Bridford Parish Council Agenda 3rd August 2015

Dear Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and members of the public are invited to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 3 August 2015 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


  • Apologies
  • Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in

any item on the agenda.

  • Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the

agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council


4   Minutes – Parish Council to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on July 6th


5   Allotments   – update

– retention of refundable deposit

6   Play Area    – update

7  Potholes

8  Angler’s Cottage

9 Leigh Cross Bridge


10 Concerns noted regarding

roads, fields and footpaths

farm machinery on Pound Lane

11 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council

12 District Councillors Report


For Discussion

13   Poole Farm, Bridford – re proposed erection of rural workers dwelling (DNPA ref. 0356/15)

14   Seven Acre Lane – Hedgerow Removal Notice

15 Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

For Information – none

16 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda


17   Account balances as at 28th July 2015 – current account £3,581.83 and deposit account

£3,247.92 (Balances include £623 earmarked for Play Area, £165 balance of refundable

deposits for allotments & £213.40 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

18   Income

Mrs S Lawrence re refundable allotment deposit                                     £ 15.00

19  Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for July 2015                                            £185.39

Mrs J P Banks – reimbursement of work on laptop (Graham Read)                       £   25.00

Mr G Dicker re 3 months verge grass cutting                                                         £152.49

Mr C Banks re work on plot 2a at the allotments                                       £   73.99

20   Audit for the year ended 31 March 2015 – completed and signed off return now received

from Grant Thornton with no issues to address. The Notice of Completion of Audit has been

published and will be put on the Parish website, together with a copy of the return.


**   21   Emails received concerning a traffic accident

22   Council Meeting Dates

23   Teign Valley Community Hall – request for representatives

24   Have we a volunteer to attend the TALC meetings?

25   Putting Bridford Hill back on the Primary Gritting Route

26   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda


27 Transparency Code – new legal duties

28   Teignbridge 2016 -2025 Council Strategy – the survey runs from 7 July – 18 August and be

completed online at or call 01626 361101

29 Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings

30   Connecting Devon and Somerset – response from Cllr Leadbetter

31   Parish and Town Council Conference 2015 – the conferences will be held on October

14 & 21, venues still to be announced.

32   The Mobile Infrastructure Project

33   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

34 Public Discussion

35   Date of next meeting – Monday 7 September 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the

Village Hall

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council

**       Item 21 will be deferred until the end of the meeting when any members of the public present

will be asked to leave.




Newsletters and Circulars

Healthwatch Voices Summer 2015

Connecting Devon and Somerset


Dunsford PC June minutes

Christow PC June minutes

Copy of TDC “Your Services Survey 2015 completed by Cllr Lord

TDC Community Infrastructure Levy Policies

Letters sent


Bridford Parish Council Minutes of Meeting 1 June 2015

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 1st June 2015 at 7.00pm.

Present:: Cllrs F Miles (Chairperson), G Hearnden, A Lord, T Evans, R Dowding, J Atkinson, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Dst Cllr Ford.  Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting.  There were no members of the public present.

  • Apologies: Cllr E Price
  • Declarations of Interest – none

2a   Statement of Intent – the new Chairperson welcomed everyone and took the opportunity to

announce her intention to:

  • make good decisions over matters relating to the Parish Council and to pass on to the appropriate bodies other matters which are reported to the Parish Council over which it has no remit.
  • keep abreast of what needs to be done and the action that should be taken.
    • Public Discussion – a huge ‘crater’ at the junction of Pound Lane and the B3193 was reported as a major hazard.  This will be photographed by the Clerk and reported to DCC Highways.

Cllr Atkinson reported that the vehicular access gate at the Play Area has dropped and requires attention.  There are stones in the grass at the Play Area which need removing. To be advised to Cllr Price.   The road markings relating to parking outside Old Harriers are becoming faint.


4    Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting and the Annual Parish meeting held on May 20th 2015 as a true and accurate record of the proceedings

5    Allotments    – one half plot vacant, advertised on the notice board and in Unity.

6    Play Area     – the overhanging branches have been cut back.  Thanks to Cllr Price and Cllr

Atkinson for their help.

7    Village Hall  – confirmation received from the Hall Secretary that subject to Clause 9 in which the former trustees stated that there would be at least six trustees, the Bridford Village Hall is now being managed in compliance with the Trust Deed adopted on 10 September 2013.  It is hoped to be able to answer any questions and be in a position to more fully expand at the July Parish Council meeting and a decision will be made as to whether the Hall Trustees are amenable to there being a Parish Council representative.

8    Anglers Cottage – the Parish Council has followed up this with Teignbridge District Council, but has yet to receive a further update.  The Parish Council gratefully accepted Dst Cllr Ford’s offer to take up the matter on its behalf.

9    Hedges at Neadon Lane – no action can be taken regarding any overgrown hedges until the nesting season is over.  This will be reviewed at that time.

10  Bridford Trust PC Representative – at the Annual Parish Council meeting, it was queried whether a Parish Council representative was required.  Cross representation on committees is useful for communication and information exchange.  The Chairperson confirmed that she is the current Bridford Trust Parish Council representative and is happy to continue.

11  Potholes – everyone is reminded that Devon County Council Highways has a “Report a Problem” webpage where any issues can be reported.  Details will be included in the village’s “welcome information booklet” and in Unity magazine.

12  New Councillor Training – the Parish Council resolved to authorise the attendance of Cllrs


Dowding and Atkinson at a New Parish Councillors course and Cllr Miles at a new Chairmanship course.  The Parish Council will pay the course fees.

13  Register of Interests and Elections Expenses forms – all Parish Councillors were reminded to submit their completed forms to TDC by 4th June 2015.


