December 2013 Minutes

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall Monday December 2nd 2013 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs S Purser, G Hearnden, E Price, D. Goodwin-Hughes, J Bingham, A Lord, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk).  Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting.  No members of the public were present.

The Chairman opened the meeting and thanked the Clerk for bringing along the traditional homemade mince pies and cream!

1        Apologies – Cllr T Evans

2        Declarations of Interest – none

Public Discussion – no items for discussion


4    Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the  minutes of its meeting held on 4th November 2013 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5     Allotments – nothing to report

6     Play Area – nothing to report

7     Village Hall – the Committee are asking for funds from the County Councillors’ fund to install the last fire door downstairs.

8    Textile Recycling Bank – still awaiting delivery. 

9     Closure of B3193 for essential repairs.  The road will not now be closed.  Two way traffic will operate on one lane with traffic lights.  Work will be carried out from scaffolding in the river.  This will take a lot longer and will cost more and therefore the original plans to widen and straighten the road has now been shelved.


10     Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council – a number of Parish Councillors attended the meeting at Christow regarding the Teign Valley road repairs.  The Chairman attended a meeting at Dunsford re the future of care services at Moretonhampstead following the closure of it’s hospital.  Annual cost of keeping the eight bed hospital open is £500,000.

An idea being considered is to use the building as a base for domiciliary care workers, usingthe money instead to enable people to remain in their homes longer rather than being in care. 


Items for Discussion

The following two applications were discussed prior to the meeting having already having been deferred from the previous month’s meeting

11   Pound Cottage, Bridford – proposed extension to dwelling (DNPA ref. 0561/13) deferred from previous meeting pending site visit.  “The Parish Council fully supports this application but would like to see an amount of stonework in the new extension to break up and improve the visual impact”.

12   Seven Views, Bridford – proposed replacement dwelling (DNPA ref 0568/13) deferred from previous meeting pending site visit.  “The Parish Council fully supports this application”

13   Any items for discussion received since publication of the agenda – none

For Information

14   Middle Westcott Farm, Doccombe – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re construction of small first floor balcony at south end of house (DNPA ref. 0490/13)

15  Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

            White barn at Green Barn, Bridford – Refusal of Planning Permission (general planning and listed buildings) re repair and alteration of an existing garden building (DNPA ref. 0505/13 & 0506/13)



 16   Account balances as at 27 November  2013 – current account  £4,277.58 and deposit account  

  £3082.68 (balances include £851 earmarked for Play Area, £25 Christmas tree expenses & £150 balance of refundable deposits for allotments) 

  Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

  17   Income   –    Bank interest for October                                                                       £        0.24

       18   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for November 2013                                              £    170.51

Mrs J P Banks reimburse purchase of computer mains adaptor                 £        9.89

 The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure.  The Chairman checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement


       19    Clerk’s Manual 2013 – the Parish Council resolved to approve the Clerk’s request to purchase the 2013 Clerk’s Manual at a cost of £32.50

       20   Draft budget and required precept for 2014/15 – the figures prepared by the Clerk were discussed.  The Parish Council resolved to agree the budget.  The Parish Council  will request a precept of £6,500 for 2014/15.

      21   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda – none

 Cnty Cllr J Brook joined the meeting at 7.25pm – the Chairman  welcomed him and invited him to speak.  Cnty Cllr Brook confirmed that Devon County Council is still trying to work out a system of two way traffic one lane with traffic lights, as in item 9 above.  He has persuaded DCC that a lot of the trees should be cut down to prevent movement in the future.

             Cllr Lord asked if there was any news of a bus operating on the 361 route Bridford – Newton Abbot over the Christmas / New Year period.  No further update, but he will try and find out.


22   NHS Public Meeting at Moretonhampstead Sports Hall Sports Hall Monday 9 December 6.30pm re provision of community services in Moretonhampstead

23    DALC Training Event for Councillors 9 December 9.30am – 4.30pm DALC offices, Exeter

24    Dartmoor Trust Centenary of the First World War – support and involvement required for exhibition to be held at the DNPA Visitor Centre, Princetown in 2015.

25  Warnings

      A report has been received re the theft of turkeys from a farm in the Kenn area.  Farms and properties with turkeys should be especially vigilant at this time of year.

      Police are appealing for information regarding the theft from a motor vehicle offence and are asking anyone who may have seen a VW Transporter van registration no.  RV57ZGC in the Bridford or Kenn area between 14th and 28th November to contact them on the 101 telephone number quoting crime reference JC/13/668.

26 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

     The 359 Country Bus service route 359 from Exeter to Moretonhampstead will not run from 9th – 20th December while the B3212 is closed for road repairs.   Instead two buses will run, one between Moretonhampstead and Dunsford and one between Dunsford and Exeter.  A temporary timetable is available.  

27   District Councillors Report from Dst Cllr Stephen Purser

       Teignbridge is currently looking at it’s budgets, the financial situation is tight.  The Council


        Tax Benefits consultation has now closed.  Last year  the District Council covered 25% of the housing benefit costs.  It is likely that this will be removed from those receiving it so so that those currently receiving 100% will in future only received 75%.  Benefit will be restricted down to Band E level.

28   Public Discussion – a Parish Councillor mentioned that the gullies are silted up on Pound Lane which will lead to ice on the road if they are not unblocked.  Highways to be requested to take action as a matter of urgency

       A Parish Councillor asked about the new Bridford website and why the old one was still accessible on the internet.   Payment on the old domain finished last August.  Enquiries will be made to find out if and how the old website  can be removed.

     29   Date of next meeting –  Monday 6th January 2014 at the Village Hall.  All are welcome.

           Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairman     6th January 2014


Newsletters & Magazines

Teignbridge Monthly Update October 2013

Reports and Agenda

Dunsford PC October minutes


       Letter from DNPA re Review of Enforcement Servic

       DNPA Guide to Certificates of Lawfulnes

       Letters sent
