Bridford Parish Council Meeting Agenda for 1st September 2014


Dear Councillor,

You are summoned to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall   Monday September 1st 2014 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


1        Apologies

2        Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda.

3        Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council


4    Minutes – Parish Council to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th

August  2014.

5     Allotments    – update

6     Play Area      – update

7     Village Hall  – update

8     Snow Warden


9     Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council


Items for Discussion

Item 10 was deferred pending a site visit and comments then submitted prior to the meeting due to the short timescales for responses to be submitted

10    Venn Bridge Yard, Teign Valley Road, Bridford – re proposed change of use of 250sqm of agricultural building and 250sqm of its curtilage to storage purposes for motor vehicles, building materials, tools and other equipment (DNPA ref 0412/14).

11  Any items  received for discussion since publication of the agenda

Items for Information

12  Land at Heltor – update re enforcement order relating to removal of caravan. (DNPA ref.


13   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda


14   Account balances as at 25th August 2014 – current account £3,240.74 and deposit account

£ 3,173.41 (balances include £784 earmarked for Play Area, £120 balance of refundable deposits for allotments & £228 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

15   Income

Bank interest July 2014                                                                               £    0.26

Nathan Waste re textile bank                                                                     £   54.40

Share of Proceeds from Skittles Evening for Play Area                         £   39.50

16   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for August 2014                                                     £176.68

Mr G Dicker re grass cutting April – July 2014                                                        £200.00



17   Annual CCD Conference 25th September – the PC to discuss the authorisation of payment of £40 for the Chairman to attend this event.

18   South West Resilience Campaign – PC asked to support

19  The Right for Parish Councils to sell electricity

20   Does the PC with to “Have a Field Day”?

21   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda


22   Invitation to celebrate a successful CAB year

23   Devon Highways Parish & Town Council Conference

24   DALC AGM and Conference 2014

25   PSMA Regional Event at Exeter 7th October 2014

26   Devon Waste Plan: Consultation on the Proposed Modifications

27   Cosy Devon – helping to save energy and money

28   Teignbridge Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule approved

29   Road Closure Notices

30   Warnings

31   Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

32   District Councillors Report

33    Public Discussion

34    Date of next meeting  – Monday 6th October at the Village Hall 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


Reports and Agendas

Dunsford PC minutes of July 2014 meeting

DALC Annual Report 2013/14

Newsletters and Updates

Teignbridge Advice August 2014


Consultation responses to Draft transparency code for Parish Councils with a turnover not exceeding £25,000

Letters sent



Bridford Parish Council minutes of meeting 7th July 2014

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall July 7th 2014 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), G Hearnden, E Price,  F Miles (to be co-opted at the meeting), Mrs J P Banks (Clerk) and one member of the public.  Cllr Lord arrived at the end of the meeting, due to circumstances beyond her control.

1        Apologies – Cllr T Evans

2        Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda – none

3        Public Discussion – the owner of Pound Cottage outlined his revised building plans having recently won his appeal with DNPA.  The Parish Council will view the revised submission when DNPA send details and will make appropriate comments / observations.


4    Minutes – Parish Council resolved to approve and accept the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 2nd June as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5     Allotments  – a letter sent to the former tenant of plot 3 has received no response. Arrangements will now be made to clear the weeds, spray with weed killer and remove the large amount of rubbish.

6     Play Area  – the new notice has been made and will be put up in place of the existing one.

7     Village Hall  – in the absence of Cllr Lord, not update was available.

8     Parish Councillor Vacancy – the correct procedures having been followed, official permission was received from Teignbridge to co-opt a person to fill the vacancy and Francis Miles was subsequently co-opted as a Parish Councillor for the remainder of term

9     Snow Warden – nobody has come forward.  A plea for a volunteer will be put in Unity and on the notice boards.

10   Parish Plan – the annual review took place on 30 June with all Councillors present.  A revised copy will be circulated and published on the Bridford website.


11     Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council.  Although there has not been a recent meeting of the Woodland Trust, Councillor Hearnden announced his intention to resign as a Parish Council representative on the Trust Committee.


Items for Discussion

The following items were circulated to Parish Councillors and dealt with between meetings due to the short timescales for a response.

12   Many Waters, Bridford – re proposed extensions to an existing dwelling following the removal of existing poorly built extensions (DNPA ref 0302/14).  ” The Parish Council has no objections”

13   Poole Farm, Bridford – re proposed agricultural workers dwelling (DNPA ref 0293/14). “The Parish Council has no objections”.

14   Any items  received for discussion since publication of the agenda – none

Items for Information

15   Land at Pound Lane, Bridford – notice of Refusal of Planning Permission re proposed erection of timber storage barn 5.4m x 3.6m (DNPA ref 0232/14).

16   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

Barn and Roundhouse, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission (DNPA ref 260/14)


Southwood, Pound Lane, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission (DNPA ref 250/14)

A Parish Councillor asked what the result was regarding the Enforcement Notice by DNPA at forestry land at the opposite side of the road from Blackingstone Rock.  The question will be put to DNPA.


17   Contribution to Clerk’s Internet costs – Parish Council resolved to agree unanimously by a show of hands, to increase the contribution towards internet facility costs incurred by the Clerk by £2.50 per month, increasing the quarterly payment to £30.00.

