June 2013 Minutes


Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall  on Monday 3rd June 2013 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs S Purser (chairman), G Hearnden, E Price, D Goodwin-Hughes, A Lord, J Bomgham

Mrs J P Banks (Clerk).  Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting.  No members of the public were present

Apologies – Cllr T Evans

Declarations of Interest – none

Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the

agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council


Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve minutes of the combined annual Parish

Council meeting and annual Parish meeting held on 8th May 2013 as a true and accurate

record of the meeting.

Allotments –  all allotments now occupied.   Plot 2b likely to be vacated at the end of the

season with another Parishioner waiting to take it over.

Play Area – RoSPA report tasks not yet discussed.  A site visit to ascertain exactly what is

required will be arranged before the  next meeting

Village Hall –  suggested amendments to update the original constitution have been discussed.  A few alterations are needed with clarification being required on various points. There is no question that the Parish Council owns the Village Hall.

Bridford’s website – four Parish Councillors and the Clerk met with Jarrod Poynton who has

offered his services free of charge to design and build a new village website.   Jarrod

provided a summary of the meeting which was discussed at the Council meeting. The Parish

Council resolved to agree to the following:

That the Parish Council agrees to finance the project with a budget of £200

The domain name shall be bridfordvillage.co.uk

An item to be published in Unity requesting volunteers to run it.

Jarrod Poynton will aquire the domain name on behalf of the Parish Council

Jarrod Poynton will carry out the initial configuration of the website

Nominated individuals will be shown how to put news on the website

The Clerk will write to all the local groups in the village to find out if they would like to be

included on the website and to find out if any of their committee members would be

interested in maintaining, editing or contributing to the site.

Rural Skip Day – confirmed as 20th July


Bridford Hill – the Ombudsman has advised that it made the wrong decision in connection

Andy Heathwood’s complaint against DCC and the case will be re-opened.

Meetings Attended – four Bridford Councillors attended the Three Parishes Meeting

hosted by Christow Parish Council.  Subjects discussed included the reservoirs, housing,

roads, and the water turbine at Dunsford.

The Chairman attended a TALC meeting.  Dudley Swain was re-elected chairman and

David Howell secretary.  Jeremy Christophers was the speaker with a question and answer


The Chairman and Cllr Evans attended the DNPA Forum.  Cllr Evans submitted a question



which was included on the agenda.  The Management Plan was discussed. The next Tour of

Britain will be finishing at Haytor.  Permitted development does not apply to the National



Items for Discussion

Woodcote – Dunsford – amended plan re single storey extension to bungalow (DNPA ref.

0265/11).  The Parish Council does not have any objections.

Burnicombe Farm, Bridford – Enforcement Order re residential use of mobile home, touring

caravan and provision of septic tank  (ENF/0023/13).  The Parish Council replied to DNPA

that it should apply the appropriate laws and legislation relating to planning when making

its decision.

Any Items for discussion received since publication of the agenda

Seven Acre Farm   –  no official applications submitted as yet, but the owners of the farm

invited members of the Parish Council to meet with them to discuss their future plans.

Items for Information

Poole Farm, Bridford – Grant of outline planning permission re agricultural workers dwelling

(DNPA  ref. 0102/13)

Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none

Cnty Cllr Brook jointed the meeting at 7.50pm and was welcomed by the Chairman.

The Council is now beginning  to move along with a number of changes.  The Health and

Wellbeing Board is now well ensconced in the County.  Cnty Cllr Brook is on the Health

and Wellbeing scrutiny committee, looking at the general health and wellbeing of the

County.  Cnty Cllr Brook also chairs the Farms committee.  There will be a big event  at

Westpoint in October aimed largely at school children.    Invest in Devon is no more, but

there will still be the Locality Budget.  Cnty Cllr Brook is keen to share this money around

to  assist with local projects.    Verges are not being cut so often in an attempt to save money.

Following a complaint re verges being cut at 12.40am at Dunsford, the Chairman reported this to DCC and asked the Cnty Cllr why DCC do not reply to emails such as this. The volume is enormous and it is all about cost.

