December 2012 Parish Council Minutes

December 2012 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 3rd December 2012 at 7.00pm
Present: Cllrs G Hearnden (acting chairman), E Price, A Lord, D Goodwin-Hughes, J Bingham, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk). Cnty Cllr Brook attended part of the meeting. There were no members of the public.
Apologies: Cllrs S Purser & T Evans
Declarations of Interest – none
Public Discussion – no items raised for discussion
Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th November 2012 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Allotments – there are still two half plots vacant which will continue to be advertised.
Play Area – nothing to report.
Village Hall – as a result of heavy rain, the Lower Hall is unable to be used. Steps being taken to ensure that the Post Office and Doctor’s surgery will operate as usual on Friday mornings.
Parking of Motor Home – following a request from the PCSO, this has been moved back to the opposite side of the road, a little further along but it still obscures vision for both pedestrians and other vehicles.
9 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council – none
Items for Discussion
Land at Heltor Woods nr Blackingstone Rock – unauthorised building, discussed by Parish Council which did not support the application particularly as DNPA has already turned down another application with limited use for educational purposes.
11 Any Items for discussions received since publication of the agenda – none
Items for Information
12 Woodland Park, Bridford– Grant of Conditional Planning re erection of composting
toilet building (DNPA ref 0504/12)
13 Bridford Village Hall – discussed at November PC meeting. O/S clarification of queries now dealt with. “Parish Council has no objections”
14 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none
Budget 2013/14 – Parish Council discussed the draft budget. A few suggested amendments. A Councillor also queried if it is necessary to subscribe to certain organisations. Budget to be finalised at the January PC meeting.
16 Account balances as at 28th November 2012 – current account £3,914.07 and
deposit account £2,867.12 (balances include £1,557.20 earmarked for Play Area)
Balances allow for any expenditure and income detailed below.
1 7 Income: none
18 Expenditure
Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for October 2012 £ 162.76
The Parish Council resolved to approve and accept the accounts and authorise the
expenditure. The Chairman checked the invoice to the cheque book and the bank reconciliation to the bank statement. 55

Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.55pm. The acting Chairman welcomed him and invited him to speak.

Cnty Cllr Brook confirmed that the Government has made a commitment to assisting the Highways system following the recent severe wet weather. DCC will make a bid for some of this money which will not meet all the rain water road damage repairs, particularly on the C class road network where maintenance has not been kept up. Next year’s budget has already been programmed. Front line services which are important to individuals have been maintained. The road network is an easy target. Rural economies rely on their road networks and without them will not generate income. Much of the rural roads are used by farming communities with the machinery being used on the roads getting much bigger. It was suggested therefore that DEFRA should be approached for a percentage of its modulation money. Important to get DEFRA on our side and to use the fields for drainage to get the water off the road network – shift the responsibility of draining the water into the fields to the farmers. Just 2000 miles of road were salted leaving 6,000 unsalted. These damaged roads will not receive attention. More and more volunteers are going to be required to take on responsibilities.
County Councillors have been advised to utilise their budgets prior to the next election. A Parish Councillor asked if funds could be made available to assist with the flood damage at the Village Hall. Cnty Cllr Brook will make enquiries. Cllr Lord thanked Cnty Cllr Brook for his assistance in getting a larger bus put on the once weekly Newton Abbot service.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 8.25pm
19 Teignbridge Local Plan 2013 -2033 – copy of plan circulated. Parish Council to discuss and make any comments/observations. As Bridford Parish planning falls within DNPA, the PC did not feel that the plan was applicable.
20 Warnings from Devon and Cornwall Police
Report of a bull missing from its field in Higher Ashton. Any information to the Police 101 number quoting log 26 of the 26/11/12
Between 17 October and 7 November, lead stolen from the roof of the National Trust building in Widecombe. Those in rural properties asked to be vigilant and report anything suspicious using the 101 number
On 25/26 November, poultry stolen from higher Ashton. Poultry owners advised to be aware and to report any suspicious activity.
DALC Training and Events update – Big Lottery Awards for All grant awarded to DALC to deliver a new multi-session training course for local councillors: “Rising to the Challenge”. Further details available in the New Year.
District Councillors Report – in the absence of Dst Cllr Purser, no report available.
Public Discussion – no further items for discussion
Date of next meeting – 7.00pm Monday 7th January 2013 at the Village Hall.

Original signed by Chairman 7th January 2013