Our first project is underway! We are delighted to report that at their first meeting of the year on 10th January, Bridford Parish Council voted unanimously to adopt our Bridford Road Verges Ecological Management Plan.
Our plan aims to improve the habitat and increase the value of the verges for wildlife whilst still maintaining a tidy and functional road verge. To achieve this, we recommended the following:
- Regular mowing of the grass areas immediately adjacent to the road/pavement and anywhere else that access is needed, e.g. paths, benches, bins etc.
- The remaining areas (which will be nearest to the hedge) will be species-rich wildflower meadow, allowed to grow tall and provide seeds and flowers for foraging wildlife and to provide shelter.
- This area will be cut once a year around August/September and the cuttings removed. This year we will over-sow with yellow rattle seeds which will help to suppress the growth of grass in subsequent years to allow the wildflowers to flourish. We are grateful to the Parish Council for agreeing to meet the cost of the yellow rattle seeds.
As Wildlife Wardens we will liaise with the Parish Council grass cutting contractor to assist in carrying out this new management plan and we will be putting up some signs to let everyone know what is happening to the verges. If you would like to see a copy of our report to Bridford Parish Council which provides more detail, including photographs showing how each area of verge will be managed, please email wildlifewarden@bridfordvillage.co.uk. You can find out more about us and the Wildlife Warden Scheme at Wildlife Warden Group – Bridford, Devon (bridfordvillage.co.uk)