Draft Minutes of Annual Parish and Annual Parish Council Meetings 8th May 2017

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 8th May at 7.00pm
Present:  Cllrs F Miles (Chairperson), G Hearnden, E Price, T Evans, A Lord, R Dowding,

J Padgham, Mrs J Banks (Clerk), Simon Lee (DNPA Ranger) and eleven members of the public representing various local organisations.   Cnty Cllr Jerry Brook and Dst Cllr Amanda Ford attended for part of the meeting.

The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting
Apologies – Teign Tennis Trust, Cathy Horder, Francis Leversedge, Matt Jones, David Fine
Chairperson’s Report – Cllr Miles gave a resume of the Parish Council’s past year and it’s achievements which included the repair and redesign of the splay at the bridge at Leigh Cross and the purchase of a defibrillator and the organisation of related training.
Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.40pm

The Chairperson welcomed Cllr Brook, congratulated him on his re-election and invited him to speak

County Councillor’s Report – DCC’s current position is a mirror image of the last seven years.  There are annual reductions in Government finance and it is a case of balancing the annual finance with the delivery of services.  The Mineral Plan sets out all the minerals that are available to us over the next seven years.  This plan is only a plan, not a program of what will happen. DCC continues to work towards getting the best of opportunities for children in care.  Education has been in the limelight over the past 12-18 months.   The funding systems is worked to a formula.  All MP’s have signed up to fight the Government for a fair system to educate today’s children who are tomorrow’s future.   Caring – there are plans to treat more people in their own homes.

The maintenance of roads is a constant battle with snippets of success. An additional £11m obtained from the Government spent over the last twelve months.

The Government is looking to DCC to make savings of £26-28m next year.   2018/19 will see difficult times with DCC having to make the best of what it has.

The Chairperson thanked Cllr Brook for his continued support to the Teign Valley.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 7.55pm
District Councillors Report – Cllr Amanda Ford said that she had contributed towards the DAA Night Landing project at Christow which would serve the Teign Valley. It was asked if a similar project could be undertaken in Bridford.  The Clerk confirmed that the idea had already been considered by the Parish Council and decided against.  A member of the public suggested that the subject should be on the agenda at a future PC meeting for discussion.  There are no changes within the District Council as it continues to try and keep costs down.  Connection is still awaited for a mobile phone signal.  The infrastructure is there, it is a case of waiting for the independent providers to connect and this should then give coverage to the whole valley.  With regards to the internet connection, this should have been completed last November.  The hold -up is with the installation at Christow.
DNPA Ranger’s Report – see appendix (i) attached.
Gritting of Bridford Hill – Cllr Miles gave a report on the current situation regarding the gritting of Bridford Hill and several ideas were put forward as to the possible way forward which will be explored.   The question was raised over whether legally, DCC has a duty of care regarding health and safety. Should the Parish Council take legal advice?   A Parishioner said that they thought most residents would be prepared to pay a bit more each year on the precept to have the hill gritted.  DCC will be asked for costings and if the Parish could ‘buy in’ gritting services.  Fundraising could be a means of paying for it.  The Parish Council will write to the local MP.
Parish Plan – in view of time restraints, the Chair did not go through the Plan but invited anyone to take a copy or to view it on the Parish website.
Reports from individual local groups and organisations – reports were presented by representatives detailing their activities and future plans.
Open Forum – An allotment tenant reported that he has attempted to cut back the blackthorn hedge at the top of the allotments, but it needs lopping.   A member of the public thanked the Parish Councillors and Clerk for their continued work on behalf of the parishioners of Bridford
Chairperson’s closing comments – the Chairperson thanked everyone for attending the meeting.  Special thanks were given to the Clerk and members of the Parish Council and to Cnty Cllr Jerry Brook,  Dst Cllr Amanda Ford and DNPA Ranger Simon Lee.
Refreshments were served and there was then the opportunity to meet and chat with the Parish Councillors.  The Annual Parish Council Meeting then followed at which point all members of the public left!
Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held at Bridford Village Hall on 8th May.  Meeting commenced at 21.40
Present: Cllrs F Miles (existing Chairperson), G Hearnden, E Price, T Evans, R Dowding,

A Lord, J Padgham, Mrs J Banks (Clerk).  No members of the public were present.

Election of Chairperson – Cllr Francis Miles was nominated and unanimously re-elected as  Chairperson for the next twelve months.
Election of Vice Chairperson – Cllr Geoff Hearnden was nominated and unanimously re-elected as vice Chairperson for the next twelve months.
Acceptance of Office forms – were signed by the Chairperson and vice Chairperson in the presence of the Clerk.
Apologies – none
Declarations of Interests – none
Appointment of Committees and Representatives
Village Hall Cllrs Dowding and Evans
TALC Cllrs Dowding and Padgham
DNPA Consultative Committee All Parish Councillors
Bridford Trust Cllr Miles
Planning All Parish Councillors
Lengths man The Clerk
Play Area Cllr Price
Tree Warden David Price
Parish Plan Development All Parish Councillors
Allotments Representative Francis Leversedge
Allotments PC Representative The Clerk
Website The Clerk and Jarrod Poynton
Snow Warden All Parish Councillors for time being
Village Garden Cllr Miles
Minutes of last meeting – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3rd April 2017 as a true and accurate record of the meeting
Review of Standing Orders – the Standing Orders were reviewed. The Parish Council agreed to remove item xii in section 5 as it is not applicable to this Council.  All other reviews listed on the Standing Orders will be on the agenda for the June 2017 Parish Council meeting and in future years will be reviewed at the Annual Parish Council Meeting.
Notice of Appointment for Date for the Exercise of Electors Rights – any persons interested may inspect the Annual Return and all books, deed, contract, bills, vouchers and receipts etc by appointment only by application to the Clerk from 5th June – 14th July 2017.
Date of External Audit – 2nd June 2017
Date of Internal Audit – this took place on 8th May 2017.  No issues were identified.
Receipts and Payments Account year ended 31 March 2017 –   approved by the Parish Council and signed by the Chairperson and the Clerk
Annual Return Annual Governance Statement 2015/16

The Parish Council considered, approved and signed the Annual Governance Statement in section one.  The Parish Council answered ‘yes’ to the questions on the statement.

Annual Return Accounting Statements 2015/16 – the Parish Council considered, approved and signed the Accounting Statements in section two.
Date of next meeting – Monday 12th June in the upstairs room at Bridford Village Hall at 7.00pm
Original Minutes signed by the Chairperson   12th June 2017