14  Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council – none

15  District Councillors Report – currently very little to report.   Dst Cllr Ford is in talks with satellite providers and is trying to gather information from each Parish in the Valley regarding Broadband and mobile phone signals.

Cnty Cllr J Brook joined the meeting 7.35pm – the Chairperson welcomed and invited him to speak. With everything having gone quiet over the election period, there was not a great deal to report.  Cnty Cllr Brook spoke about Devon’s Mineral’s Plan.  Cllr Lord asked about Blackingstone Quarry which is still live.  Most quarry licenses extend to 2042. The owner of a quarry has a responsibility to reinstate to a habitable area.  Cnty Cllr Brook has been appointed to the governing board for young people in care.  There is a statutory duty on all local authorities to do the absolute best for children in care.  Duty of responsibility is extended greatly beyond the normal age of care leavers.  Cllr Evans asked what can be done to get Bridford Hill back on the primary gritting route.  This has been fought before to no avail. There are several other routes likely to be removed from the ‘A’ route.  DCC has come to the decision that communities with less than five hundred residents are not on the list. Cnty Cllr Brook will help to fight this but it will be a serious uphill struggle to reverse the decision.  To begin again. a letter needs to be sent to Stuart Hughes the portfolio holder for Highways.  This will be on Bridford PC’s July agenda for further discussion.


For Discussion

16   Whipple Tree Farm, Bridford – Hedgerow Removal Notice (DNPA ref. BB/PB/27/15/1(51) – comments following site visit were as follows: “The Parish Council supports this application.  The proposed gate replaces a gateway which was removed by the previous owner.  There is no significant hedgerow.  The Parish Council hopes that the gateway and surrounds will be constructed and maintained in a way in keeping with the nature of a public bridleway, using stone where appropriate.”

17   Beacon Farm, Bridford – Hedgerow Removal Notice (DNPA ref. BB/PB/27/15/1(50) comments following site visit were as follows:  “The Parish Council supports this application, strongly wishing to encourage a young tenant farmer.  The hedgerow does not look particularly ancient (the line marked on the application is inaccurate).  The Parish Council hopes that the gateway and surrounds will be constructed and maintained in a way in keeping with the nature of a public bridleway using stone where appropriate.”

There was discussion of the possibility of wooden gates, but the width of the gate required cannot be achieved in wood, only metal.

18   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda – none

For Information – none

19   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda – none


20    Internal Audit – has been completed by Ken Abraham of South and West Audit Services. A clean bill of health with no issues to report.

21    Review of Bank Account Signatories – the Parish Council resolved to add Cllr Miles as a


signatory to the bank account, replacing Stephen Purser.  The Clerk will complete the change of signature forms and circulate for signature by all current and new signatories.  These are Cllrs Miles, Evans, Hearnden and Price.

22   Account balances as at 28 May 2015 – current account £4,422.01 and deposit account £3,247.39 (Balances include £623 earmarked for Play Area, £150 balance of refundable deposits for allotments & £128.60 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

23   Income

Nathan Waste re textile bank                                                            £  71.60

24   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for May 2015 including 10 additional

hours worked in connection with the elections                                          £269.46

Mrs J P Banks reimbursement of refreshment expenses

re Annual Parish Meeting                                                                          £  14.30

Wood Insurance Services                                                                         £758.32

South and West Internal Audit                                                                  £  90.00

The Parish Council resolved to accept the accounts and authorise the expenditure.

The Chairperson checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.


  • Parish Footpaths – the Parish Council is keen to assist the DNPA Ranger Simon Lee in keeping the footpaths and bridleways clear.  Any problems found should be reported to Simon who would welcome any volunteers who would like to lend him a hand.  A notice to be published in Unity asking for volunteers to walk the footpaths and to contact Simon if they wish to assist in maintaining them.

26    Election of Parish Members of DNPA – the Parish Council discussed the candidates and completed the ballot form.

27   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda – none


28    Electoral Review of Devon County Council: Draft Recommendations

Public consultation open until 6 July 2015.  Information at

29    National Survey on Rural Policing – everyone is encouraged to respond.  Survey can be

accessed at 

30    Teign Valley Community Hall – letter containing statement of operation of the Community Hall received from the secretary.

31    Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings – none

32   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda – none

33   Public Discussion – Cllr Atkinson suggested that other types of recycling banks should be available in the village.  Item to be on July agenda for discussion.  Cllr Atkinson to do some research prior to the meeting.

34   Date of next meeting  –  Monday 6 July 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the Village Hall

Original  copy of minutes signed by the Chairperson    6th July 2015



Newsletters and Circulars

DCC Emergency Management Heatwave Plan for England 2015


letter from John Bingham

RagBag Certificate

Letters sent



Bridford Parish Council Agenda for PC meeting 6th July 2015


Dear Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and members of the public are invited to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 6th July 2015 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


  • Apologies
  • Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda.
  • Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council


4    Minutes – Parish Council to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on June 1st 2015.

5    Allotments    – update

6    Play Area     – update

7    Village Hall  – update

8    Hedges / overhanging branches at Neadon Lane

9    Potholes

10  Parish Footpaths

11  Angler’s Cottage


12  Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council

13  District Councillors Report


For Discussion

14  Heltor View, Bridford  re proposed erection of timber framed building for stabling of horses (DNPA ref. 0305/15)

15   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

For Information

16   Beacon Farm, Bridford – re notification to remove a section of hedgerow.  The National Park Authority has not issued a Hedgerow Retention Notice

17   Whipple Tree Farm – re notification to remove a section of hedgerow.  The National ParK Authority has not issued a Hedgerow Retention Notice.

