Bridford Parish Council November minutes

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 2nd November 2015 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs F Miles (Chairperson), G Hearnden, E Price, A Lord, R Dowding, T Evans, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk).  Cllr J Atkinson joined the meeting at 7.15pm. Cnty Cllr Brook and Dst Cllr Ford attended for part of the meeting. No members of the public were in attendance.

  • Apologies – none
  • Declarations of Interest – none
  • Public Discussion – the Chairperson has been contacted by a disabled resident who is experiencing problems with collection of her refuse. Suggested they contact Tracey Fey at TDC to resolve the situation.

The Clerk has been advised that the area between Windhill Gate and Plaistow Green is becoming worse, being described by some as a ‘pond’. The DNPA Ranger has already been contacted about this recently and has confirmed that the problem is on his list of jobs to do. It was therefore decided not to harass him further at this time.


4   Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5th October 2015 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5   Allotments – most of the annual rents have been paid. Half plot number 2a still vacant and being advertised.

6   Play Area – Cllr Price had nothing to report

7   Grit Bins – Parish Councillors have been to look at all the grit bins within the Parish. All but one are in situ where they should be, most are full, one, already reported to Highways, is the wrong way around and therefore inaccessible, one has disappeared and in at least 50% of them, the salt has solidified and would be difficult to remove. Highways will be contacted to ensure that all are full and easily accessible before winter sets in.


8 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council – 11 Parish Councillors representing Bridford, Dundsford and Christow attended the annual Three Parishes meeting hosted by Bridford Parish Council.

Topics discussed included new and affordable housing and defibrillators. Dunsford thanked Bridford and Christow Parish Councils for donating their Electors Funds towards it’s play area.   Although formal minutes are not taken at these informal meetings, it was suggested that somebody should be nominated to take briefnotes to enable a report of the meeting to be given at the next Parish Council meeting.

Cllr Atkinson joined the meeting at 7.15pm

9  District Councillors Report – deferred as Cllr Ford was not present.


For Discussion

10 Higher Westcott Farm, Moretonhampstead – re proposed construction of shed to install a biomass system(retrospective) (DNPA ref. 0521/15) . Although the Parish Council originally had no objection to this retrospective application, these comments were withdrawn following a request to meet with the neighbour at The Corn House. The Parish Council was unable to arrange a mutually convenient appointment to make a site visit to Higher Westcott Farm to discuss with application with the applicant. A lengthy discussion took place and the Parish Council’s revised comments to DNPA were as follows: “The Parish Council considers that the plans are inaccurate, as is the supporting submission. The new boiler house is not in the original position but is directly outside the half glazed door of The Corn House kitchen. The chimney impinges upon the eye line and the fumes from the chimney are drawn by the prevailing wind into the courtyard of The Corn House.   The Parish Council questions whether the chimney is high enough to meet with building regulations. From an exterior observation, it appears that the construction of the shed could be a fire risk. The Parish Council supports the neighbour’s objection to the development in its present form”

Dst Cllr Ford joined the meeting at 7.30pm and was welcomed by the Chairperson and invited to speak.

Dst Ford is continuing in her efforts to improve Broadband services within the Teign Valley and noted postcodes from those present who are experiencing problems. It was noted that a number of Bridford residents obtain their signal from Moretonhampstead, with those nearer to Bridford benefitting from a better signal.

Teignbridge District Council’s auditors report is now available to view on the District Council website.


The item regarding the problems experienced by a disabled resident discussed earlier in the meeting was referred to Dst Cllr Ford who will liaise with the Chairperson to try and resolve the matter.

Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.40pm – the Chairperson welcomed him and invited him to speak.

Cnty Cllr Brook has made further enquiries regarding the damage to the bridge over the leat at Leigh Cross and the possibility of widening the splay of the bridge in the long term to give wider vehicles more room. DCC

Bridges Department will look into it but because it is within DNPA, this will also involve the Environment Agency.   Cnty Cllr Brook asked if the local road network has seen any improvements. The Parish Council confirmed that a lot of potholes have been filled and a serious concerted effort has been put in by Highways with many stretches of road having been repaired.

County budget – Devon County Council is struggling with certain elements. Certain aspects such as Care in the Community are demand led. There are serious cases which must be dealt with and these come at a price.

There is concern about the small business rate as a lot of local businesses in the area currently benefit from small business rate relief.

Cnty Cllr Brook and Dst Cllr Ford left the meeting at 8.00pm

11  Any planning items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda – none

For Information

12  The Grange, Bridford – Notice of Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re erection of mixed use building for storage of domestic, business and agricultural equipment and creation of access track from existing

driveway (DNPA ref. 0418/15)

13   Woodlands Farm, Dunsford – Notice of Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re installation of a 5.2 metre extension to lattice tower with 5 antennas and 2 dishes (DNPA ref. 0446/15)

14 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

Poole Farm, Bridford – Notice of Refusal of Planning Permission re erection of rural workers’ dwelling (DNPA ref. 0356/15)


15   Account balances as at 5th October 2015

current account £6,130.23 + investment account £3,324.87    =                                 £9,455.10

             (includes earmarked funds: £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623 Play Area

and £414.20 textile bank)

16 Income

Nathan Waste (proceeds of contents of textile bank)                                                £     64.40

Bank interest September                                                                                             £        0.28

Mrs A Griffiths re annual allotment rent                                                                        £     15.00                                                                                                                                                       £      79.68

17   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re October salary                                                                                  £ 185.19

Bridford Village Hall re hire of room for PC meetings     £96.00

re contribution to PO room hire     £73.50                                £   169.50

£   354.69  


18 Balance as at 2 November 2015                                                                                     £9,180.09

             The Parish Council resolved to accept the accounts and approve the expenditure.

             Cllr Dowding being nominated by the Chairperson, checked the invoices to the cheque book and the

reconciliation to the bank statement.


19   Format of future Annual Parish Meetings – as the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish CouncilMeeting have to be separate meetings and cannot be combined, it was agreed that both meetings would continue to be held on the same evening, but the Annual Parish Meeting would be held first.

20   2016 Parish Council meeting dates – the Clerk asked the Parish Council to consider a summer recess in line with other Parishes in the Valley, which would mean no Parish Council meeting in August. The Parish Council resolved to agree to this as a trial for 2016. Any planning applications or items that require a


decision during this time will be circulated in the usual way. A Parish Councillor suggested that meetings could commence at 7.30pm. A vote by way of a show of hands decided that the meetings will continue to commence at 7.00pm and will be held on the first Monday of the month, unless this falls on a Public Holiday with the exception of the Annual Meetings in May which will be on Wednesday 9th.

21   Alternative textile bank arrangements – Rag Bag has advised of its decision not to continue its collection in this area and the actual textile bank will be collected in due course, with the Parish Council being paid for anything in it at the time of collection. Cllr Price is currently investigating other possible sources of textile collection and hopes to have further information at the next Parish Council meeting.

22   Discuss possibilities of purchasing a defibrillator – the Parish Council would like to pursue this further. Cllrs Price and Hearnden volunteered to investigate the medical and legal position.

23   Hedge cutting on Bridford Hill – at the last meeting, it was suggested that it would be sensible if landowners could get together and use the same contractors, ensuring that all the hedges were cut at the same time.

After discussion, it was decided that this was not viable and would not work.

24   Recycling Devon Thank You Awards – the Clerk put forward that the Cllr Price should be nominated for an award in recognition of her volunteer duties involved with emptying and bagging up the contents of the textile bank, which has raised funds for local organisations.

25   Parish Plan / Neighbourhood Planning Grants and Support – the Parish Council has reviewed its existing Parish Plan recently. It was discussed whether the Parish Council should send out a new questionnaire and start a new Plan say next year. The cost of undertaking this would have to be looked into. Funding is available.  It was suggested that enquiries could be made as to whether or not other Parishes in the area have their own Parish Plans, how they are set up and what is included.

26   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda

Make a Difference Day – letter received from Christow School wishing to undertake tasks for the community on 5 November.   Ideas included tidying the Village Garden and the Churchyard.   The Clerk will contact the school to put them in touch with the relative contacts.

The Chairperson has received correspondence from a Parishioner concerned about a flash flood resulting in a waterfall down the church steps.   It was agreed that this was a flash flood and not something to be concerned about as a regular occurrence.

