January 2013 Parish Council Minutes


Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 7th January 2013 at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), G Hearnden, A Lord, D Goodwin-Hughes, T Evans, E Price, J Bingham, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk). Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting. No members of the public were in attendance.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2013 and wished everyone a Happy New Year.
Apologies – none
Declarations of Interest – Cllrs Purser and Bingham declared a personal interest in item 9.
Public Discussion – no items for discussion
4 Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve and accept the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3rd December 2012 as a true and accurate record of the meeting subject to two amendments.
Allotments – nothing to report. There are still two half plots vacant.
Play Area – nothing to report
Village Hall – things are progressing. Another meeting of the Hall Committee has been arranged for 9th January.
Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council
Cllr Goodwin-Hughes held a Snow Warden meeting at the Bridford Inn which was very well supported and more volunteers have been signed up, enabling plans to be put into action. The gritter has been tested on Bridford Hill. “Bridford Snow Warden” Facebook page has been set up for people to log on and obtain up to date information.

Hedge at top of Pound Lane – the sides of the hedge and overhanging branches have been cut back. The contractor is to be asked to tidy up the top of the hedge. The hedge further down on the left hand side is overgrown. The Parish Council will ask the landowner to cut it back.
Items for Discussion
10 The Grange, Bridford Mills, Bridford – proposed renewal of extant permission ref 0210/09 for two storey extension to dwelling (DNPA ref 0644/12). The Parish Council doesn’t object but expressed the following concerns: the site plan is incorrect; the name of the application is in name of the original applicant, now deceased; when planning permission was originally applied for, the owner of a neighbouring property voiced concerns re the proposed balcony overlooking them, the Parish Council has suggested appropriate landscaping; it is understood that the septic tank for The Grange which is on the opposite side of the road has caused problems for a neighbouring property. An extension would increase usage and could make the problems worse.
11 Any Items for discussions received since publication of the agenda – none
Items for Information
12 Bridford Village Hall, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re alterations to  the pedestrian entrance, access, stairs, ramp and porch (revised design from approval DNPA ref 0161/12).
13 Poole Farm, Bridford – Refusal of Planning Permission re construction of an agricultural worker’s dwelling (DNPA ref 0416/12)
14 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none
15 Clerk’s Salary – the Parish Council resolved to authorise the annual increment from £9.253 per
hour (SCP 19) to £9.591 per hour (SCP 20) with effect from 1st April 2013
Use of Home as Office – HMRC has increased the amount allowable. The Parish Council resolved to authorise an increased payment to the Clerk from £3 per week to £18 per month with effect retrospectively from 6th April 2012. This will create a back payment due of £30 for the six months April – September 2012 inclusive.
Christmas tree – nothing required this year. The Parish Council resolved to agree to a request to carry forward and earmark £25 authorised for 2012 to add to possible expenses for Christmas 2013. Thanks to all who helped with the Christmas tree to be published in Unity
Budget 2013/14 – the Parish Council finalised the budget and resolved to set the amount required for the precept for 2013/14 at £6,250. From this amount will be deducted a £350 one off payment from Teignbridge, making a net payment of £5,900.

The Parish Council resolved not to renew its subscription to Devon Playing Fields Association.
Account balances as at 28th December 2012 – current account £3,179.76 and deposit account
£2,863.36 (balances include £1,557.20 earmarked for Play Area and £25 Christmas tree expenses) Balances allow for any expenditure and income detailed below.
20 Income:
Banks interest November 2012 £ 0.24
21 Income amendment / correction re sale of Jubilee mugs. £28 already received in respect of
sale of commemorative mugs not accounted for in the minutes. Total amount received to date in respect of sales = £229.00. £ 28.00
22 Expenditure
Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for December 2012 £162.76
HMRC re Clerk’s PAYE quarter ended 5 January 2013 £122.20
Mrs J P Banks re admin expenses 1 Oct – 31 Dec £78.35
Use of home as office 1 Oct – 31 Dec £54.00
Back payment re above April – Sept £30.00 £162.35
Mr G Dicker re verge & allotment maintenance April – December 2012 £315.00
Additional items of expenditure received for payment since publication of the agenda
Bridford Village Hall re PC meetings £52.00
Bridford Village Hall re contribution to PO rent £59.50 £111.50
The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure. The Chairman checked the cheque book to the invoices and the reconciliation to the bank statement.
23 Cheque Book Signatories – the Parish Council resolved to add Cllr Price as a signatory.

Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting and the Chairman invited him to speak –
£9m will be received from the Government for the road network, split over two years. This will not go far enough. Cnty Cllr Brook will be meeting the minister later this month and will put forward a case for what should be done futuristically. It is a question of priorities. We have an economy that is very reliant on its road network. It is likely that some roads that link others with no domiciles on will eventually become redundant.

A Parish Councillor asked Cnty Cllr Brook if any further funds are available to assist with the Village Hall project. It remains to be seen what is left in the pot after funds already promised, have been claimed.

Three budget meeting dates have been set and the County Councillor confirmed that Devon County Council is again aiming for a 0% budget increase. The County has a reserve safety net but it still owes money which must be paid back and there are massive penalties for early repayment. Devon County’s commitment to young people requires a lot of finance.

A Parish Councillor asked Cnty Cllr Brook if there has ever been a proposal to widen the Junction where Pound Lane joins the B3193. If Highways was approached with such a request, it would immediately look to accident statistics to see if there was a need. If successful if would cost a great deal, the owners of the land on either side of the road consulted and plans would have to be drawn up. Cnty Cllr Brook advised the Parish Council to set the ball rolling by writing to Highways outlining the problems and he would support the request.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 8.10pm

24 Bridford Website – the Clerk will contact Christow PC to find out details of their new website.  Also will contact John Ralston who runs the Bridford Trust website to see if he would be willing to help maintain the existing Bridford site for the time being.
Localisation of Council Tax Support – Parish and Towns Councils asked for support to lobby the issue. No action to be taken by the Parish Council.
Teignbridge Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Consultation – as Bridford is within DNPA this will not be applicable.
Best Kept Village Competition – item to be published in Unity asking if anyone would be willing to oversee the project.
Parish Councils not to be capped in 2013/14 – confirmation notice received.
Three Parishes Meeting 2013 will be hosted by Christow PC in the Bowden Room TVCH on Tuesday 14th May
District Councillors Report from Dst Cllr Stephen Purser. TDC is proposing 0% budget increase. The senior management team structure is being looked at to see if costs can be reduced. The District Council is looking at a 5% increase in car parking charges and a 15% increase in planning fees.
Public Discussion – the Parish Councillor who previously undertook to keep the bus shelter swept out has moved and is no longer able to do this. Enquiries will be made to see if the Parish Sweeper can do this when the bins are emptied.
Oxenpark gate – A Parish Councillor asked who was responsible for the maintenance of Oxenpark Gate. The Chairman explained that this matter had arisen a number of times. The Parish Council was not a party to the agreement and so has no involvement and a management committee was never established.
Date of next meeting – 7.00pm Monday 4th February 2013 at the Village Hall.

Original minutes signed by the Chairman 4th February 2013

Reports and Agendas
Christow PC November minutes
Dunsford PC November minutes
Amendments to Electoral Register
Copy of DNPA Review of Enforcement questionnaire
Twentyfourseven Edition 16