18   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda


19    Review of Bank Account Signatories

20   Account balances as at 39 June 2015 – current account £4,003.70 and deposit account

£3,247.65  (Balances include £623 earmarked for Play Area, £150 balance of refundable deposits for allotments & £213.40 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

21   Income

Nathan Waste re textile bank                                                                    £  84.80

22   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for June 2015                                           £185.19

Mrs J P Banks re admin expenses 1 April – 30 June 2015            £63.92

Mrs J P Banks re use of home as office 1 April – 30 June 2015   £54.00  £117.92

HMRC re Clerk’s PAYE quarter ended 5 July 2015                                               £160.00

Mrs A Cronin printing of 10 welcome leaflets                                           £  10.00

DALC re New Councillor Training for Roger Dowding £25 + £5 V.A.T.  £  30.00


23    Recycling Banks

24    Removal of Pound Lane from the primary gritting route by DCC

25    Three Parishes Meeting 2015

26    Photo of Parish Councillors

27   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda


28    Rural Skip Day 2015

29    Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings

30    Planning Training by DNPA

31    Results of Ballot for Parish Members of DNPA

32    Teignbridge Council’s New Recycling Service

33    Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

34    Public Discussion

35    Date of next meeting  –  Monday 3 August  2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the Village


Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council

Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 20 May 2015

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held following the Annual Parish Council meeting on 20th May 2015 at Bridford Village Hall

Present: Cllrs F Miles (Chairperson), G Hearnden, E Price, A Lord, T Evans, R Dowding, J Atkinson, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Dst Cllr A Ford, S Lee (DNPA Ranger) and fourteen members of the public

Apologies: Cnty Cllr J Brook

  • Welcome

The Chairperson welcomed everyone and thanked them for their support.

  • Open Forum for Members of the Public

A Parishioner asked if anything can be done about the state of Anglers Cottage which continues to deteriorate.  The Clerk confirmed that the Parish Council is in contact with Teignbridge who in turn are in talks with the owner of the property to try and get it refurbished and brought back into use.  The Clerk will chase for an update.

A Parish Councillor wished to bring Neadon Lane to the attention of the Parish Council, the hedges on the left side going down the hill being overgrown and a huge pothole which requires attention.  The Clerk will report the pothole but urged all residents to report any concerns to DCC direct on its ‘Report a Problem’ site.  The more people report things, the more likelihood of getting things done.

The Parish Council will try and ascertain who the landowners are in connection with the overgrown hedges.

  • County Councillor Jerry Brook’s Report

Cnty Cllr Brook was unable to attend the meeting but sent in a brief report.  Ofsted has concluded a further inspection of the Council’s children and young peoples’ department and is satisfied that there has been progress made but remains concerned about the level of care for care leavers.  There are less than fifty elderly residents left in the few remaining council operated homes.

  • Introduction of District Councillor Amanda Ward

Dst Cllr Ward was welcomed by the Chairman.  She thanked everyone for their support and commented that further cuts are abreast from Central Government.  Dst Cllr Ford’s particular interests are local mobile phone and broadband coverage and she has promised to do her best for the Teign Valley whatever her political interests.

  • Dartmoor Ranger Simon Lee’s Report

Simon gave an interesting report and answered questions from Parishioners and Councillors.   Simon asked if the Parish wishes to be part of the Community Paths scheme. Cllr Lord thanked Simon for supplying directional signs to the village hall.

  • Reports by Local Groups and Organisations

Various reports followed from the following local groups and organisations:

Bridford WI

Bridford Wives

Bridford Parish Church

Bridford Village Hall



Teign Valley Scouts

Greener Teign

Teign Valley Garden Club


The Chairperson thanked everyone for attending the meeting and invited them to stay and mingle for a chat and light refreshments.

Original minutes signed by the Chairperson     1st June 2015


Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting 20 May 2015


Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held at Bridford Village Hall on Wednesday May 20th 2015 at 7.00pm

Present:  S Purser (retiring Chairman), Cllrs F Miles (new Chairperson), G Hearnden,

T Evans, E Price, A Lord, R Dowding, J Atkinson, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Dst Cllr A Ford,

S Lee (DNPA Ranger) and thirteen members of the public

  • Election of new Chairman – Cllr Miles was nominated as Chairperson by Cllr Price,

seconded by Cllr Hearnden and unanimously agreed by a show of hands.

  • Election of Vice Chairman – Cllr Hearnden was nominated by Cllr Price as vice Chair

seconded by Cllr Dowding and unanimously agreed by a show of hands.

  • Acceptance of Office Forms – Cllr Miles signed the Acceptance of Office form in her

capacity as Chairperson and all Parish Councillors signed the Acceptance of Office

and Acceptance of the Code of Conduct forms as newly elected Councillors.

  • Apologies – Cnty Cllr J Brook
  • Declarations of Interest – none
  • Appointment of Committees

Neighbourhood Watch                 Steve Simm

Rural Aid                                      No longer applicable to Parishes within the Park

TALC                                            Cllr Miles

DNPA Consultative Committee   All Parish Councillors

Planning                                        All Parish Councillors

Lengths man                                 The Clerk

Playing Field                                 Cllr Price

Tree Warden                                 David Price

Parish Plan Development              All Parish Councillors

Allotments Representative            Francis Leversedge

Allotments PC Representative      Cllr Price and the Clerk

Website                                         Jarrod Poynton and the Clerk

Snow Warden                               Adrian Finding

Village Hall –  the Hall Committee are to check the constitution to see if a PC representative is required and this was left open for the time being, to be discussed


Bridford Trust – it was also questioned whether the Trust requires a PC representative,  also to be discussed further

  • Previous Chairman’s Report from Stephen Purser – see appendix B

Cllr Hearnden responded by thanking Stephen for his many years of loyal service to

the Parish Council and for everything that he has helped the village and, in his role of

District Councillor, the Teign Valley, to achieve.


  • Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council

meeting held on 13th April 2015 as a true and accurate record of the meeting

  • Allotments – there is now another vacant half plot. Details from the Clerk and to be

advertised on the notice board and in Unity.


  • Play Area – following annual RoSPA inspection, it was agreed that the only ‘high risk’

area identified in the report was the BMX / skateboard track and that this is only

scored as such by nature of the activity.  No work considered necessary other than

cutting back overhanging branches by the slide.  Cllr Atkinson volunteered to do this.

The Play Area will continue to be monitored for safety and any future maintenance

over the next twelve months

  • Village Hall – local events have been very favourably received. Organisation for the

Village Hall has changed.  Under the new constitution, every elected member is a

trustee. There will be regular meetings of the four trustees. A number of working

parties and committees have been organised to deal with various  aspects of running

the hall. A suggestion that the Hall Committee should send a report to the Parish

Council meeting each month was received favourably.

  • School Lane – DCC Highways has accepted that this minor road is a priority for the

community and will therefore arrange a small patching job but unable to say when.


  • Meetings Attended by Parish Councillors – Cllrs Hearnden, Price and Dowding

attended the Bridford Trust meeting where Peter Harper was the speaker.


Items for Discussion

14    Whipple Tree Farm, Bridford – Hedgerow Removal Notice (DNPA ref.

BB/PB/27/15/1(51) – pending site visit

15    Beacon Farm, Bridford – Hedgerow Removal Notice (DNPA ref. BB/PB/27/15/1(50)

pending site visit

16   Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda – none

Items for Information

17    Many Waters, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re demolition of

existing extensions and remodelling and refurbishment of existing dwelling (DNPA

ref. 0123/15)

18   Smithacott Farm, Bridford – work approved re Notice of Prior Notification of

agricultural building (464sqm) for storage of machinery & feed (DNPA ref 0165/15)

19   Poole Farm, Bridford – appeal has been withdrawn

20   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none


21   Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Electors Rights – posted on the

main notice board

22   External Audit date is 1st June 2015.  Auditors Grant Thornton

23   Internal Audit date is 27th June 2015 and will be undertaken by Ken Abraham of

South and West Audit Services

24   Receipts and Payments Account year ended 31 March 2015 – the Parish Council

resolved to approve the Receipts and Payments account.  Signed by the Chairperson

and the Clerk


25  Annual Return year ended 31 March 2015 – the Parish Council answered ‘yes’ to the

questions in the Annual Governance Statement section two and approved and

accepted the accounts in section one.  Sections one and two signed by the Chairperson

and Clerk

26  Annual Parish meeting – the Parish Council resolved to authorise payment for

refreshments served after Annual Parish meeting under S137 payments.

27  Payment for additional hours – the Parish Council resolved to agree to a request from

the Clerk for authorisation of payment of  ten additional hours work re preparation for

and post election work.

28  Account Balances as at 14th May 2015 – current account £5,554.09 and deposit

account £3,175.79 (balances include £671 earmarked for Play Area, £150 re refund of

allotment deposits  and £57.00 re proceeds of textile bank)

Balances take into account expenditure and income below

29  Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for April 2015                              £   185.39

SLCC renewal membership subscription                                      £     77.00

30  Income

TDC first half of precept less DALC subscription                          £3,134.14

Bridford Village Hall re skittles for Play Area                                 £     48.06

Bank interest re April 2015                                                            £        0.27

The Parish Council resolved to accept the accounts and authorise the expenditure.

The Chairperson checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement


31  Any Items received for discussion since publication of the agenda – none


32   Community Compost Open Day – 5 June at Old Forde House, Newton Abbot.

Detail to be passed to Bridford Trust, also available from the Clerk.

33  Warnings/Messages from Devon and Cornwall Police

Trading Standards has received a number of complaints re unsolicited visits from

doorstep traders offering garden, building and driveway work.  Trading Standards

advise not to enter into contracts with unsolicited visitors to your home.

Police are investigating a burglary to a secure garage in the Clapham area. Residents

are advised to be vigilant and report suspicious activity to the Police on the 101


34  Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

Etching machine – any farmers interested in getting equipment etched with their

postcode is asked to contact PC Kerridge-Smith via

[email protected]

35   Public Discussion – Mrs Cronin asked if the Parish Council is willing to continuing

financing the costs of the welcome booklet that she prepares and gives out to all new

residents to the village.  Cllr Dowding recently new to Bridford commented that he


received a copy on arrival and felt very ‘welcomed’.  The Parish Council unanimously

agreed that it would continue to finance this but suggested that the 50p per copy

currently reimbursed would probably no longer cover the cost and it was proposed

and agreed by a show of hands to increase this amount to £1 per copy.

A Parishioner asked if the Parish Council would make arrangements to cut back the

blackthorn overhanging the slide in the Play Area. Already dealt with in item 10.

A Parish Councillor asked if the alterations at Pound Cottage are conforming to

planning.  The Parish Council stated that corrections and additions have been applied

for and agreed by DNPA.  Not within the Parish Council’s remit.

36   Date of next meeting – Monday 1st June 2015 in the Village Hall


Letter of thanks from Bridford Parish Church


Junkmail  issue 16

Clerks and Councils Direct May 2015

      Letters sent


Original minutes signed by the Chairperson   1st June 2015


Bridford Parish Council Agenda for PC meeting 1st June

Dear Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and members of the public are invited to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall   Monday 1st June 2015 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


  • Apologies
  • Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in

any item on the agenda.

  • Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the

agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council


4    Minutes – Parish Council to approve minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting and the

Annual Parish meeting held on May 20th 2015.

