Bridford Parish Council minutes of meeting 2nd March 2015

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 2nd March 2015 at 7.00pm.

Present:  Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), G Hearnden, E Price, F Miles, J Bingham, A Lord, T Evans (arrived at 7.10pm), Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting and three members of the public.

  • Apologies – none
  • Declarations of Interest – none
  • Public Discussion

Village Hall – a Parishioner who cleans the Village Hall wished to draw the Parish Council’s attention to the fact that she did not consider the Hall was being managed in a satisfactory manner having found on different occasions, the water heater left on, fire doors propped open and the building generally not being left in an acceptable state following an event.  The Parish Council agreed to write to the Village Hall Committee to ask them to review their management  of the building and to ensure that there is in future, a nominated person who the cleaner can liaise with and who will be overall responsible in the event of problems.

Anglers Cottage – a Parishioner reported that this property has been empty for at least three months and in its current state of repair is becoming an eyesore.  It is not known who owns the property.  The Parish Council will contact Teignbridge to see what can be done.

Hedge at Pound Lane – although the roadside hedge has been cut at Shippen, the inside requires cutting back to ensure visibility on the hill when the leave start to grow.  The Parish Council will write to the land owner.

Hedge at Pound Lane adjoining Oxenpark Gate – this has long been an issue with letters sent to the builders of the estate being ignored.  As outstanding issues still remain, a management company has never been established.

School Lane – a Parishioner commented on the state of the road surface which is generally very mossy with a number of potholes.  Devon County Council is responsible for the road until it becomes a footpath to the church when it becomes the responsibility of the DNPA Ranger.  Both will be contacted to see if any repairs can be undertaken.

Slurry / mud on the road still running down off the field between Neadon Lane and Windhill Gate when it rains.  The Parish Council will contact Seven Acre Farm to see if they now have the road cleaning equipment that they were going to obtain and to request that the road is kept free of slurry.

Gentleman of the Road – a Parishioner advised the Parish Council that a tramp has taken up residence in the church during the day.  The PCSO has been advised.

Rowden Wood – oil debris running down has been reported.  Environmental representatives have been to investigate.  The Dartmoor Ranger to be asked if he is aware.

Item 24 District Councillors Report brought forward – the District budget was approved which included the Devon County precept.  District Council currently in ‘purver mode’ in the run up to the Elections on 7th May.

Cllr Purser left the meeting at 7.35pm and Cllr Hearnden took the Chair

Item 20Request for funds from Bridford Church – brought forward to allow representatives of the church present at the meeting to speak.

The yew trees in the churchyard and the lower hedge require cutting back and the estimate is £300.  The Parish Council resolved to make £250 available from funds generated from the textile bank.  The Clerk confirmed that the Village Hall would still be receiving the 20% of any funds received as a result of the textile bank, agreed when the scheme was


originally set up.  It was agreed that the 20% payable to the Village Hall should be paid at the end of the Parish Council’s financial year.


4    Minutes – The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on February 2nd 2015 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5     Allotments    – nothing new to report.  Plot 3 still vacant and being advertised.

6     Play Area      – RoSPa annual inspection to take place this month. Nothing else to report.

7     Village Hall  – refer to public discussion.  There is a management issue, not directly the Parish Council’s problem.

8     Skip in driveway at 6 Scattor View – at the February meeting it was recorded in the minutes that there was concern about a permanent skip in the drive of 5 Scattor View.  This was incorrect and should have been number 6.  A letter has been sent to the occupier of number 5 apologising for any embarrassment or inconvenience this may have caused.

Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.50pm.  He was welcomed by the acting Chairman and invited to speak.  The County Council budget eventually went through, one variation being the decision to continue to fill the grit bins.  £100,000 has been put back into the bus scheme to allow more time to decide how to go about the process of operating this service. Otherwise, no great changes to the original budget proposals. The “Achilles’ heel” is the outstanding debt, being money borrowed from the public loans board which was then loaned out to others to generate funds.  £250,000 is still outstanding but is not able to be paid back yet.  The next payment date is not until 2027.  Funds are being put back each year to be able to pay the money back and this takes away a considerable amount of the revenue budget.  To maintain the capitalprogramme within the county, assets have been reviewed.  With the reduction of staff, some satellite buildings have been mothballed down and sold.  The capital project is supported by assets that are no longer functional or required by the County Council.  Cllr Lord asked Cnty Cllr Brook if he knew what was happening regarding the bus proposals to cut out Hennock from the weekly Newton Abbot service, but he had no further information.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 8.12pm          


9    Meetings Attended by members of the Parish Council – none


For Discussion

The following items were dealt with between meetings due to the short timescale for submitting the observation sheets

10   Amerys, Bridford – amendment to original plans.  Change from flat to pitched roof extension and amendments to window design and front elevations (DNPA ref 0001/15)  “ The Parish Council has no objections”

11   Pound Cottage – amendment to approved DNPA ref. 0026/14 to insert new window and omit door (DNPA ref 0051/15) “The Parish Council has no objections”.