Devon Council Highways has changed the way it deals with applications to erect banners or decorations over the highway, making it easier for communities to be enhanced without having to go through the costly and time consuming procedures in order to obtain a licence.   There will no longer be a fee for a licence to put up banners or decorations.


27   Connecting Devon and Somerset – meeting at Whiddon Down Village Hall December 1st 2015. The Chairperson expressed an interest in attending.

28 Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings – none

29   Notice of Road Closure – B3212 Farrants Hill, Dunsford from Monday 9 November to Friday 11 December.

Diversion will be signposted.

30   Discontinuation of Rag Bag textile bank – dealt with under item 21

31   Dartmoor National Park Authority Forum – 27 November 2015. Items for the agenda to be submitted

to DNPA by 13 November.

32   Devon Remembers Heritage Project – contributions required to build a central archive relating to World War One.

33 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda – none

34   Public Discussion – Cllr Atkinson not being present for item 7 reported that he had checked his allocated grit bins and considered that some were not in the best location and that the Parish could benefit from additional grit bins in certain locations. The Chairperson asked Cllr Atkinson to identify the locations by grid reference and bring the information to the next meeting.

35 Date of next meeting – Monday 7 December 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the Village Hall

Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairperson           7th December 2015



Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Dunsford PC September 2015 minutes

Devon Countryside Access Forum Annual Report 2014/15

Clerks and Councils Direct November 2015


Teignbridge CSV Funding News

Letters sent



Bridford Parish Council Meeting Agenda 7 December 2015


Dear Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and members of the public are invited to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 7th December 2015 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


  • Apologies
  • Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda.
  • Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council


4   Minutes – Parish Council to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 2nd November 2015.

5   Allotments   – update

6   Play Area    – update

7   Alternative Textile Bank arrangements

8   Make a Difference Day

9   Re-painting of Telephone Kiosk

10 Neighbourhood Watch

11             Parish Plan

12 Defibrillator – update on costs, training and safety issues          


13 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council

14 District Councillors Report


For Discussion

15 Venn Bridge Farm, Bridford – re proposed erection of agricultural building (31.5m x 12m).   (DNPA ref. 0566/15) Details circulated to Parish Councillors and dealt with between meetings due to the short timescales involved for submitting comments. Parish Council has visited previously so a further site visit not considered necessary. “The Parish Council has no objections to the application”

16 Swanaford House, Bridford – re proposed demolition of existing barn and construct barn for winery/tasting room for new business Swanaford Estate Wine (DNPA ref. 0599/15). Application dealt with between meetings due to short timescales for submitting comments.   The Parish Council undertook a site visit, following which its comments were as follows: “The Parish Council supports this application and is pleased to encourage local diversification and use of land for new business in the Park”

17 Carrapitt Plants, Carrapitt Farm, Bridford – notice of application for Prior Notification re proposed erection of timber agricultural building (18m x 9m) (DNPA ref. 0617/15)

18  Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

For Information – none

19 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda


20   Christmas Lights – Parish Council to authorise the purchase of new lights for the Christmas tree in the Village Garden.

21    Account balances as at 2nd November 2015

current account £5,839.94 + investment account £3,340.15    =                                           £9,180.09

             (includes earmarked funds: £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623 Play Area

and £414.20 textile bank)

22 Income

Bank interest October                                                                                                            £  0.27

Allotment rents   F Leversedge                                                                                               £ 15.00

R Clark                                                                                              £ 15.00

A Bornemisza                                                                                            £ 30.00

K Jones                                                                                           £ 15.00

S Lawrence                                                                                     £ 15.00

B Curtis                                                                                          £ 15.00                                                                                                                                                                      £105.27  

23   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re November salary                                                                                         £185.39

Mrs J P Banks re reimbursement of costs of refreshments for Three Parishes Meeting           £ 10.00

Mr R Clark re reimbursement of cost of new lights for Christmas tree

(Payment to be authorised under Section137 payments)                                                          £ 20.07

Teignbridge District Council re cost of Parish Election 2015                                      £627.90

Mr G Dicker re verge / allotment maintenance July- December 2015                         £304.98


24  Balance as at 7th December 2015

current account £5,101.58 + investment account £3,340.42                                        £8,137.02

     25  2016/17 Budget – Parish Council to discuss draft budget prepared by the Clerk and to decide upon the precept required for 2016/17


26   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda


27  Dartmoor Access Forum – looking for new members to act in a voluntary capacity

28 Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings

29   Training – Cllr Miles will attend a Chairmanship course on 28th January at Kingsteignton.

30   Mindline South Devon and Torbay will be manning the phone lines over the Christmas and New Year period on 0300 3305464 for those wishing to speak with somebody in confidence.

31 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

32   Public Discussion

33 Date of next meeting – Monday 4 January 2016 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the

Village Hall

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Dunsford Parish Council October 2015 minutes

Parish & Town Council Conferences

TALC minutes for September


Teignbridge CSV Funding News

Letters sent



Bridford PC Minutes of Parish Council Meeting October 2015

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 5th October 2015 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs F Miles (Chairperson), T Evans, R Dowding, A Lord, J Atkinson, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Dst Cllr A Ford, Phil Wise Chairman of Teignbridge Neighbourhood Watch accompanied by a colleague and one member of the public. Cllr G Hearnden joined the meeting at 7.30pm, Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting.

1     Apologies – Cllr E Price

2     Declarations of Interest – none

3     Public Discussion – the Chairperson introduced Phil Wise and his colleague Geoff from Teignbridge Neighbourhood Watch who explained how the scheme works and brought along booklets about DNA property marking kits which are available at a discounted price direct from Neighbourhood Watch. It was agreed that details should be published in Unity and on the notice board and that this should be put on the agenda for the next Parish Council meeting to discuss if Bridford wishes to be part of a local scheme. Bridford’s NHW representative is currently a position in ‘name only’. He will be contacted to see if he would like to be involved further and put in touch with the Teignbridge association. Email contact details: [email protected] or telephone 01626 326604.

Cnty Brook joined the meeting at 7.35pm. He was welcomed by the Chairperson and invited to speak

Cnty Cllr Brook spoke about the problems of Japanese knotweed in the area. He spoke about local business rates, the current small business rates and rate relief being very advantageous to local businesses. Things are improving regarding young people’s services. DCC has to ensure that requirements are being met in respect of children in care and that they receive every advantage available to them.

7   Item 7 re: Damage to the bridge at Leigh Cross brought forward to include Cnty Cllr Brook.

The Clerk confirmed that the damaged bridge is the culvert over the leat and not the main bridge and is therefore not listed. Cnty Cllr Brook said that this will make it easier to get work done and will follow up with the appropriate department at Devon County Council.

23 Item 23 (deferred from previous meeting) brought forward to include Cnty Cllr Brook in the discussion and to ask for his support. Cnty Cllr Brook stated that he would support whatever the Parish Council decided to do. Cllr Evans proposed that the Parish Council should contact DCC again in an attempt to reinstate Bridford Hill onto the primary gritting route. This was seconded by Cllr Hearden. A lengthy discussion took place followed by a vote by a show of hands as to whether the Parish Council should proceed with the proposal to ask DCC to reinstate Bridford onto the primary gritting route or to continue with the current arrangements whereby gritting is undertaken by a volunteer Snow Warden. The Parish Council voted to continue with current arrangements for the time being, three in favour, one against and two abstentions. The Snow Warden will be contacted to ensure that we have sufficient supplies of salt.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting a6 8.20pm

Continuation of Public Discussion – a Parishioner wished to raise three different subjects: the old post box in the wall at The Old Post Office has been repainted and is looking smart, but the telephone box is in dire need of a coat of paint. BT will be contacted to see if they will smarten it up.

Under the new recycling arrangements, the bags supplied for waste paper are too flimsy and will blow away when empty.

Visibility on Bridford Hill as a result of overgrown hedges – the Parishioner suggested that all landowners could get together and use the same contractor so that all of the hedges were cut at the same time.   Comments noted. A reply from Simon Pearson (DCC Highways) was read out confirming their responsibilities and those of landowners regarding the cutting of roadside hedges. To be put on the November agenda for discussion.

