Bridford Church Coranvirus Home Support

It is now likely that a significant amount of people in the village will have to self-isolate due to the coronavirus threat.

If you would like to be supported, please contact the local coordinator: – 

Kathy Fitzjohn – 01647 252515 or email

If you are able to offer support please contact Kathy or email Tessa with your name and contact details. Such details will be destroyed once the threat has passed and the scheme no longer needs to operate.

If you need support, please contact Kathy or Tessa with a list of shopping required, stating clearly whether alternatives are acceptable, and/or details of medication (e.g. number of items, address of pharmacy). Also, if you need someone to walk your dog.

No charge should be accepted for the collection and/or delivery of items. It is a free and voluntary service. Payment for shopping or prescription charges can be made by BACS transfer where this is possible/available. Alternatively, cheque or cash left in an envelope on the doorstop (both parties should wash/sanitise hands before and after handling cash or a cheque).

Both those offering support and those receiving it should maintain the highest level of hygiene by washing hands or using hand sanitiser both before and after contact. Do not shake hands and maintain a distance of at least 2 metres/6 feet 6 inches.