St. Thomas Becket Church

Our beautiful ancient Church is open to visitors between 9am and 5pm daily.  There are booklets giving the history of the Church and a detailed map of the graves in the churchyard. More information about the Church is available on the Church’s website.

St Thomas a Becket, Bridford, Devon
St Thomas a Becket, Bridford, Devon

You are welcome to park in the village hall car park whilst visiting the Church.

Every month there are services at 8.30am on the first Sunday and 10am on the second Sunday.

The Remembrance Sunday Service this year will take place in the village hall at 10.00am. There will be a Carol Service at 6pm on Christmas Eve. Details of other services such as Harvest Thanksgiving will be published in Unity.


Church Administrator

Steve Cook

Tel: 01392 832332

Church Warden: Francis Leversedge,The Spinney, Bridford EX6 7JQ
Tel: 01647 252180
Treasurer: Kathy Fitzjohn Scattor View, Bridford EX6 7JF
Tel: 01647 252515
Secretary: Tessa Derby Holte Barn, Bridford EX6 7HT
Tel: 07710 188377
Email: [email protected]

Church Diary