A Parish Councillor mentioned that although the grass verges on Pound Lane (Bridford Hill) were kept tidy, the grass growing around the grit bin needed to be strimmed.   This would not be cost effective and as the work could only be undertaken by the contractor for insurance reasons, no action will be taken.

13 District Councillor’s Report brought forward to enable her to leave.   Dst Cllr reported that the main Council meeting took place on 28th September when the end of year accounts were agreed. An investment of £232,000 has been agreed in respect of the new fish quay at Teignmouth.   Cllr Ford has been following up requests to get a 20 mph speed limit put into place in the Teign Valley Villages. DCC Highways has come back with the reply that there is no requirement to make any changes to any speed limits in the Teign Valley.

Defibrillators – packages per village would cost approximately £2,000 to include training. Cllr Ford would



be willing to put some of her District Councillors available funding to support this. Item to be included on November agenda for discussion. Mobile phones and Broadband – Cllr Ford is continuing in her discussions and negotiations about possible funding to improve fibre connections.

Dst Cllr Ford left the meeting at 8.40pm


4   Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th September 2015 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5   Allotments   – a half plot still vacant and being advertised. The contractor asked to keep this plot strimmed when tidying the paths.   Invoices have been sent out in respect of the annual rentals due 1st October 2015.

6   Play Area    – in the absence of Cllr Price there was nothing to report.

7   Damage to bridge at Leigh Cross – item dealt with earlier, see Cnty Cllr Brook’s report.

8 Parish Plan Update meeting will take place at the Bridford Inn 28th October at 7.00pm

9 Three Parishes Meeting will take place as an informal discussion at Bridford Village Hall on 13th October at 7.00pm. Minutes are not taken.

10   Visibility on Bridford Hill – already dealt with under Public Discussion

11   Say No to Junk Mail – the Parish Council now has a supply of forms to enable residents to register. These are available from the Village Hall. Alternatively telephone 0845 703 4599 or visit:


12 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council – Cllr Dowding attended his first TALC meeting as the nominated Parish Council representative. Cllrs Dowding and Lord attended the recent Village Hall meeting. Cllr Atkinson attended a New Councillors training course at Exeter.

13 District Councillors Report – brought forward to earlier in the meeting


For Discussion

14 The Old Quarry, (Teign Valley Salvage) Pound Lane, Bridford – proposed enforcement (DNPA ref. ENF/0132/14) The Parish Council commented that “DNPA should apply the appropriate planning rules and regulations when making a decision regarding this case”

15   Woodlands Farm, Dunsford – re proposed installation of a 5.2m extension to lattice tower with 5 antennas and 2 dishes (DNPA ref. 0446/15) – item deferred from last meeting pending a site visit. Comments now submitted due to timescales for responding. “The Parish Council has no objections to the application”

16   Land at Bridford – Notice of Prior Notification re proposed installation of forestry tracks within woodland reference SX 789 877 & SX 790 879. (DNPA ref. 0500/15). “The Parish Council has no objections to the application”

17 Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda – none

For Information – none

18 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda – none


19   Account balances as at 7th September 2015

current account £3,466.64 + investment account £3,248.19    =                                           £6,714.83

             (includes earmarked funds: £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623 Play Area

and £349.80 textile bank)

20 Income

TDC second half year precept                                                                                                 £3.250.00

Nathan Waste (proceeds of contents of textile bank)                                                  £     76.40

Bank interest August                                                                                                   £        0.28                                                                                                                                                       £ 3,326.68  

21   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re September salary                                                                              £ 185.39

Mrs J P Banks re admin expenditure 1 July – 30 September               £106.70

re use of home as office 1 July -30 September                       £ 54.00                        £   160.70

HMRC re Clerk’s PAYE quarter ended 5 October 2015                                                          £   138.80




Mr J Poynton re annual costs relating to Bridford Village Website                             £     71.52

DALC re New Councillor Training for Cllr Atkinson £25 + £5 V.A.T.                                   £     30.00

£   586.41


22   Balance as at 5th October 2015                                                                                              £9,455.10

The Parish Council resolved to accept the accounts and approve the expenditure. Cllr Dowding (nominated by the Chairperson) checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.


23   Putting Bridford Hill back on the Primary Gritting Route – dealt with earlier in the meeting during Cnty Cllr Brook’s report

24   Change of Parish Council Meeting dates – Cllr Dowding in his capacity of Village Hall representative, confirmed that the request from the Village Hall committee was for the Parish Council to be ‘flexible’ over its meeting dates as opposed to changing the regular meeting dates on a regular basis. The Parish Council is happy to be flexible and this will be addressed as and when required.

25   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda – none


26 Devon Highways Parish & Town Council Conference – 14 October. Details passed to the Chairperson who expressed an interest in attending.

27 Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings – details of recent notifications were read out.

28 New Funding available for Dartmoor Communties – DNPA has launched it’s Communities fund for 2015/16. Deadline for first round of applications is 31st October 2015. Possible source of funds for a defibrillator.

29 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

Electoral Review of Devon – change of date of publication of final recommendations to 19th January 2016 due to further consultations in the North Devon area.

Notice of Road Closure – B3193 will closed at Hennock over night on Monday 19 October between the hours of 19.00 and 07.00. The alternative route will be signposted.

30   Public Discussion – a Parish Councillor reported that a lot of rubbish, particularly fast food containers, is being thrown out of car windows on Bridford Hill. There is not much can be done unless the culprits can be identified. Suggested that Councillors pick up any litter as and when they see it.

A Parish Councillor commented that the grit bin at the bottom of Pound Lane (Bridford Hill) is not accessible due to it being pushed into the hedge. To be reported to Highways. Suggestion raised that all the grit bins in the Parish should be inspected for accessibility and to see if they require filling. Clerk to identify location of individual bins and each Councillor to be allocated specific bins in their areas to check and report back if any attention required.

31 Date of next meeting – Monday 2nd November 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the

Village Hall

……………………………………………………….Chairperson   2nd November 2015



Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

DALC Update

Draft minutes of July TALC meeting

Community News Roundup – September 2015

NHS Pulse – September 2015

Local Lowdown Teignbridge CVS – August & September 2015

DALC Annual Report 2014 -2015


Amendments to the Electoral Register

Letters sent

Various                                                                         35


Bridford Parish Council Agenda 2nd November 2015


Dear Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and members of the public are invited to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 2nd November 2015 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


  • Apologies
  • Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in

any item on the agenda.

  • Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council


4   Minutes – Parish Council to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5th October 2015.

5   Allotments   – update

6   Play Area    – update

7   Grit Bins


8 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council

9  District Councillors Report


For Discussion

10 Higher Westcott Farm, Moretonhampstead – re proposed construction of shed to install a biomass system (retrospective) (DNPA ref. 0521/15)

11  Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

For Information

12  The Grange, Bridford – Notice of Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re erection of mixed use building for storage of domestic, business and agricultural equipment and creation of access track from existing driveway (DNPA ref. 0418/15)

13   Woodlands Farm, Dunsford – Notice of Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re installation of a 5.2 metre extension to lattice tower with 5 antennas and 2 dishes (DNPA ref. 0446/15)

14 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda


15   Account balances as at 5th October 2015

current account £6,130.23 + investment account £3,324.87    =                                           £9,455.10

             (includes earmarked funds: £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623 Play Area and £414.20 textile bank)

16 Income

Nathan Waste (proceeds of contents of textile bank)                                                           £     64.40

Bank interest September                                                                                                      £        0.28

Mrs A Griffiths re annual allotment rent                                                                                 £     15.00                                                                                                                                                                                         £      79.68

17   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re October salary                                                                                             £ 185.19

Bridford Village Hall re hire of room for PC meetings     £96.00

re contribution to PO room hire     £73.50                                            £   169.50

                                                                                                                                                £   354,69


18 Balance as at 2 November 2015                                                                                        £9,180.09


19   Format of future Annual Parish Meetings

20   2016 Parish Council meeting dates

21   Alternative textile bank arrangements

22   Discuss possibilities of purchasing a defibrillator

23   Hedge cutting on Bridford Hill

24   Recycle Devon Thank You Awards

25   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda


26   Connecting Devon and Somerset – Whiddon Down Village Hall December 1st 2015

27 Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings

28   Notice of Road Closure

29   Discontinuation of Rag Bag textile bank

30   Dartmoor National Park Authority Forum – 27 November 2015

31   Devon Remembers Heritage Project – contributions required to build a central archive

32 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

33   Public Discussion

34 Date of next meeting – Monday 7 December 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the

Village Hall

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Dunsford PC September 2015 minutes

Devon Countryside Access Forum Annual Report 2014/15

Clerks and Councils Direct November 2015


Teignbridge CSV Funding News

Letters sent



Bridford Parish Council Minutes September 2015

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 7th September 2015 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs G Hearnden (acting Chairman), A Lord, T Evans, J Atkinson, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Dst Cllr A Ford

TDC Recycling Officer Tracey Fey and ten members of the public.