12   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda – none

For Information  

13   Seven Acre Farm, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re siting of temporary dwelling for agricultural worker (DNPA ref. 0710/14)

14   Springwater Stables, Bridford – refusal  to issue a Certificate of Lawful Use or Development (DNPA ref 0700/14)


15   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

Amerys, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re single storey extension

(DNPS ref. 0001/15)


16   Account balances as at 25th February 2015 – current account £3,413.59 and deposit account

£3,175.01. Balances include £623 earmarked for Play Area, £120 balance of refundable deposits for allotments & £327.20 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

17   Income

Bank interest re December 2014                                                                £    0.26

Bank interest re January 2015                                                                    £    0.27

18    Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for February 2015                                                           £180.54

Mrs J P Banks purchase of  HP laptop computer                                  £399.00

Microsoft Office programme                                                                  £  79.99

MacAfee anti-virus programme                                                             £  20.00                £498.99

Mrs J P Banks paid to IBIS UK to transfer HMRC files from  old laptop                            £  10.00

DALC re New Councillors Course 28 January for Cllr F Miles                                           £  30.00

Information Commissioner re renewal of Data Protection registration                               £  35.00

The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure.  The

Chairman checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.

19   Reimbursement of Christmas tree lights £24.39 authorised for payment at January PC meeting – the Parish Council re-authorised this payment to be made under S137 payments in retrospect.


20    Request for funds from Bridford Church – item dealt with earlier in the meeting.

21    Teign Tennis Trust request for  a PC representative to attend its AGM 18th March 2015 Cllr Bingham will represent the Parish Council.   

22   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda – none


23   Social Enterprise Workshops 2015 – information at

24   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

Building Better Communities – Jewson pledges £100,000 for community regeneration


RoSPA Playsafety Playground Inspection Training Courses available

Teign Valley Community Hall – letter from the secretary trying to recruit new committee members from all the Valley Parishes.

May 2015 Elections – the Clerk advised members of the Parish Council that she has a limited number of Nomination Packs.   Deadline for receipt of completed nomination papers at Forde House, 4.00pm Thursday 9th April 2015.

25   District Councillors Report – given earlier in the meeting.

26   Public Discussion – nothing else for discussion

27   Date of next meeting  –  Monday 13th April 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the

Village Hall


          Original copy signed by the Chairman      13th April 2015


Newsletters and Circulars

Funding News February 2015

Advice Teignbridge February 2015

Reports and Agendas

       Dunsford approved minutes for January 2015

Letters sent



Bridford Parish Council agenda for meeting 2nd February 2015


Dear Councillor,

You are summoned to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 2nd February 2015 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


  • Apologies
  • Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda.
  • Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council

4   Presentation by Peter Harper – Chairman DNPA


5   Minutes – Parish Council to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on January 5th 1915.

6     Allotments   – update

7     Play Area      – update & inspection

8   Village Hall – update

9     Snow Warden

10   Fly Tipping


11  Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council


For Discussion

The following application was dealt with between meetings due to the short timescale for submitting the observation sheet

12   Amerys, Bridford – re proposed single storey extension (DNPA ref. 0001/15). The Parish visited the property and made the following comments: “The Parish Council fully supports this application for a modest extension. The Parish Council debated whether the extension should have a pitched roof, but was divided on the subject.”

13 Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

For Information  

14 Lower Lowton Farm, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning re agricultural livestock building (314sqm) (DNPA ref. 0656/14)

15   Lower Neadon Cottage, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Application re demolition of existing utility and garage to rear of existing house and erection of a single storey extension. (DNPA ref. 0652/14)

  • Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda


17   Date of Internal Audit – 27th May 2015

18   Account balances as at 28th January 2015 – current account £ 4,688.66 and deposit account

£3,174.48. Balances include £623 earmarked for Play Area, £120 balance of refundable deposits for allotments, £400 re replacement computer & £278 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

19   Income – none

20   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for January 2015                                      £180.54

Mr G Dicker re 8 months grass cutting & extra hedge cut at allotments        £430.00

Mrs J P Banks travelling expenses re Preparing for Elections Briefing              £ 26.20

DALC Preparing for Elections Briefing 21 January £20 + £5 V.A.T.                       £ 25.00


21   Revisal of Standing Orders relating to Bridford Parish Council – resolution required to adopt amendment to Standing Orders following an amendment to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (“the 1960 Act”).

