drainage. The alternative, signed, route for vehicles will be via – PACKSHEEP DOWN, MOOR BARTON, MARDON CROSS, ROAD PAST BEECH TREE FARM, ROAD PAST SMITHACOTT, ROAD PAST FURZELANDS, ROWDEN BROOK, OXENPARK GATE, NEADON LANE, POUND GATE, ROAD PAST HILLSIDE VIEW, AND VICE VERSA.


Road Closure – Road Past Beech Tree Farm, Blackingstone

Please be advised that circumstances and weather permitting, SWH will be undertaking essential highway maintenance works on behalf of Devon County Council, between 4 December and 7 December 2018.  Please be aware however that these dates may still need to change with little or no notice.

The works will involve essential Resurfacing works in the highway.  In order to carry out these works, a road closure and diversion will be in place as per the maps below.

Works will generally be undertaken between the hours of 07:00 and 18:00, although these times may vary.

Broadband User Survey

Connecting Devon and Somerset are carrying out an online survey to help them understand people’s broadband needs and compare whether these needs are being met by the service they receive.

The Broadband User Survey asks questions about current available speeds, what homes or businesses can and cannot do with their existing broadband and the levels of satisfaction with their provider. The survey typically takes about five minutes to complete online and can be found at www.connectingdevonandsomerset.co.uk/broadband-user-survey.

Please complete by Sunday 9th December.