  • Apologies – Cllrs R Dowding, E Price and F Miles
  • Declarations of Interest – none
  • Public Discussion

The Chairman welcomed Tracey Fey who gave a presentation about the new recycling arrangements which will come into effect in October. This was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked Tracey for her very informative presentation. There were no other items for public discussion.


4   Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3rd August 2015 as a true and accurate record of the meeting

5   Allotments   – there is still a half plot available. The grass cutting contractor has been asked to strim this plot until such time that a tenant is found. The invoices will be sent out this month in respect of the annual rents which are due 1st October.

6   Play Area    – in the absence of Cllr Price, there was nothing to report.

7   Flooding on by-way between Windhill Gate and Plaistow Green – it was noted that Simon Lee the DNPA Ranger had sorted this problem some years ago. He thought that the drainage had stopped working due to one of the pipes being crushed. More remedial work is on his list of things to do.

8   Local Police Contact Details – Mark Easton the PCSO has confirmed that new contact information details are being printed which will be distributed when available.

9   Damage to bridge at Leigh Cross – investigations have shown that it is the actual bridge over the River Teign known as Bridford Bridge which is listed and therefore planning permission should not be necessary for alterations to the culvert over the leat at the junction with the B3193 where the damage keeps occurring. Cnty Cllr Brook will be contacted again to find out the contact details of the person to speak to about this at County Hall.

10 Parish Plan Update meeting – will take place at the Bridford Inn on Thursday 22nd October at the Bridford Inn at 7.00pm

11 Three Parishes Meeting – will take place on Tuesday 13th October at the Village Hall at 7.00pm

12 Change of Parish Council Meeting dates – decision deferred until October as there were three Councillors not in attendance.   Initial discussions showed that the second Tuesday in the month would be a possibility.


13 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council – none

14 District Councillors Report

Cllr Ford had nothing new to report. A full Teignbridge District Council meeting will take place next week.


For Discussion

15  The Grange, Bridford – re proposed erection of mixed use building for storage of domestic, business and agricultural equipment and creation of access track from existing driveway (DNPA ref. 0418/15) Following a site visit, the Parish Council made the decision to support this application commenting that it will not impinge on anybody’s sight lines and will tidy up the appearance of the front curtilage of the property.

15a Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

Woodland Farm, Dunsford – re proposed installation of a 5.2 metre extension to lattice tower with five antennas and two dishes (DNPA ref 0446/15). Application submitted by Arqiva Ltd. The Parish Council would like to meet with the agent on site to discuss before making comments. To be arranged with the agent and the landowner.

For Information

16   Heltor View – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re erection of timber framed building for the stabling of horses (DNPA ref. 0305/15)

17   Seven Acre Lane, Bridford – the National Park Authority has not issued a Hedgerow Retention Notice.

18 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda – none



19   Income included in previous bank balance but not noted in the minutes

Bank Interest re: May 2015   £0.26

June 2015 £0.27

20   Account balances as at 3rd August 2015

current account £3,581.83 + investment account £3,247.92                                                   £6,829.75

(includes earmarked funds: £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623 Play Area

and £273.40 textile bank)

21 Income

Nathan Waste (proceeds of contents of textile bank)                                                  £     70.00

Bank interest July                                                                                                       £       0.27

£     70.27

22   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re August salary                                                                                  £   185.19

23   Balance as at 7th September 2015                                                                              £ 6,714.83

The Parish Council resolved to accept the accounts and approve the expenditure. The Chairman checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.

24   Annual Review of Financial Regulations and Statement of Internal Control – copies of the revised documents were circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting for perusal. The Parish Council resolved to approve any updated amendments. The documents were signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.

25   Annual Review of Risk Assessment – copies of the revised document were circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting for perusal. The Parish Council resolved to approve any updated amendments and the document was signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.


26   Neighbourhood Watch – the Parish Council decided to accept the invitation from Teignbridge Neighbourhood Watch to visit. They will be invited to the October meeting to explain the D.N.A. property marking kits in more detail.

27   Visibility on Bridford Hill – This is an annual problem and whilst under EU Directives, via DEFRA, landowners are not permitted to cut hedges until 1st September, it is understood that ‘site safety’ is excluded from this date. The Parish Council will contact Highways to see if the requirement in connection with site safety has been carried out.

28   Putting Bridford Hill back on the Primary Gritting Route – it had been hoped that Cnty Cllr Brook would be at the meeting to discuss. In his absence, the item has been put back to the October meeting

29   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda – none


30 Connecting Dartmoor and Exmoor – Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) has appointed Airband Community Internet Ltd to deliver the Connecting Dartmoor & Exmoor programme to provide superfast wireless broadband by the end of 2017. For up to date information and progress visit the website:

31 Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings

Police report that a male visited a property in the Ide area asking for money which he said was owed for cleaning products. Residents are asked to be vigilant and to advise elderly and vulnerable neighbours to be on their guard.

Police are investigating the theft of a tractor from the Doccombe area. Residents are asked to be vigilant and to review their security.

32   Licensing Act 2003 – the draft review is now available for public consultation and can be viewed at

33   Devon Minerals Plan Consultation – DCC is preparing the plan which will cover the period to 2033 and has launched the pre-submission consultation. This can be viewed at

34   Invitation to meet the new CAB Chief Officer – at the CAB offices, Market Walk, Newton Abbot at 4.00pm on 13th October

35   Say No to Junk Mail – the Clerk has accepted on behalf of the Council, an invitation from DCC Waste


Management, to join a scheme to try and reduce the amount of junk mail received. Packs containing leaflets, postcards, letterbox stickers and holders will be sent to the Parish Council and will be left in the Village Hall for anyone interested to help themselves.

36 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

Teignbridge Public Consultation of Spatial Planning Documents – a consultation is open from 4 September until 16 October 2015 for anybody to comment on one or more of the documents that they may be interested

  1. The documents can be viewed on line at, at Forde HouseNewton Abbot, or at local libraries in Teignbridge

2015 Housing Strategy Event – Thursday 8 October 9.00am – 1.30pm at Newton Abbot Recreational Trust, Marsh Road, Newton Abbot.

The Elector Fund – applications for 2015/16 Round One should be submitted by 4.00pm on 25 September with payments by the end of October.

Gambling Act 2005 – TDC’s Review of Statement of Principles and a consultation response form can be

viewed at    

37   Public Discussion – it was noted that the road at Seven Acre Farm where the cattle cross the road is still on occasions very muddy although at the present time, it seems to have dried up.

A Parish Councillor has been advised that dogs are not being kept under control on the footpaths and are being allowed to jump over fences and chase sheep. The Chairman stated that this is not a Parish Council matter but suggested that a reminder be published in Unity to remind dog owners of their responsibilities,

38 Date of next meeting – Monday 5th October 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the

Village Hall

Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairperson       5th October 2015

Newsletters and Circulars

Report on NEC meeting August 2015

Local Lowdown (Teignbridge VCS Groups) August 2015


Solar powered street lights

Devon Highways Members Information Pack

Letters sent










Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 7th September 2015 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs G Hearnden (acting Chairman), A Lord, T Evans, J Atkinson, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Dst Cllr A Ford

TDC Recycling Officer Tracey Fey and ten members of the public.

  • Apologies – Cllrs R Dowding, E Price and F Miles
  • Declarations of Interest – none
  • Public Discussion

The Chairman welcomed Tracey Fey who gave a presentation about the new recycling arrangements which

will come into effect in October. This was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked

Tracey for her very informative presentation. There were no other items for public discussion.