22   Bridford Parish Council Asset Register – revised figures to be signed off by the Chairman and Clerk

23   Teignbridge District Council Budget – consultation

24   Public Transport Review – consultation

25   Local Food Bank – request for grant

26   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda


27  Government statement on affordable housing/use of Section 106 Agreements

28   Mid Devon Cycling Club Race – 29th March 2015

29   Emailing of agendas – moves to make a law to legalise

30   Esmee Fairbairn Small Grant Fund – monies available

31   The Sir Francis Chichester Trust Burseries for 2015

32   Parish/Town Council Workshop – 11th Mach 2015

33   Devon SLCC Free Workshop – 27th March 2015

34   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

35 District Councillors Report

36 Public Discussion

37 Date of next meeting – Monday 2nd March 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the Village Hall

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




Newsletters and Circulars

Rural Housing Spotlight January 2015

Everyone’s Tomorrow Winter 2014/15

Healthwatch Voices Winter 2015

Clerks and Councils Direct January 2015

Reports and Agendas

Christow PC October and November minutes

Dunsford PC December minutes

Letters sent


Bridford Parish Council minute of meeting 1st December 2014

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall   Monday 1st December 2014 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), G Hearnden, E Price, A Lord, J. Bingham, F Miles, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Matt Jones (Chairman of Bridford Trust).   No other members of the public were present.

  • Apologies – Cllr T Evans
  • Declarations of Interest – none
  • Public Discussion – a Parish Councillor reported that a number of old television sets have been dumped by the electricity sub station at the junction of Neadon Lane.  Teignbridge will be requested to remove them.

A Parishioner has asked, via one of the Councillors, if the Council can make arrangements to cut back an overgrown tree adjacent to his property.  Cllr Price will try and ascertain exactly where the tree is and report back at the next meeting.


  • Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on November 10th 2014 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5     Allotments – arrangements have been made to cut back the blackthorn hedge at the top of the allotment ground.  Plot 3 remains vacant and will continue to be advertised.  Two annual rents remain outstanding.

6     Play Area – the plastic goal posts left on the grass have now been removed.   The tennis sessions have been moved to the village hall, so insurance is not now an issue.

7     Village Hall  – nothing new to report.

8     Snow Warden – arrangements in hand for training for Adrian Finding, the new Snow Warden.


  • Meetings Attended – The Chairman attended a recent TALC meeting where finance and budgets were on the agenda. John Hart, leader of DCC spoke about ongoing cuts and savings. Concern was expressed about grit bins not being replenished.  Lesley Tucker from TDC spoke about precepts and the top up grant.

The Chairman also attended the DNPA Forum.  The new DNPA Chairman Peter Harper gave a resume and update.  A representative from DCC Highways spoke about footpaths.  An ecologist spoke about cuckoos, sensors and tracking them as far as Nigeria and back.  A question and answer session followed at which our Chairman commented that Park members were never seen at local Parish Council meeting.

Cllr Price attended the consultation meeting concerning Fingle Wood.  Plans are going ahead to open part of the area to the public, but parking will be a problem.

The Chairman suspended standing orders to allow Matt Jones, Chairman of the Bridford Trust to address the meeting.

10    Matt wished to advise the Parish Council that he has been contacted by Ugbrooke Environmental who provided the Bridford Trust, (through landfill tax credits) with 90% of the purchase money for the Woodland Park.   Ugbrooke Environmental has been funded through Viridor Credits, but this has recently been stopped and Ugbrooke Environmental is now in a period of ‘managed closure’.   As part of this closure, the company has written to Bridford Trust to request the following:

  • agreement to the change of name on the funding agreement from Ugbrooke Environmental to Virador Credits
  • agreement to the change of name linked to the land title (on the land registry) from Ugbrooke Environmental to Viridor Credit


Bridford Trust would require legal representation to oversee these changes which the Trust cannot afford to pay.  Ugbrooke Environmental is checking with Viridor Credits as to whether funds are available to cover these costs.

Standing orders were resumed


Items for Discussion

11   Lower Neadon Cottage, Bridford – re demolition of existing utility and garage to rear of existing house and erection of single storey extension (DNPA ref. 0652/14).  Following a site visit, the Parish Council commented as follows: “The Parish Council fully supports this application.  This is a modern contemporary design which will fit well with the proposed  location.  The extension will not be visible from the road and not overlook or be overbearing on the neighbour.”