5    Allotments    – update

6    Play Area     – update

7    Village Hall  – update

8    Anglers Cottage

9    Hedges at Neadon Lane

10  Bridford Trust PC Representative

11  Potholes

12  New Councillor Training

13  Register of Interests


14  Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council

15  District Councillors Report


For Discussion

16   Whipple Tree Farm, Bridford – Hedgerow Removal Notice (DNPA ref.

BB/PB/27/15/1(51) – comments following site visit

17   Beacon Farm, Bridford – Hedgerow Removal Notice (DNPA ref. BB/PB/27/15/1(50)

comments following site visit

18   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

For Information – none

19   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda


20    Internal Audit

21    Review of Bank Account Signatories

22   Account balances as at 28 May 2015 – current account £4,422.01and deposit account

£3,247.39 (Balances include £623 earmarked for Play Area, £150 balance of refundable

deposits for allotments & £128.60 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

23   Income

Nathan Waste re textile bank                                                                    £  71.60

24   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for May 2015 including 10 additional

hours worked in connection with the elections                                          £269.46


Mrs J P Banks reimbursement of refreshment expenses

re Annual Parish Meeting                                                                           £  14.30

Wood Insurance Services                                                                           £758.32

South and West Internal Audit                                                                   £  90.00


25    Parish Footpaths

26    Election of Parish Members of DNPA

27   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda


28    Electoral Review of Devon County Council: Draft Recommendations

Public consultation open until 6 July 2015.  Information at

29    National Survey on Rural Policing

30    Teign Valley Community Hall – letter re current operation

31    Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings

32   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

33   Public Discussion

34   Date of next meeting  –  Monday 6 July 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the Village Hall

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




Newsletters and Circulars

DCC Emergency Management Heatwave Plan for England 2015


letter from John Bingham

RagBag Certificate

Letters sent


Bridford Parish Council Minutes of April meeting

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 13th April 2015 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), F Miles, A Lord, J Bingham, T Evans, Mrs JP Banks (Clerk) and 3 members of the public.  Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting.

  • Apologies – Cllr E Price
  • Declarations of Interest – none
  • Public Discussion – no items were raised for discussion


  • Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 2nd March 2015 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5     Allotments    – all plots are now tenanted with plots 3 & 4b recently having been taken over. Rent on these plots not payable until 1st October in lieu of the Parish Council having them dug over and prepared for use.

6     Play Area      –  RoSPA Annual Inspection Report received, to be passed to Cllr Price to decide what action / remedial work needs to be undertaken.

7     Village Hall  – nothing further to report

8     Anglers Cottage – TDC in touch with the owner and looking to at options available to bring it back into use.  Item to be put on notice board to establish if there is currently a need for affordable housing for a local person or couple.

9     Hedge at Shippen Farm – reply received from the owners of Shippen Farm.  Agreement with Natural England restricts the cutting of the hedge on the inside, however the roadside section has been cut and the road hedge will be fully cut in the autumn when the agreement ends.

10   School Lane road surface – Highways will look at this but cannot promise anything as it is a very minor road and not a high priority.  Parish Council to advise Highways that as well as access to housing at the bottom of the lane, this is the only access to the village hall and car park which is also used by those visiting the church

11   Mud/slurry from Wastenage Farm – specialised road cleaning equipment has been purchased by the Wastenages which should clear the mud and slurry.


12    Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council – Cllr Bingham attended the tennis Trust AGM.  The Trust is looking to make improvements and is looking for funds. Non-members wishing to play currently have to obtain the key from Christow Stores. Suggested that the key should be kept at The Artichoke.

The Chairman attended a recent TALC meeting where representatives from Devon and Cornwall Police spoke generally about policing and budget cuts.

Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.30pm – the Chairman invited him to speak.

Things currently very quiet with the pending elections.  A Parish Councillor referred the current state of School Lane which Cllr Brook had just driven down to attend the meeting. This is a Government problem as this is where the money has to come from.  Cnty Cllr Brook is planning to look at minor roads in the Parishes and access how serious the situation is becoming in comparison with the rest of the county.  DCC is currently looking at the new Minerals Plan to ensure there is sufficient aggregate in the county to supply the construction need.  Cnty Cllr Brook wished Bridford luck at the Parish Elections.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 7.40pm


For Discussion

The following item was dealt with between meetings due to the short timescale for submitting the



observation sheets

13   Many Waters, Bridford – re proposed demolition of existing extensions and remodelling and refurbishment of existing dwelling (DNPA ref. 123/15).  A site visit was undertaken by five Councillors.  “The Parish Council fully supports this application for a young local family to re-model the existing house into a lifetime home.  The architect’s impressions do not do justice to the proposed natural larch cladding which the Parish Council fully supports the use

14   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

Smithacott Farm, Bridford – application for Prior Notification re proposed: Agricultural Building (464sqm) for storage of machinery and feed ( DNPA ref. 0165/15).  “The Parish Council has no objections”

For Information  

15   Pound Cottage, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re amendment to Approved 0026/14 to insert new window and omit door (DNPA ref. 0051/15)

16   Poole Farm, Bridford – Notice of Appeal 21 April 2015 at Parke, Bovey Tracey.

17   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda – none


18   Account balances as at 8th April 2015 – current account £2,854.96 and deposit account £3175.52  Balances include £623 earmarked for Play Area, £150 balance of refundable deposits for allotments & £57 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

19   Income

Bank interest re February 2015                                                                  £    0.27

Bank interest re March 2015                                                                      £    0.24

Mrs A Dentith re allotment rent                                                                  £  15.00

Nathan Waste re textile bank                                                                     £  56.80

VAT refund                                                                                                £105.44