4   Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3rd

August 2015 as a true and accurate record of the meeting

5   Allotments   – there is still a half plot available. The grass cutting contractor has been asked to strim this

plot until such time that a tenant is found. The invoices will be sent out this month in respect of the annual

rents which are due 1st October.

6   Play Area    – in the absence of Cllr Price, there was nothing to report.

7   Flooding on by-way between Windhill Gate and Plaistow Green – it was noted that Simon Lee the DNPA

Ranger had sorted this problem some years ago. He thought that the drainage had stopped working due to one

of the pipes being crushed. More remedial work is on his list of things to do.

8   Local Police Contact Details – Mark Easton the PCSO has confirmed that new contact information details

are being printed which will be distributed when available.

9   Damage to bridge at Leigh Cross – investigations have shown that it is the actual bridge over the River Teign

known as Bridford Bridge which is listed and therefore planning permission should not be necessary for

alterations to the culvert over the leat at the junction with the B3193 where the damage keeps occurring.

Cnty Cllr Brook will be contacted again to find out the contact details of the person to speak to about this at

County Hall.

10 Parish Plan Update meeting – will take place at the Bridford Inn on Thursday 22nd October at the Bridford Inn

at 7.00pm

11 Three Parishes Meeting – will take place on Tuesday 13th October at the Village Hall at 7.00pm

12 Change of Parish Council Meeting dates – decision deferred until October as there were three Councillors

not in attendance.   Initial discussions showed that the second Tuesday in the month would be a possibility.


13 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council – none

14 District Councillors Report

Cllr Ford had nothing new to report. A full Teignbridge District Council meeting will take place next week.


For Discussion

15  The Grange, Bridford – re proposed erection of mixed use building for storage of domestic, business and

agricultural equipment and creation of access track from existing driveway (DNPA ref. 0418/15)

Following a site visit, the Parish Council made the decision to support this application commenting that it will

not impinge on anybody’s sight lines and will tidy up the appearance of the front curtilage of the property.

15a Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

Woodland Farm, Dunsford – re proposed installation of a 5.2 metre extension to lattice tower with five

antennas and two dishes (DNPA ref 0446/15). Application submitted by Arqiva Ltd. The Parish Council

would like to meet with the agent on site to discuss before making comments. To be arranged with the agent

and the landowner.

For Information

16   Heltor View – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re erection of timber framed building for the

stabling of horses (DNPA ref. 0305/15)

17   Seven Acre Lane, Bridford – the National Park Authority has not issued a Hedgerow Retention Notice.

18 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda – none



19   Income included in previous bank balance but not noted in the minutes

Bank Interest re: May 2015   £0.26

June 2015 £0.27

20   Account balances as at 3rd August 2015

current account £3,581.83 + investment account £3,247.92                                                   £6,829.75

(includes earmarked funds: £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623 Play Area

and £273.40 textile bank)

21 Income

Nathan Waste (proceeds of contents of textile bank)                                                  £     70.00

Bank interest July                                                                                                       £       0.27

£     70.27

22   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re August salary                                                                                               £   185.19

23   Balance as at 7th September 2015                                                                              £ 6,714.83

The Parish Council resolved to accept the accounts and approve the expenditure. The Chairman checked

the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.

24   Annual Review of Financial Regulations and Statement of Internal Control – copies of the revised documents

were circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting for perusal. The Parish Council resolved to approve

any updated amendments. The documents were signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.

25   Annual Review of Risk Assessment – copies of the revised document were circulated to all Councillors prior

to the meeting for perusal. The Parish Council resolved to approve any updated amendments and the

document was signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.


26   Neighbourhood Watch – the Parish Council decided to accept the invitation from Teignbridge Neighbourhood

Watch to visit. They will be invited to the October meeting to explain the D.N.A. property marking kits in

more detail.

27   Visibility on Bridford Hill – This is an annual problem and whilst under EU Directives, via DEFRA,

landowners are not permitted to cut hedges until 1st September, it is understood that ‘site safety’ is excluded

from this date. The Parish Council will contact Highways to see if the requirement in connection with site

safety has been carried out.

28   Putting Bridford Hill back on the Primary Gritting Route – it had been hoped that Cnty Cllr Brook would be

at the meeting to discuss. In his absence, the item has been put back to the October meeting

29   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda – none


30 Connecting Dartmoor and Exmoor – Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) has appointed Airband

Community Internet Ltd to deliver the Connecting Dartmoor & Exmoor programme to provide superfast

wireless broadband by the end of 2017. For up to date information and progress visit the website:

31 Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings

Police report that a male visited a property in the Ide area asking for money which he said was owed for

cleaning products. Residents are asked to be vigilant and to advise elderly and vulnerable neighbours to be

on their guard.

Police are investigating the theft of a tractor from the Doccombe area. Residents are asked to be vigilant and

to review their security.

32   Licensing Act 2003 – the draft review is now available for public consultation and can be viewed at

33   Devon Minerals Plan Consultation – DCC is preparing the plan which will cover the period to 2033 and has

launched the pre-submission consultation. This can be viewed at

34   Invitation to meet the new CAB Chief Officer – at the CAB offices, Market Walk, Newton Abbot at 4.00pm

on 13th October

35   Say No to Junk Mail – the Clerk has accepted on behalf of the Council, an invitation from DCC Waste


Management, to join a scheme to try and reduce the amount of junk mail received. Packs containing

leaflets, postcards, letterbox stickers and holders will be sent to the Parish Council and will be left in the

Village Hall for anyone interested to help themselves.

36 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

Teignbridge Public Consultation of Spatial Planning Documents – a consultation is open from 4 September

until 16 October 2015 for anybody to comment on one or more of the documents that they may be interested

  1. The documents can be viewed on line at, at Forde House,

Newton Abbot, or at local libraries in Teignbridge

2015 Housing Strategy Event – Thursday 8 October 9.00am – 1.30pm at Newton Abbot Recreational Trust,

Marsh Road, Newton Abbot.

The Elector Fund – applications for 2015/16 Round One should be submitted by 4.00pm on 25 September

with payments by the end of October.

Gambling Act 2005 – TDC’s Review of Statement of Principles and a consultation response form can be

viewed at    

37   Public Discussion – it was noted that the road at Seven Acre Farm where the cattle cross the road is still on

occasions very muddy although at the present time, it seems to have dried up.

A Parish Councillor has been advised that dogs are not being kept under control on the footpaths and are

being allowed to jump over fences and chase sheep. The Chairman stated that this is not a Parish Council

matter but suggested that a reminder be published in Unity to remind dog owners of their responsibilities,

38 Date of next meeting – Monday 5th October 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the

Village Hall

Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairperson       5th October 2015


Newsletters and Circulars

Report on NEC meeting August 2015

Local Lowdown (Teignbridge VCS Groups) August 2015


Solar powered street lights

Devon Highways Members Information Pack

Letters sent



Bridford Parish Council Agenda 5th October 2015

Dear Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and members of the public are invited to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 5th October 2015 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


  • Apologies
  • Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in

any item on the agenda.

  • Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the

agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council

The Public Discussion section will include:

A Presentation by Teignbridge Neighbourhood Watch to demonstrate and explain the D.N.A. property

marking kits which are available to protect your personal property.


4   Minutes – Parish Council to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th September 2015.

5   Allotments   – update

6   Play Area    – update

7   Damage to bridge at Leigh Cross

8 Parish Plan Update meeting

9 Three Parishes Meeting

10   Visibility on Bridford Hill – reply from Highways

11   Say No to Junk Mail


12 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council

13 District Councillors Report


For Discussion

14 The Old Quarry, (Teign Valley Salvage) Pound Lane, Bridford – proposed enforcement

15   Woodlands Farm, Dunsford – re proposed installation of a 5.2m extension to lattice tower with 5

antennas and 2 dishes – item deferred from last meeting pending a site visit. Comments now submitted due

to timescales for responding.

