News from Bridford Parish Council June 2024

Thank you

The Annual Parish Meeting was held on Monday 10th June and was attended by a good number of parishioners. We heard from each attendee about their role in the community and the latest news from each person’s area of responsibility. Thank you to all for attending and for the work you do in the Parish; you really do keep everything looking good and running smoothly!

Parish Council Meeting news

The Parish Council Meeting was also held on Monday 10th June. The Council agreed to appoint a new Councillor by co-option and he will be signed in and take up his role at the next meeting on 1st July; more details to follow after that meeting.

There is just one Councillor vacancy left now – please contact me for further details if you are interested in finding out more about the role or would like to apply: or 07768 784978

Road safety and street lighting

The Council discussed these matters and would like to consult with parishioners about their views on these issues at the Parish Council stall at the Village Fete on Saturday 13th July. You may also contact the Clerk on the details above should you be unable to attend the fete and would like to submit your views.

Bridford play park

The Parish Council would like to hear from local children what they would like to see in the play park and any ideas they have for developing the play area in the future. The Parish Council stall at the Village Fete will give children the opportunity to put their ideas forward or you can contact the Clerk as above.