Bridford Parish Council News March 2025


Reminder: Bridford Village VE Day Celebrations

On Thursday 8th May 2025 Pip Morrison will fly the VE Day flag from the Church tower and it will stay up for a week: it is a very handsome flag.

At 3.30pm on Thursday 8th May, there will be a VE Day Tea Party in the Village Garden – a time to mingle with neighbours, wear fancy dress and take home a candle – a lamplight of peace – to light with the rest of the country at 9.30pm. Everyone is welcome.

The following evening, Friday 9th May, step back in time to 1945 with the Bridford Inn. Live music from the fabulous Hummingbirds, a 40s style menu and fancy dress.

We look forward to sharing this time with you all.



Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Monday 2nd June 2025 from 6.30pm upstairs in the Village Hall, before the regular Parish Council meeting which starts at 7pm. This is a meeting for the people of the parish and an opportunity to raise and discuss parish affairs. All parishioners are very welcome to attend.

Devon County Council Locality Funding

Bridford Parish Council was delighted to receive funding from the 2024/5 DCC Locality Fund for a new picnic bench for the play park and for hosting the FREE Community Celebration on Saturday 17th May at the Village Hall (12-3pm) to which all Bridford parishioners are invited. Many thanks to County Councillor Jerry Brook for supporting our bids.

Dog fouling in the village

Several parishioners have raised the issue of dog poo in the village, the churchyard and the woodland park. Please could dog owners be mindful of this and ensure that dog poo is picked up and dogs are not left unattended around the village. It is unpleasant for all those living, working and playing in the village and can pose a health threat to young children; please help us to keep the village clean.

Save the date! Community Celebration – Saturday 17th May


Time to celebrate our community in brilliant Bridford!

It was a house (and a view) that brought us here 6 years ago, but we soon realised we’d landed in a wonderfully welcoming community. Maybe it’s in part the challenges of the weather and the lanes, the deer and the potholes that bring folk together, but the Bridford community thrives way beyond helping a neighbour out or shifting a tree off the road! There are 3 crucial places in the village: the well-resourced village hall, the beautiful church and the fantastic Bridford Inn – our community centre in so many ways (and my husband’s second home!) But there’s so much more besides: the Woodland Park and the Bridford

Trust, the sweetest village garden, our play park, and allotments with the best views imaginable. None of these can thrive without the wonderful people of the village – people like you, dear reader – who keep everything going and form our supportive community. People like you make possible the groups and events that happen in the village – for example (and this isn’t an exhaustive list!) the long-established Twinning Society, the Bridford Fete and its committee, the Wassail, the ongoing delights of Bridford Wives, Chat

In, our Bridford community Larder, the wildlife and tree wardens, the book exchange in the phone box, the clothes bank, the Snow Team, Unity Magazine keeping us all in touch, and, of course, the Parish Council which I am now delighted to be part of.

SAVE THE DATE – Saturday May 17th 2025 12pm-3pm –

Community Celebration

– a delicious lunch and an afternoon of celebration for all the community

So, let’s celebrate the splendid people who give up their time to plan events, bake cakes, organise rotas, help out, put things up/take things down, provide lifts, report problems, sort problems and make Bridford brilliant.

On Saturday, May 17th you – and everyone in and around Bridford – is invited to join us from 12pm for lunch and an afternoon of activities in and around the Village Hall for a Community Celebration. There will be a delicious Ploughman’s Lunch with drinks and sweet treats too, along with displays and photographs celebrating village life, activities for children, music, and happy chatting – all to showcase and celebrate volunteering and community in Bridford. The event will be FREE – thank you Devon CC for their help in making this possible through Locality Funding.

If you or your group would like to put up a display, showcase your organisation, share village photos, offer an activity, or help out in any way we would love to hear from you – please contact me,

Cllr. Pippa Marriott on

Gritting Update – Sun 2 March

No change in the weather, welcome sun during the day but low temps.of zero overnight and first thing tomorrow morning, so the hill has been gritted yet again. Our thanks go to Jon and Andy. We’re very grateful to both of them.

Anne Mayes
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Gritting Update – Sat 1 March

Welcome sun during the day but we’re on a run at the moment with low temps.of zero overnight and first thing tomorrow morning so the hill has been gritted yet again. Our thanks go to Joe, again and Andy. We’re very grateful to both of them.

Anne Mayes
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Gritting Update – Fri 28 Feb

Temps of zero overnight and first thing tomorrow morning so the hill has been gritted.
Our thanks go to Joe – going out as soon as he got home – and Jarrod. We’re very grateful to both of them.

Anne Mayes
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Gritting Update – Thurs 27 Feb

Temps of zero first thing tomorrow morning so the hill has been gritted. Jon has done it, we were short of available crew unfortunately so he volunteered to go out on his own, really not ideal, we’re always looking for others to assist. If you can help please contact the Parish Clerk. Anne Mayes
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