16   Land at Bridford – Notice of Prior Notification re proposed installation of forestry tracks within woodland

reference SX 789 877 & SX 790 879. (DNPA ref. 0500/15)

17 Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

For Information – none

18 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda


19   Account balances as at 7th September 2015

current account £3,466.64 + investment account £3,248.19    =                                           £6,714.83

             (includes earmarked funds: £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623 Play Area

and £349.80 textile bank)

20 Income

TDC second half year precept                                                                                                 £3.250.00

Nathan Waste (proceeds of contents of textile bank)                                                  £     76.40

Bank interest August                                                                                                   £        0.28                                                                                                                                                       £ 3,326.68  





21   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re September salary                                                                              £ 185.39

Mrs J P Banks re admin expenditure 1 July – 30 September               £106.70

re use of home as office 1 July -30 September                       £ 54.00                        £   160.70

HMRC re Clerk’s PAYE quarter ended 5 October 2015                                                          £   138.80

Mr J Poynton re annual costs relating to Bridford Village Website                             £     71.52

DALC re New Councillor Training for Cllr Atkinson £25 + £5 V.A.T.                                   £     30.00

£   586.41


22   Balance as at 5th October 2015                                                                                              £9,455.10


23   Putting Bridford Hill back on the Primary Gritting Route

24   Change of Parish Council Meeting dates – deferred from last meeting

25   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda


26 Devon Highways Parish & Town Council Conference – 14 October`

27 Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings

28 New Funding available for Dartmoor Communties

29 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

30   Public Discussion

31 Date of next meeting – Monday 2nd November 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the

Village Hall

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

DALC Update

Draft minutes of July TALC meeting

Community News Roundup – September 2015

NHS Pulse – September 2015

Local Lowdown Teignbridge CVS – August & September 2015

DALC Annual Report 2014 -2015


Amendments to the Electoral Register

Letters sent


Dear Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and members of the public are invited to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 5th October 2015 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


  • Apologies
  • Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in

any item on the agenda.

  • Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the

agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council

The Public Discussion section will include:

A Presentation by Teignbridge Neighbourhood Watch to demonstrate and explain the D.N.A. property

marking kits which are available to protect your personal property.


4   Minutes – Parish Council to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th September 2015.

5   Allotments   – update

6   Play Area    – update

7   Damage to bridge at Leigh Cross

8 Parish Plan Update meeting

9 Three Parishes Meeting

10   Visibility on Bridford Hill – reply from Highways

11   Say No to Junk Mail


12 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council

13 District Councillors Report


For Discussion

14 The Old Quarry, (Teign Valley Salvage) Pound Lane, Bridford – proposed enforcement

15   Woodlands Farm, Dunsford – re proposed installation of a 5.2m extension to lattice tower with 5

antennas and 2 dishes – item deferred from last meeting pending a site visit. Comments now submitted due

to timescales for responding.

16   Land at Bridford – Notice of Prior Notification re proposed installation of forestry tracks within woodland

reference SX 789 877 & SX 790 879. (DNPA ref. 0500/15)

17 Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

For Information – none

18 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda


19   Account balances as at 7th September 2015

current account £3,466.64 + investment account £3,248.19    =                                           £6,714.83

             (includes earmarked funds: £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623 Play Area

and £349.80 textile bank)

20 Income

TDC second half year precept                                                                                                 £3.250.00

Nathan Waste (proceeds of contents of textile bank)                                                  £     76.40

Bank interest August                                                                                                   £        0.28                                                                                                                                                       £ 3,326.68  





21   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re September salary                                                                              £ 185.39

Mrs J P Banks re admin expenditure 1 July – 30 September               £106.70

re use of home as office 1 July -30 September                       £ 54.00                        £   160.70

HMRC re Clerk’s PAYE quarter ended 5 October 2015                                                          £   138.80

Mr J Poynton re annual costs relating to Bridford Village Website                             £     71.52

DALC re New Councillor Training for Cllr Atkinson £25 + £5 V.A.T.                                   £     30.00

£   586.41


22   Balance as at 5th October 2015                                                                                              £9,455.10


23   Putting Bridford Hill back on the Primary Gritting Route

24   Change of Parish Council Meeting dates – deferred from last meeting

25   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda


26 Devon Highways Parish & Town Council Conference – 14 October`

27 Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings

28 New Funding available for Dartmoor Communties

29 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

30   Public Discussion

31 Date of next meeting – Monday 2nd November 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the

Village Hall

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

DALC Update

Draft minutes of July TALC meeting

Community News Roundup – September 2015

NHS Pulse – September 2015

Local Lowdown Teignbridge CVS – August & September 2015

DALC Annual Report 2014 -2015


Amendments to the Electoral Register

Letters sent



Bridford Parish Council minutes of August 2015 meeting

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 3 August 2015 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs F Miles (Chairperson) G Hearnden, E Price, R Dowding, A Lord, J Atkinson, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Dst Cllr A Ford and four members of the public.

  • Apologies – Cllr T Evans and Cnty Cllr Brook
  • Declarations of Interest – none
  • Public Discussion – A Parish Councillor reported that there are overhanging branches and a large stone has come out of the hedge at Woodlands Lane. The landowner will be contacted and asked to cut back the hedge and replace the stone.

A Parishioner advised that the by-way which runs from Windhill Gate to Plaistow Green gets flooded. Some years ago this was reported to the DNPA Ranger as it was the only flat area for walking and a good job was done on the pond. The landowner has subsequently raised the land about a metre by depositing debris in the field and this has resulted in the water not being able to run away. The Ranger will be contacted to ask if he considers that the change of level in the nearby field has caused the flooding.

Cllr Evans confirmed that he and Cllr Dowding have now been appointed as trustees of the Village Hall.

A Parish Councillor reported ragwort being currently a problem in the area. This is not a Parish Council issue but down to the individual landowners.


4   Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on July 6th 2015 as a true and accurate record of the meeting

12 District Councillors Report brought forward

Dst Cllr Ford spoke about plans to extend the communications mast at Woodlands Farm which should improve mobile phone reception in the immediate area. There has not been any comment from DNPA regarding this yet. Cllr Ford urged people to complete the survey relating to TDC’s Ten Year Strategy Plan. There will be stands at Hennock and Christow shows where more details can be obtained.   A representative from BT will attend the next Overview and Scrutiny to talk about Broadband. Grass cutting – volunteers who cut the verges adjacent to their properties should not have to pay to dispose of it. A copy of a proposed statement about grass cutting will be emailed to the Parish Council. The Chairperson asked what Bridford’s current grass cutting arrangements are. The Clerk confirmed that the contractor is paid to keep the grass verge tidy on Pound Lane down as far as the second gate and to keep the allotment paths tidy.

Recycling – there is a ‘Roadshow’ at TVCH on 6 October which will be advertised. Cllr Ford will arrange for an official to come along to the September Parish Council meeting to give a presentation to the Parish Council and member of the public about the forthcoming new recycling arrangements which will come into force in October.

Funding available to set up a Parish Plan. Bridford PC already has a plan but will discuss at next review to see if a new survey needs to be circulated to residents.

Dst Cllr Ford left the meeting at 7.30pm

5   Allotments   – various ideas were discussed as to how the weeds can be kept down on plot 2a which is currently untenanted. The grass cutting contractor will be asked to strim plot 2a until a tenant can be found. The Parish Council agreed that the refundable deposit in respect of this plot should be retained and put towards the cost of cutting back the weeds. Plot 5a is badly overgrown. The tenant was present at the Parish Council meeting and was asked to make


arrangements to tidy their allotment.

6   Play Area – regularly inspected by Cllr Price. No problems to report.

7  Potholes – DCC Highways Department has agreed to repair the particularly bad area of potholes from the junction of Neadon Lane to Scattor View. The large crater at the junction of Pound Lane and the B3193 has been repaired. The Chairperson thanked the Clerk for arranging to get this repair undertaken so quickly. Everyone is encouraged to report potholes to DCC online via the Report a Problem webpage.

8  Angler’s Cottage – TDC attended the property with the owner and carried out an internal inspection. The owner is currently looking at all options in respect of the property and is aware that enforcement action will be taken if TDC is not satisfied that sufficient progress is being made to bring about reoccupation. The PC is pleased to see that some progress hasbeen made and that things are going forward.

9 Leigh Cross Bridge – initial investigations by Cnty Cllr Brook show the bridge to be grade two listed and therefore any alterations to the structural design will require the agreement of Natural England. The Bridges Team were in total agreement that alterations need to be made and will look into the matter. The Parish Council queries whether the listing applies to this small bridge over the leat or the main bridge over the River Teign further along the road. Cnty Cllr Brook will be advised and further enquiries made.


