Parish Council News May 2024

Thank you

At the Annual Council Meeting on Monday 13th May 2024 we said thank you and goodbye to Chairman Jennifer Padgham who has resigned. Jennifer served on the Parish Council for many years as a Councillor and as Chairman for the past 3 years and worked so hard to ensure the smooth running and positive future of the council. Jennifer will be missed and we all wish her well.

New Chairman

Voting took place for a new Chairman and Councillor Judy Topley was proposed and unanimously agreed upon, so was duly elected to the post. Councillor Topley signed the declaration of acceptance before taking over the meeting from Vice Chair Stephen Purser. We all wish Judy well in her new role and look forward to working together. Councillor Purser will continue as Vice Chair for a further year.

Groups and roles

Responsibilities for groups and other roles in the parish were reviewed and agreed. Many thanks to all those volunteers in the parish who help to ensure that everything is well maintained and runs smoothly; we are very grateful for your help.