12    Lower Lowton Farm, Bridford – Erection of agricultural livestock building (314sqn)  (DNPA ref. 0656/14).  Following a site visit, the Parish Council commented as follows: “The Parish Council fully supports this application.  The Parish Council is disappointed to understand that the preferred location adjacent to the other barn is not available due to the incorrect mapping of the footpaths and that to correct this inaccuracy would entail several years of bureaucracy and cost to the applicant through no fault of their own,  Sadly it appears a common sense and practical correction cannot easily be made.”

13  Any items  received for discussion since publication of the agenda – none

Items for Information

14    Venn Bridge Farm, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re extension  (58sqm) to agricultural building (DNPA ref. 0537/14)

15   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none


16   Account balances as at 26th November 2014 – current account £5,350.40 and deposit account £3174.47 balances include £623 earmarked for Play Area, £120 balance of refundable deposits for allotments, £400 re replacement computer & £278 e proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

17   Income

Bank interest October 2014                                                                                        £       0.26

Mr A Hawkes allotment rent                                                                         £     15.00

18    Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for November 2014                                                 £   176.68


  • Budget 2015 /16 – the Parish Council discussed and agreed the draft budget figures for 2015/16.  The amount required from the precept will remain the same as last year i.e. £6,500 to include the top up grant from TDC.

20   Replacement computer – the Parish Council resolved to authorise the Clerk to purchase a new computer using funds already earmarked for this purpose towards the cost.

21   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda – none


22   Warnings – Police are investigating the theft of two chainsaws in Chudleigh which were stolen while being unloaded from a van.   Scam telephone cold calling is currently doing the rounds whereby the caller will state that your bank account has been compromised and request that funds are transferred into a new ‘safe account’   Anyone with any information should contact the police using the non emergency 101 telephone number.

23   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda – none

24   District Councillors Report – Dst Cllr Purser announced that the road repairs at Lyneham  are due to be completed by 17th December.  The IT arrangement between the District Councils is up and running.  A ‘memorandum of understanding’ has been signed by all three Councils. Ways of working and use of funds and possible amalgamations will be discussed. The permanent Travellers Site on Haldon has been completed and those who have booked are due to move on to the new site.  Those left on the old unauthorised site will be asked to leave to allow it to be restored.

25    Public Discussion – Cllr Price asked on behalf of the Tree Warden if the Parish Council would authorise a working party of volunteers to cut back the trees in the hedge at the top of Bridford Hill.   The Parish Council was happy to agree to this.

The Chairman wished everyone a Happy Christmas and thanked the Clerk for providing the homemade mince pies and cream!

26   Date of next meeting  –  Monday 5th January 2014 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the Village Hall


Original copy signed by the Chairman   5 January 2015



Letters sent
























Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall   Monday 1st December 2014 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), G Hearnden, E Price, A Lord, J. Bingham, F Miles, Mrs J P Banks

(Clerk), Matt Jones (Chairman of Bridford Trust).   No other members of the public were present.

  • Apologies – Cllr T Evans
  • Declarations of Interest – none
  • Public Discussion – a Parish Councillor reported that a number of old television sets have

been dumped by the electricity sub station at the junction of Neadon Lane.  Teignbridge will

will requested to remove them.

A Parishioner has asked, via one of the Councillors, if the Council can make arrangements to

cut back an overgrown tree adjacent to his property.  Cllr Price will try and ascertain exactly

where the tree is and report back at the next meeting.


  • Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting

held on November 10th 2014 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5     Allotments – arrangements have been made to cut back the blackthorn hedge at the top of the

allotment ground.  Plot 3 remains vacant and will continue to be advertised.  Two annual

rents remain outstanding.

6     Play Area – the plastic goal posts left on the grass have now been removed.   The tennis

sessions have been moved to the village hall, so insurance is not now an issue.

7     Village Hall  – nothing new to report.

8     Snow Warden – arrangements in hand for training for Adrian Finding, the new Snow Warden.


  • Meetings Attended – The Chairman attended a recent TALC meeting where finance and

budgets were on the agenda. John Hart, leader of DCC spoke about ongoing cuts and savings.

Concern was expressed about grit bins not being replenished.  Lesley Tucker from TDC spoke about precepts and the top up grant.

The Chairman also attended the DNPA Forum.  The new DNPA Chairman Peter Harper gave a resume and update.  A representative from DCC Highways spoke about footpaths.  An ecologist spoke about cuckoos, sensors and tracking them as far as Nigeria and back.  A question and answer session followed at which our Chairman commented that Park members

were never seen at local Parish Council meeting.