A Parish Councillor asked if it is just coincidence that five farms from the County Farm Estate are up for sale.  It would appear that is the case with tenants moving on for various


Re Bridford Hill and the Ombudsman’s latest decision, Cnty Cllr Brook has promised

to continue to assist in any way to try and get Bridford put back on the primary gritting

route.   What policy does not consider is geography.   Cllr Lord congratulated Cnty Cllr

Brook on his re-election.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 8.10pm


18  Long term outstanding cheque – a cheque in respect of the refund of an allotment holder’s

deposit remains unbanked despite two letters and the offer of a replacement cheque.  The

Parish Council resolved to write off this cheque in the sum of £30.00.  The amount will be

re-credited to the cash book.

19  Account balances as at 27th May 2013 – current account £4,478.75  and deposit account

£2,887.05 (balances include £1,609.30 earmarked for Play Area and £25 Christmas tree

expenses)  Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.




20   Income – Bridford Village Hall share of surplus income from skittles   £   52.10                   Bank interest for April   £     0.25

21   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for March 2013               £168.80

Bridford Village Hall re contribution to PO sessions  4 Jan – 22Mar 2013     £   42.00

Bridford Village Hall re PC meetings Jan/Feb/Mar 2013     £   39.00

S Tallowin replace valve on water tank & hanger for hose at allotments     £   36.00

C Banks re pruning of top hedge at allotments     £   30.00

Wood Insurance Services renewal of PC insurance policy     £694.65


22   Parish Council Meetings- the Parish Council discussed the use of the upstairs room for its

monthly meetings.  The Village Hall Committee is willing to discount the additional hire

charge which would ultimately result in an increase of £3 per month.  The Parish Council

resolved to pay the increased hire charge as it was considered that the upstairs room was

more conducive to its meetings.  The Clerk will contact the booking clerk and meetings will

take place upstairs with effect from the July meeting.

23   Citizens Advice Bureau  – looking for financial assistance to move premises.  The Parish

Council only supports organisations within the Valley.  The Parish Council resolved to

decline from making a donation.

24  Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda -none


25    Review of Parish Plan – the Parish Council will review the plan at a separate meeting on

17th June 2013

DNPA Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document – an issues paper has been

prepared and comments are welcomed.  The paper can be viewed at  HYPERLINK “http://www.dartmoor.gov.uk/planning/pl-forwardplanning/affordable-housing.spd” www.dartmoor.gov.uk/planning/pl-forwardplanning/affordable-housing.spd

Social Policy Event- Welfare reform and the impact on people with disabilities and long term

Health conditions.  Meeting 20th June at Newton Abbot Recreational Trust, Marsh Road,

Newton Abbot.

Dartmoor Sustainable Development Fund – grants available for 2013/14.  Details at:

HYPERLINK “http://www.dartmoor.gov.uk/DSDF” www.dartmoor.gov.uk/DSDF

Rural Community Broadband Fund – deadline for applications extended to 17 June 2013.

Dartmoor Way Cycle Route – to be extended to included up around Blackingstone Rock area.

New signposts to be put up.

First World War, Then & Now- £6m funding programme to help communities mark the

Centenary of the First World War.   Details to be forwarded to the Church.

Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none

District Councillors Report from Dst Cllr Stephen Purser.    Plan Teignbridge is due to be

Submitted to the Inspector this month.  There are big proposals for sand reclamation at

Dawlish and Dawlish Warren from Exmouth beach.    It has been generally quite quiet during

the election period.  There is an Executive meeting on 4th June but not a lot on the agenda.

There are a lot of rumblings re houses being built on green fields.  The management review will see the executive team reduced from seventeen to twelve which will save £450,000

over the next three years.

Public Discussion – no other items for discussion





35  Date of next meeting –  1st July 2013 at the Village Hall.  All are welcome.




Original copy signed by the Chairman    5th August 2013






Reports and Agendas

Dunsford PC minutes of April meeting

Christow PC minutes of April meeting

Letters sent