Mrs Z Scott re allotment deposit                                                                 £  30.00              20     Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for March 2015                                           £180.54

Mrs JP Banks re use of home as office 1 Jan – 31 March £54.00

Mrs JP Banks re admin expenditure 1 Jan – 31 March £89.31                    £143.31

HMRC re Clerk’s PAYE quarter ended 5 April 2015                                      £135.60

Bridford PCC re monies awarded from proceeds of textile bank                    £250.00

Bridford Village Hall re hire of meeting room Jan/Feb/Mar 2015                    £48.00

Bridford Village Hall re PC contribution to PO room hire Jan/Feb/Mar £45.50  £   93.50

Bridford Village Hall 20% proceeds of textile bank                                                 £  76.80

DALC subscription to be deducted from the precept                                            £115.86

Item of Expenditure received for payment after publication of agenda

Playsafety Ltd re annual inspection of Bridford Play Area                                     £106.80

The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure.

The Chairman checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.


21    Providing Self Build housing plots for local people – expressions of interest invited in delivering self-build plots aimed at local people


22    Withdrawal of last bus service from Bridford to Exeter – comments requested by Ide PC.  It will have little or no effect on Bridford residents.

23   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda – none


24   Warnings – Police report of person walking around properties looking for items to steal. Reports of an aggressive foul mouthed female allowing her Siberian husky dogs to attack other dogs.  Any information in relation to either of these reports should be directed to the Police using the 101 non-emergency phone number.

25    Build Stronger Local Communities on Streetlife – the local social network just launched across Teignbridge inviting thousands of local residents to get more involved in their

Community.  Visit for details.

26    Election of DALC County Committee 2015-2019 – last date for nominations first post 6th

June 2015.

27    Rural Aid – towns and parishes directly in DNP no longer eligible. The alternative funding is The Dartmoor Communities Fund – details from:

28   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda – none

29   District Councillors Report – very little to report as ‘purdah mode’ now in place since 30th March pending the Elections.  Dst Cllr Purser is a candidate for Teign Valley ward in the District Election on 7th May.

30   Public Discussion – nothing further for discussion,

31   Date of next meeting  –  Wednesday 20 May 2015 which is the Annual Parish Council Meeting followed by the Annual Parish Meeting in the upstairs room at the Village Hall commencing at 7.00pm.

Original minutes signed by the Chairperson     20th May 2015


Newsletters and Circulars

Devon County Council Emergency Management March 2015

Healthwatch Voices

Reports and Agendas

Christow PC February minutes

Christow PC March minutes

Dunsford PC February minutes


Green postcode areas

List of proposed road closures

National Plant Monitoring Scheme

Letters sent










(Revised) Agenda for Annual Parish Council Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting 20th May 2015

Dear Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and Members of the Public are invited to attend the Annual Parish Council meeting which will be followed by the Annual Parish meeting held at Bridford Village Hall on Wednesday May 20th 2015 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




  • Election of new Chairman
  • Election of Vice Chairman
  • Acceptance of Office Forms
  • Apologies
  • Declarations of Interest
  • Appointment of Committees

Neighbourhood Watch

Rural Aid

Village Hall


DNPA Consultative Committee

Bridford Trust


Lengths man

Playing Field

Tree Warden

Parish Plan Development

Allotments Representative

Allotments PC Representative


Snow Warden

  • Previous Chairman’s Report


  • Minutes – Parish Council to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held

13th April 2015

  • Allotments
  • Play Area – discuss work considered necessary following annual RoSPA inspection
  • Village Hall
  • School Lane



  • Meetings Attended by Parish Councillors


Items for Discussion

14    Whipple Tree Farm, Bridford – Hedgerow Removal Notice (DNPA ref. BB/PB/27/15/1(51)

15    Beacon Farm, Bridford – Hedgerow Removal Notice (DNPA ref. BB/PB/27/15/1(50)

16   Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda

Items for Information

17    Many Waters, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re demolition of

existing extensions and remodelling and refurbishment of existing dwelling (DNPA

ref. 0123/15)

18   Smithacott Farm, Bridford – work approved re Notice of Prior Notification of

agricultural building (464sqm) for storage of machinery & feed (DNPA ref 0165/15)

19   Poole Farm, Bridford – appeal has been withdrawn

20   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda


21   Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Electors Rights

22   External Audit

23   Internal Audit

24   Receipts and Payments Account year ended 31 March 2015 to be approved by the

Parish Council

25  Annual Return year ended 31 March 2015 – Parish Council to answer the questions in

the Annual Governance Statement and approve and accept the accounts in section one

and the Annual Governance Statement in section two.

26  Annual Parish meeting – Parish Council to authorise payment for light refreshments

to be served after Annual Parish meeting under S137 payments.

27  Payment for additional hours – request from the Clerk for authorisation of payment of

additional hours re preparation for and post election work.

28  Account Balances as at 14th May 2015 – current account £5,554.09 and deposit

account £3,175.79 (balances include £671 earmarked for Play Area, £150 re refund of

allotment deposits  and £57.00 re proceeds of textile bank)

Balances take into account expenditure and income below

29  Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for April 2015                                   £   185.39

SLCC renewal membership subscription                                           £     77.00

30  Income

TDC first half of precept less DALC subscription                               £3,134.14

Bridford Village Hall re skittles for Play Area                                      £     48.06

Bank interest re April 2015                                                                £       0.27


31  Any Items received for discussion since publication of the agenda


32   Community Compost Open Day

33  Warnings/Messages from Devon and Cornwall Police

34  Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

35   Public Discussion

36   Date of next meeting – Monday 1st June 2015 in the Village Hall

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




Letter of thanks from Bridford Parish Church


Junkmail  issue 16

Clerks and Councils Direct May 2015

      Letters sent







  • Welcome by the new Chairman
  • Open Forum for Members of the Public
  • County Councillor Jerry Brook’s Report
  • Introduction of District Councillor Amanda Ward
  • Dartmoor Ranger Simon Lee’s Report
  • Reports by Local Groups and Organisations


Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council



Refreshments will be served after the meeting. Everyone is very welcome to stay, mingle and have a chat



Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




(Revised) Agenda for Annual Parish Council Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting 20 May 2015

Dear Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and Members of the Public are invited to attend the Annual Parish Council meeting which will be followed by the Annual Parish meeting held at Bridford Village Hall on Wednesday May 20th 2015 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




  • Election of new Chairman
  • Election of Vice Chairman
  • Acceptance of Office Forms
  • Apologies
  • Declarations of Interest
  • Appointment of Committees

Neighbourhood Watch

Rural Aid

Village Hall


DNPA Consultative Committee

Bridford Trust


Lengths man

Playing Field

Tree Warden

Parish Plan Development

Allotments Representative

Allotments PC Representative


Snow Warden

  • Previous Chairman’s Report


  • Minutes – Parish Council to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held

13th April 2015

  • Allotments
  • Play Area – discuss work considered necessary following annual RoSPA inspection
  • Village Hall
  • School Lane



  • Meetings Attended by Parish Councillors


Items for Discussion

14    Whipple Tree Farm, Bridford – Hedgerow Removal Notice (DNPA ref. BB/PB/27/15/1(51)

15    Beacon Farm, Bridford – Hedgerow Removal Notice (DNPA ref. BB/PB/27/15/1(50)

16   Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda

Items for Information

17    Many Waters, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re demolition of

existing extensions and remodelling and refurbishment of existing dwelling (DNPA

ref. 0123/15)

18   Smithacott Farm, Bridford – work approved re Notice of Prior Notification of

agricultural building (464sqm) for storage of machinery & feed (DNPA ref 0165/15)

19   Poole Farm, Bridford – appeal has been withdrawn

20   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda


21   Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Electors Rights

22   External Audit

23   Internal Audit

24   Receipts and Payments Account year ended 31 March 2015 to be approved by the

Parish Council

25  Annual Return year ended 31 March 2015 – Parish Council to answer the questions in

the Annual Governance Statement and approve and accept the accounts in section one

and the Annual Governance Statement in section two.

26  Annual Parish meeting – Parish Council to authorise payment for light refreshments

to be served after Annual Parish meeting under S137 payments.

27  Payment for additional hours – request from the Clerk for authorisation of payment of

additional hours re preparation for and post election work.

28  Account Balances as at 14th May 2015 – current account £5,554.09 and deposit

account £3,175.79 (balances include £671 earmarked for Play Area, £150 re refund of

allotment deposits  and £57.00 re proceeds of textile bank)

Balances take into account expenditure and income below

29  Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for April 2015                                   £   185.39

SLCC renewal membership subscription                                           £     77.00

30  Income

TDC first half of precept less DALC subscription                                £3,134.14

Bridford Village Hall re skittles for Play Area                                       £     48.06

Bank interest re April 2015                                                                  £       0.27


31  Any Items received for discussion since publication of the agenda


32   Community Compost Open Day

33  Warnings/Messages from Devon and Cornwall Police

34  Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

35   Public Discussion

36   Date of next meeting – Monday 1st June 2015 in the Village Hall

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




Letter of thanks from Bridford Parish Church


Junkmail  issue 16

Clerks and Councils Direct May 2015

      Letters sent







  • Welcome by the new Chairman
  • Open Forum for Members of the Public
  • County Councillor Jerry Brook’s Report
  • Introduction of District Councillor Amanda Ward
  • Dartmoor Ranger Simon Lee’s Report
  • Reports by Local Groups and Organisations


Refreshments will be served after the meeting. Everyone is very welcome to stay, mingle and have a chat 

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




Bridford Parish Council minutes of meeting 2nd March 2015

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 2nd March 2015 at 7.00pm.

Present:  Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), G Hearnden, E Price, F Miles, J Bingham, A Lord, T Evans (arrived at 7.10pm), Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting and three members of the public.

  • Apologies – none
  • Declarations of Interest – none
  • Public Discussion

Village Hall – a Parishioner who cleans the Village Hall wished to draw the Parish Council’s attention to the fact that she did not consider the Hall was being managed in a satisfactory manner having found on different occasions, the water heater left on, fire doors propped open and the building generally not being left in an acceptable state following an event.  The Parish Council agreed to write to the Village Hall Committee to ask them to review their management  of the building and to ensure that there is in future, a nominated person who the cleaner can liaise with and who will be overall responsible in the event of problems.

Anglers Cottage – a Parishioner reported that this property has been empty for at least three months and in its current state of repair is becoming an eyesore.  It is not known who owns the property.  The Parish Council will contact Teignbridge to see what can be done.

Hedge at Pound Lane – although the roadside hedge has been cut at Shippen, the inside requires cutting back to ensure visibility on the hill when the leave start to grow.  The Parish Council will write to the land owner.

Hedge at Pound Lane adjoining Oxenpark Gate – this has long been an issue with letters sent to the builders of the estate being ignored.  As outstanding issues still remain, a management company has never been established.

School Lane – a Parishioner commented on the state of the road surface which is generally very mossy with a number of potholes.  Devon County Council is responsible for the road until it becomes a footpath to the church when it becomes the responsibility of the DNPA Ranger.  Both will be contacted to see if any repairs can be undertaken.

Slurry / mud on the road still running down off the field between Neadon Lane and Windhill Gate when it rains.  The Parish Council will contact Seven Acre Farm to see if they now have the road cleaning equipment that they were going to obtain and to request that the road is kept free of slurry.