10 Concerns noted regarding roads, fields and footpaths – already discussed during Public Discussion (item 3)

farm machinery on Pound Lane – increased amount of farm machinery going through the the village due to the farmers having to harvest while the weather is good and during this time working all hours of the day.

11 Meetings Attended – Cllr Price attended the recent Annual Social Policy Event chaired by Ann-Marie Morris.

12 District Councillors Report dealt with earlier in the meeting


For Discussion

13   Poole Farm, Bridford – re proposed erection of rural workers dwelling (DNPA ref. 0356/15) Following a site visit, the Parish Council fully supported this application. “The business has been in operation for eight years and is thriving despite the episode of serious illness which one of the partners has suffered. The Parish Council considers that the planned building is interesting and appropriate and will tidy things up.”

14   Seven Acre Lane – Hedgerow Removal Notice. At a site visit, the Parish Council was not quorate, so this was discussed at the Council meeting. “The Parish Council has no objections to the removal of the hedgerow.”

15 Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda – none

For Information – none

16 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda – none


17   Account balances as at 28th July 2015 – current account £3,581.83 and deposit account

£3,247.92 (Balances include £623 earmarked for Play Area, £165 balance of refundable

deposits for allotments & £213.40 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.




18   Income

Mrs S Lawrence re refundable allotment deposit                                     £ 15.00

19  Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for July 2015                                            £185.39

Mrs J P Banks – reimbursement of work on laptop (Graham Read)                       £   25.00

Mr G Dicker re 3 months verge grass cutting                                                         £152.49

Mr C Banks re work on plot 2a at the allotments                                       £   73.99

The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure.

The Chairperson has delegated the checking of the accounts and expenditure to Cllr Dowding.

Cllr Dowding checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.

20   Audit for the year ended 31 March 2015 – completed and signed off return now received from Grant Thornton with no issues to address. The Notice of Completion of Audit has been published and will be put on the Parish website, together with a copy of the return.


21   Emails received concerning a traffic accident – deferred until the end of the meeting when the members of the public were asked to leave.

22   Council Meeting Dates – the Village Hall committee has suggested that it would help them if the Parish Council could change its meetings to a Tuesday. This would free up all Monday evenings for a regular weekly booking. The Clerk will discuss with the hall booking clerk and a decision will be made at the next Parish Council meeting.

23   Teign Valley Community Hall is looking for additional representative to join its committee.

24   Have we a volunteer to attend the TALC meetings – Cllr Dowding volunteered to be the representative for Bridford Parish Council. The Chairperson thanked him for taking on this role. Arrangements will be made for TALC minutes, agendas and meeting dates to be sent to him direct.

25   Putting Bridford Hill back on the Primary Gritting Route – in the absence of Cnty Cllr Brook and Cllr Evans, this was deferred once again to the next meeting.

26   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda

Parish Plan – a date needs to be arranged for a review of the plan. A list of dates will be circulated.

Three Parishes Meeting – will take place in October. Suggested dates to be circulated to Dunsford and Christow.


27 Transparency Code – new legal duties came into force on 1st July 2015. All smaller town and Parish Councils are required to publish detailed information on a website which is publicly accessible free of charge.

28   Teignbridge 2016 -2025 Council Strategy – the survey runs from 7 July – 18 August and be completed online at or call 01626 361101

29 Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings – heating oil stolen from tank outside a property in the Manaton area. Everyone asked to be aware and support anything suspicious.

30   Connecting Devon and Somerset – response from Cllr Leadbetter to be circulated to Parish Councillors.

31   Parish and Town Council Conference 2015 – the conferences will be held on October 14 & 21, venues still to be announced.

32   The Mobile Infrastructure Project – discussed with Dst Cllr Ford in item 12. Details



circulated to Parish Councillors.

33   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

The Elector Fund: Applications for 2015/16 now open. Details available online from

34 Public Discussion – Public local Police notices are out of date. The PCSO will be asked for a revised notice with up to date phone numbers.

A Parish Councillor reported that the centenary plaque marking one hundred years of the Parish Council has become detached from the granite stone. The Clerk to make arrangements to put it back in place.

A Parishioner has contacted the Parish Council with concerns over changes in the 360 service bus timetable. The change was noted in the February minutes. The last bus to Exeter will be discontinued but it was not considered that this was a concern.

35   Date of next meeting – Monday 7 September 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the Village Hall


Members of the public were requested to leave the meeting in to enable the Parish Council to discuss item 21

21   The Parish Council shared emails that have been received following a traffic accident in the Teign Valley.   Parish Councillors were asked to reflect on their mutual responsibilities to maintain the good reputation of the Parish Council



Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairperson     7th September 2015




Newsletters and Circulars

Healthwatch Voices Summer 2015

Connecting Devon and Somerset


Dunsford PC June minutes

Christow PC June minutes

Copy of TDC “Your Services Survey 2015 completed by Cllr Lord

TDC Community Infrastructure Levy Policies

Letters sent











Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 3 August 2015 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs F Miles (Chairperson) G Hearnden, E Price, R Dowding, A Lord, J Atkinson, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Dst Cllr A Ford and four members of the public.

  • Apologies – Cllr T Evans and Cnty Cllr Brook
  • Declarations of Interest – none
  • Public Discussion – A Parish Councillor reported that there are overhanging branches and a

large stone has come out of the hedge at Woodlands Lane. The landowner will be contacted

and asked to cut back the hedge and replace the stone.

A Parishioner advised that the by-way which runs from Windhill Gate to Plaistow Green gets

flooded. Some years ago this was reported to the DNPA Ranger as it was the only flat area

for walking and a good job was done on the pond. The landowner has subsequently raised the

land about a metre by depositing debris in the field and this has resulted in the water not being

able to run away. The Ranger will be contacted to ask if he considers that the change of level

in the nearby field has caused the flooding.

Cllr Evans confirmed that he and Cllr Dowding have now been appointed as trustees of the

Village Hall.

A Parish Councillor reported ragwort being currently a problem in the area. This is not a

Parish Council issue but down to the individual landowners.


4   Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting

held on July 6th 2015 as a true and accurate record of the meeting

12 District Councillors Report brought forward

Dst Cllr Ford spoke about plans to extend the communications mast at Woodlands Farm which

should improve mobile phone reception in the immediate area. There has not been any

comment from DNPA regarding this yet. Cllr Ford urged people to complete the survey

relating to TDC’s Ten Year Strategy Plan. There will be stands at Hennock and Christow

shows where more details can be obtained.   A representative from BT will attend the next

Overview and Scrutiny to talk about Broadband. Grass cutting – volunteers who cut

the verges adjacent to their properties should not have to pay to dispose of it. A copy of a

proposed statement about grass cutting will be emailed to the Parish Council. The Chairperson

asked what Bridford’s current grass cutting arrangements are. The Clerk confirmed that the

contractor is paid to keep the grass verge tidy on Pound Lane down as far as the second gate

and to keep the allotment paths tidy.

Recycling – there is a ‘Roadshow’ at TVCH on 6 October which will be advertised. Cllr Ford

will arrange for an official to come along to the September Parish Council meeting to give a

presentation to the Parish Council and member of the public about the forthcoming new

recycling arrangments which will come into force in October.

Funding available to set up a Parish Plan. Bridford PC already has a plan but will discuss at

next review to see if a new survey needs to be circulated to residents.

Dst Cllr Ford left the meeting at 7.30pm

5   Allotments   – various ideas were discussed as to how the weeds can be kept down on plot 2a

which is currently untenanted. The grass cutting contractor will be asked to strim plot 2a until

a tenant can be found. The Parish Council agreed that the refundable deposit in respect of this

plot should be retained and put towards the cost of cutting back the weeds. Plot 5a is badly

overgrown. The tenant was present at the Parish Council meeting and was asked to make



arrangements to tidy their allotment.

6   Play Area – regularly inspected by Cllr Price. No problems to report.

7  Potholes – DCC Highways Department has agreed to repair the particularly bad area of

potholes from the junction of Neadon Lane to Scattor View. The large crater at the junction

of Pound Lane and the B3193 has been repaired. The Chairperson thanked the Clerk for

arranging to get this repair undertaken so quickly. Everyone is encouraged to report potholes

to DCC online via the Report a Problem webpage.