Cllr Price attended the consultation meeting concerning Fingle Wood.  Plans are going ahead to open part of the area to the public, but parking will be a problem.

The Chairman suspended standing orders to allow Matt Jones, Chairman of the Bridford Trust to

address the meeting.

10    Matt wished to advise the Parish Council that he has been contacted by Ugbrooke

Environmental who provided the Bridford Trust, (through landfill tax credits) with 90% of

the purchase money for the Woodland Park.   Ugbrooke Environmental has been funded

through Viridor Credits, but this has recently been stopped and Ugbrooke Environmental is

now in a period of ‘managed closure’.   As part of this closure, the company has written to

Bridford Trust to request the following:

  • agreement to the change of name on the funding agreement from Ugbrooke Environmental to Virador Credits
  • agreement to the change of name linked to the land title (on the land registry) from Ugbrooke Environmental to Viridor Credits




Bridford Trust would re          quire legal representation to oversee these changes which the Trust

cannot afford to pay.  Ugbrooke Environmental is checking with Viridor Credits as to whether funds are available to cover these costs.

Standing orders were resumed


Items for Discussion

11   Lower Neadon Cottage, Bridford – re demolition of existing utility and garage to rear of

existing house and erection of single storey extension (DNPA ref. 0652/14).  Following a site

visit, the Parish Council commented as follows: “The Parish Council fully supports this

application.  This is a modern contemporary design which will fit well with the proposed

location.  The extension will not be visible from the road and not overlook or be overbearing

on the neighbour.”

12    Lower Lowton Farm, Bridford – Erection of agricultural livestock building (314sqn)  (DNPA

ref. 0656/14).  Following a site visit, the Parish Council commented as follows: “The Parish

Council fully supports this application.  The Parish Council is disappointed to understand that

the preferred location adjacent to the other barn is not available due to the incorrect mapping

of the footpaths and that to correct this inaccurary would entail several years of bureaucracy

and cost to the applicant through no fault of their own,  Sadly it appears a common sense and

practical correction cannot easily be made.”

13  Any items  received for discussion since publication of the agenda – none

Items for Information

14    Venn Bridge Farm, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re extension

(58sqm) to agricultural building (DNPA ref. 0537/14)

15   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none


16   Account balances as at 26th November 2014 – current account £5,350.40 and deposit account

£3174.47 balances include £623 earmarked for Play Area, £120 balance of refundable deposits for allotments, £400 re replacement computer & £278 e proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

17   Income

Bank interest October 2014                                                                                        £       0.26

Mr A Hawkes allotment rent                                                                         £     15.00

18    Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for November 2014                                                 £   176.68


  • Budget 2015 /16 – the Parish Council discussed and agreed the draft budget figures for

2015/16.  The amount required from the precept will remain the same as last year i.e.

£6,500 to include the top up grant from TDC.

20   Replacement computer – the Parish Council resolved to authorise the Clerk to purchase a new

computer using funds already earmarked for this purpose towards the cost.

21   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda – none


22   Warnings – Police are investigating the theft of two chainsaws in Chudleigh which were s

while being unloaded from a van.   Scam telephone cold calling is currently doing the rounds

whereby the caller will state that your bank account has been compromised and request that



funds are transferred into a new ‘safe account’

Anyone with any information should contact the police using the non emergency 101

telephone number.

23   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda – none

24   District Councillors Report – Dst Cllr Purser announced that the road repairs at Lyneham

are due to be completed by 17th December.  The IT arrangement between the District Councils

is up and running.  A ‘memorandum of understanding’ has been signed by all three Councils.

Ways of working and use of funds and possible amalgamations will be discussed.

The permanent Travellers Site on Haldon has been completed and those who have booked are

due to move on to the new site.  Those left on the old unauthorised site will be asked to leave

to allow it to be restored.

25    Public Discussion – Cllr Price asked on behalf of the Tree Warden if the Parish Council

would authorise a working party of volunteers to cut back the trees in the hedge at the top of

Bridford Hill.   The Parish Council was happy to agree to this,

The Chairman wished everyone a Happy Christmas and thanked the Clerk for bringing along

the homemade mince pies and cream!

26   Date of next meeting  –  Monday 5th January 2014 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the

Village Hall


Original copy signed by the Chairman   5 January 2015



Letters sent
























Bridford Parish Council Minutes of meeting held 10th November 2014

Minutes of  a meeting of Bridford Parish Council  held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 10th November 2014 at 7.00pm.Present:  Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), G Hearnden, E Price, T Evans, A Lord, F Miles, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting.  There were no members of the public present. Continue reading “Bridford Parish Council Minutes of meeting held 10th November 2014”