Gentleman of the Road – a Parishioner advised the Parish Council that a tramp has taken up residence in the church during the day.  The PCSO has been advised.

Rowden Wood – oil debris running down has been reported.  Environmental representatives have been to investigate.  The Dartmoor Ranger to be asked if he is aware.

Item 24 District Councillors Report brought forward – the District budget was approved which included the Devon County precept.  District Council currently in ‘purver mode’ in the run up to the Elections on 7th May.

Cllr Purser left the meeting at 7.35pm and Cllr Hearnden took the Chair

Item 20Request for funds from Bridford Church – brought forward to allow representatives of the church present at the meeting to speak.

The yew trees in the churchyard and the lower hedge require cutting back and the estimate is £300.  The Parish Council resolved to make £250 available from funds generated from the textile bank.  The Clerk confirmed that the Village Hall would still be receiving the 20% of any funds received as a result of the textile bank, agreed when the scheme was


originally set up.  It was agreed that the 20% payable to the Village Hall should be paid at the end of the Parish Council’s financial year.


4    Minutes – The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on February 2nd 2015 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5     Allotments    – nothing new to report.  Plot 3 still vacant and being advertised.

6     Play Area      – RoSPa annual inspection to take place this month. Nothing else to report.

7     Village Hall  – refer to public discussion.  There is a management issue, not directly the Parish Council’s problem.

8     Skip in driveway at 6 Scattor View – at the February meeting it was recorded in the minutes that there was concern about a permanent skip in the drive of 5 Scattor View.  This was incorrect and should have been number 6.  A letter has been sent to the occupier of number 5 apologising for any embarrassment or inconvenience this may have caused.

Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.50pm.  He was welcomed by the acting Chairman and invited to speak.  The County Council budget eventually went through, one variation being the decision to continue to fill the grit bins.  £100,000 has been put back into the bus scheme to allow more time to decide how to go about the process of operating this service. Otherwise, no great changes to the original budget proposals. The “Achilles’ heel” is the outstanding debt, being money borrowed from the public loans board which was then loaned out to others to generate funds.  £250,000 is still outstanding but is not able to be paid back yet.  The next payment date is not until 2027.  Funds are being put back each year to be able to pay the money back and this takes away a considerable amount of the revenue budget.  To maintain the capitalprogramme within the county, assets have been reviewed.  With the reduction of staff, some satellite buildings have been mothballed down and sold.  The capital project is supported by assets that are no longer functional or required by the County Council.  Cllr Lord asked Cnty Cllr Brook if he knew what was happening regarding the bus proposals to cut out Hennock from the weekly Newton Abbot service, but he had no further information.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 8.12pm          


9    Meetings Attended by members of the Parish Council – none


For Discussion

The following items were dealt with between meetings due to the short timescale for submitting the observation sheets

10   Amerys, Bridford – amendment to original plans.  Change from flat to pitched roof extension and amendments to window design and front elevations (DNPA ref 0001/15)  “ The Parish Council has no objections”

11   Pound Cottage – amendment to approved DNPA ref. 0026/14 to insert new window and omit door (DNPA ref 0051/15) “The Parish Council has no objections”.

12   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda – none

For Information  

13   Seven Acre Farm, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re siting of temporary dwelling for agricultural worker (DNPA ref. 0710/14)

14   Springwater Stables, Bridford – refusal  to issue a Certificate of Lawful Use or Development (DNPA ref 0700/14)


15   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

Amerys, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re single storey extension

(DNPS ref. 0001/15)


16   Account balances as at 25th February 2015 – current account £3,413.59 and deposit account

£3,175.01. Balances include £623 earmarked for Play Area, £120 balance of refundable deposits for allotments & £327.20 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

17   Income

Bank interest re December 2014                                                                £    0.26

Bank interest re January 2015                                                                    £    0.27

18    Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for February 2015                                                           £180.54

Mrs J P Banks purchase of  HP laptop computer                                  £399.00

Microsoft Office programme                                                                  £  79.99

MacAfee anti-virus programme                                                             £  20.00                £498.99

Mrs J P Banks paid to IBIS UK to transfer HMRC files from  old laptop                            £  10.00

DALC re New Councillors Course 28 January for Cllr F Miles                                           £  30.00

Information Commissioner re renewal of Data Protection registration                               £  35.00

The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure.  The

Chairman checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.

19   Reimbursement of Christmas tree lights £24.39 authorised for payment at January PC meeting – the Parish Council re-authorised this payment to be made under S137 payments in retrospect.


20    Request for funds from Bridford Church – item dealt with earlier in the meeting.

21    Teign Tennis Trust request for  a PC representative to attend its AGM 18th March 2015 Cllr Bingham will represent the Parish Council.   

22   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda – none


23   Social Enterprise Workshops 2015 – information at

24   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

Building Better Communities – Jewson pledges £100,000 for community regeneration


RoSPA Playsafety Playground Inspection Training Courses available

Teign Valley Community Hall – letter from the secretary trying to recruit new committee members from all the Valley Parishes.

May 2015 Elections – the Clerk advised members of the Parish Council that she has a limited number of Nomination Packs.   Deadline for receipt of completed nomination papers at Forde House, 4.00pm Thursday 9th April 2015.

25   District Councillors Report – given earlier in the meeting.

26   Public Discussion – nothing else for discussion

27   Date of next meeting  –  Monday 13th April 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the

Village Hall


          Original copy signed by the Chairman      13th April 2015


Newsletters and Circulars

Funding News February 2015

Advice Teignbridge February 2015

Reports and Agendas

       Dunsford approved minutes for January 2015

Letters sent