8  Angler’s Cottage – TDC attended the property with the owner and carried out an internal

inspection. The owner is currently looking at all options in respect of the property and is

aware that enforcement action will be taken if TDC is not satisfied that sufficient progress

is being made to bring about reoccupation. The PC is pleased to see that some progress has

been made and that things are going forward.

9 Leigh Cross Bridge – initial investigations by Cnty Cllr Brook show the bridge to be grade two

listed and therefore any alterations to the structural design will require the agreement of

Natural England. The Bridges Team were in total agreement that alterations need to be made

and will look into the matter. The Parish Council queries whether the listing applies to this

small bridge over the leat or the main bridge over the River Teign further along the road. Cnty

Cllr Brook will be advised and further enquiries made.


10 Concerns noted regarding

roads, fields and footpaths – already discussed during Public Discussion (item 3)

farm machinery on Pound Lane – increased amount of farm machinery going through the

the village due to the farmers having to harvest while the weather is good and during this time

working all hours of the day.

11 Meetings Attended – Cllr Price attended the recent Annual Social Policy Event chaired by

Ann-Marie Morris.

12 District Councillors Report dealt with earlier in the meeting


For Discussion

13   Poole Farm, Bridford – re proposed erection of rural workers dwelling (DNPA ref. 0356/15)

Following a site visit, the Parish Council fully supported this application. “The business has

been in operation for eight years and is thriving despite the episode of serious illness which

one of the partners has suffered. The Parish Council considers that the planned building is

interesting and appropriate and will tidy things up.”

14   Seven Acre Lane – Hedgerow Removal Notice. At a site visit, the Parish Council was not

quorate, so this was discussed at the Council meeting. “The Parish Council has no objections

to the removal of the hedgerow.”

15 Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda – none

For Information – none

16 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda – none


17   Account balances as at 28th July 2015 – current account £3,581.83 and deposit account

£3,247.92 (Balances include £623 earmarked for Play Area, £165 balance of refundable

deposits for allotments & £213.40 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.




18   Income

Mrs S Lawrence re refundable allotment deposit                                     £ 15.00

19  Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for July 2015                                            £185.39

Mrs J P Banks – reimbursement of work on laptop (Graham Read)                       £   25.00

Mr G Dicker re 3 months verge grass cutting                                                         £152.49

Mr C Banks re work on plot 2a at the allotments                                       £   73.99

The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure.

The Chairperson has delegated the checking of the accounts and expenditure to Cllr Dowding.

Cllr Dowding checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank


20   Audit for the year ended 31 March 2015 – completed and signed off return now received

from Grant Thornton with no issues to address. The Notice of Completion of Audit has been

published and will be put on the Parish website, together with a copy of the return.


21   Emails received concerning a traffic accident – deferred until the end of the meeting when the

members of the public were asked to leave.

22   Council Meeting Dates – the Village Hall committee has suggested that it would help them if

the Parish Council could change its meetings to a Tuesday. This would free up all Monday

evenings for a regular weekly booking. The Clerk will discuss with the hall booking clerk

and a decision will be made at the next Parish Council meeting.

23   Teign Valley Community Hall is looking for additional representative to join its committee.

24   Have we a volunteer to attend the TALC meetings – Cllr Dowding volunteered to be the

representative for Bridford Parish Council. The Chairperson thanked him for taking on this

role. Arrangements will be made for TALC minutes, agendas and meeting dates to be sent

to him direct.

25   Putting Bridford Hill back on the Primary Gritting Route – in the absence of Cnty Cllr Brook

and Cllr Evans, this was deferred once again to the next meeting.

26   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda

Parish Plan – a date needs to be arranged for a review of the plan. A list of dates will be


Three Parishes Meeting – will take place in October. Suggested dates to be circulated to

Dunsford and Christow.


27 Transparency Code – new legal duties came into force on 1st July 2015. All smaller town and

Parish Councils are required to publish detailed information on a website which is publicly

accessible free of charge.

28   Teignbridge 2016 -2025 Council Strategy – the survey runs from 7 July – 18 August and be

completed online at or call 01626 361101

29 Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings – heating oil stolen from tank outside a property in the

Manaton area. Everyone asked to be aware and support anything suspicious.

30   Connecting Devon and Somerset – response from Cllr Leadbetter to be circulated to

Parish Councillors.

31   Parish and Town Council Conference 2015 – the conferences will be held on October

14 & 21, venues still to be announced.

32   The Mobile Infrastructure Project – discussed with Dst Cllr Ford in item 12. Details



circulated to Parish Councillors.

33   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

The Elector Fund: Applications for 2015/16 now open. Details available online from

34 Public Discussion – Public local Police notices are out of date. The PCSO will be asked for

a revised notice with up to date phone numbers.

A Parish Councillor reported that the centenary plaque marking one hundred years of the

Parish Council has become detached from the granite stone. The Clerk to make arrangements

to put it back in place.

A Parishioner has contacted the Parish Council with concerns over changes in the 360 service

bus timetable. The change was noted in the February minutes. The last bus to Exeter will be

discontinued but it was not considered that this was a concern.

35   Date of next meeting – Monday 7 September 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the

Village Hall


Members of the public were requested to leave the meeting in to enable the Parish Council to

discuss item 21

21   The Parish Council shared emails that have been received following a traffic accident in the

Teign Valley.   Parish Councillors were asked to reflect on their mutual responsibilities to

maintain the good reputation of the Parish Council



Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairperson     7th September 2015




Newsletters and Circulars

Healthwatch Voices Summer 2015

Connecting Devon and Somerset


Dunsford PC June minutes

Christow PC June minutes

Copy of TDC “Your Services Survey 2015 completed by Cllr Lord

TDC Community Infrastructure Levy Policies

Letters sent




Bridford Parish Council Agenda 7th September 2015

Dear Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and members of the public are invited to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 7th September 2015 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


  • Apologies – Cllr Dowding
  • Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in

any item on the agenda.

  • Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council

The Public Discussion section will include:



4   Minutes – Parish Council to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3rd August 2015

5   Allotments   – update

6   Play Area    – update

7   Flooding on by-way between Windhill Gate and Plaistow Green – reply from Simon Lee

8   Local Police Contact Details – reply from Mark Easton

9   Damage to bridge at Leigh Cross

10 Parish Plan Update meeting

11 Three Parishes Meeting

12 Change of Parish Council Meeting dates


13 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council

14 District Councillors Report


For Discussion

15 Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

The Grange, Bridford – re proposed erection of mixed use building for storage of domestic, business and agricultural equipment and creation of access track from existing driveway (DNPA ref. 0418/15)

For Information

16   Heltor View – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re erection of timber framed building for the stabling of horses (DNPA ref. 0305/15)

17   Seven Acre Lane, Bridford – the National Park Authority has not issued a Hedgerow Retention Notice.

18 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda


19   Income included in previous bank balance but not noted in the minutes

Bank Interest re: May 2015   £0.26

June 2015 £0.27

20   Account balances as at 3rd August 2015

current account £3,251.83 + investment account £3,247.92                                                   £6,829.75

(includes earmarked funds: £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623 Play Area

and £273.40 textile bank)

21 Income

Nathan Waste (proceeds of contents of textile bank)                                                  £     70.00

Bank interest July                                                                                                       £       0.27

£     70.27

22   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re August salary                                                                                               £   185.19

23   Balance as at 7th September 2015                                                                              £ 6,714.83

24   Annual Review of Financial Regulations and Statement of Internal Control

25   Annual Review of Risk Assessment


26   Neighbourhood Watch – requesting donation

27   Visibility on Bridford Hill

28   Putting Bridford Hill back on the Primary Gritting Route

29   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda


30 Connecting Dartmoor and Exmoor

31 Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings

32   Licensing Act 2003 – draft review available for public consultation

33   Devon Minerals Plan Consultation

34   Invitation to meet the new CAB Chief Officer

35   Say No to Junk Mail

36 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

37   Public Discussion

38 Date of next meeting – Monday 5th October 2015 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the Village Hall

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




Newsletters and Circulars

Report on NEC meeting August 2015

Local Lowdown (Teignbridge VCS Groups) August 2015


Solar powered street lights

Devon Highways Members Information Pack

Letters sent