18   Account balances as at 30 June 2014 – current account £3,762.45 and deposit account

£3,172.88 (balances include £745 earmarked for Play Area, £150 balance of refundable deposits for allotments & £133 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

19   Income

Bank interest April 2014                                                                          £      0.27

Bank interest May 2014                                                                           £      0.26

20   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for June 2014                                                    £176.68

Mrs J P Banks re admin expenditure 1 April – 30 June 2014      £89.56

Mrs J P Banks re use of home as office 1 April – 30 June 2014  £54.00

Mrs J P Banks reimburse payment for Play Area notice

£48.00 + £9.70 V.A.T.                                                                        £57.60         £201.16

HMRC re PAYE 6 April – 5 July 2014                                                                     £132.40

21    Annual Return for 2013/14 has been signed off by the external auditor Grant Thornton with no issues to address.   As income and expenditure are both less than £10,000, there is no fee payable.  The Chairman thanked the Clerk,

22    Notice of Completion of accounts has been published.   The Statement of Accounts and Auditor’s Certificate can be inspected or a copy obtained by any Local Government Electors of the Parish, by appointment with the Clerk.


23    Empowering Parish Councils to sell electricity – PC to consider if it would submit a proposal under the Sustainable Communities Act.  The Parish Council decided that this was not applicable to Bridford.

24    Bridford Village Website – The Parish Council unanimously agreed that the new website is a success and should continue and resolved to support and fund the website for the next 12 months.

25   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda – none


26   Warnings – police have reported a theft from a VW Caddy parked at Ideford Common on 18 June.  Vehicle owners are reminded not to leave valuables on display and to report anything suspicious on the 101 telephone number.

27   DNPA has published it’s Adopted Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document which can be viewed on the DNPA website. A copy has been circulated to Parish Councillors.

28  Electors Fund – letter of thanks  received from Teign Valley Community Hall re the Parish Council’s  use of the Electors Fund towards the cost of LED ceiling lights.


29   Conclusions re Day Services Review – day services in seventeen day centres will stop over a phased period of time.

30   Bridford Rural Skip Service – reminder that this will take place 26th July.

31   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

Youth Service Review – Devon County Council to consider a recommendation to retain a professional youth work service and eight area-based Youth Centre Hubs.

DNPA Annual Meeting – Peter Harper was elected Chairman and Maurice Retallick was re-elected Deputy Chairman.

32  District Councillors Report – Teignbridge is about to go into ICT Strategy between Exeter, East Devon and Teignbridge.   There is concern that recycling rates are dropping rather than increasing.  Cosy Devon is to be introduced at the end of the month offering free different types of insulation, arranged by EON.

Cllr Lord joined the meeting at 7.35pm and gave her apologies for her late arrival.

33  Public Discussion – Cllr Lord then gave an update re the Village Hall.  There was a meeting on 24 June .  Brenda Lunt is the new treasurer.  Trevelyan Evans and Ian Atcheson are to be co-opted to the Committee until the AGM in September.   The Dartmoor Ranger has agreed to provide directional signs to the Village Hall.  Next Village Hall meeting 17 July 2014,

34  Date of next Parish Council meeting  – Monday 4th August at the Village Hall 7.00pm.

All are welcome.

Original signed by the acting Chairman       4th August 2014



Reports and Agendas

Christow PC May minutes

Dunsford PC May minutes

DNPA Adopted Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

Letters sent



Agenda for Bridford Parish Council Meeting 4th August 2014


Dear Councillor,

You are summoned to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall   August 4 2014 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


1        Apologies

2        Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda.

3        Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council


4    Minutes – Parish Council to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7 July


5     Allotments    – update

6     Play Area      – update.

7     Village Hall  – update

8     Snow Warden


9     Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council


Items for Discussion

The first three items were circulated to Parish Councillors and dealt with between meetings due to the short timescales for a response.

10      Middle Westcott Farm,  Moretonhampstead  – re proposed temporary agricultural dwelling for use in connection with livestock enterprises on adjacent land and building, plus provision of new track (DNPA ref. 0358/14).

11   Venn Bridge Farm, Bridford – re proposed extension to existing agricultural building (DNPA ref 0373/14)

12    Green Barn, Bridford – re proposed repair and alteration of an existing garden building. (DNPA ref 0368/14)

13    Venn Bridge Yard, Teign Valley Road, Bridford – re proposed change of use of 250sqm of agricultural building and 250sqm of its curtilage to storage purposes for motor vehicles, building materials, tools and other equipment (DNPA ref 0412/14)

14    Pound Cottage, Bridford – re proposed extension and alterations to dwelling (DNPA ref 0399/14)

15  Any items  received for discussion since publication of the agenda

Items for Information – none

16   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda


17   Account balances as at 31 July 2014 – current account £3,469.12 and deposit account

£3,173.15 (balances include £745 earmarked for Play Area, £120 balance of refundable deposits for allotments & £174.00 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

18   Income

Bank interest June 2014                                                                           £      0.27

Nathan Waste re textile bank                                                                   £     40.80

19   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for July 2014                                             £176.68

Mr S Tallowin re replacement of tap connection £17.50 + V.A.T.                      £  21.00

Mr C Banks re clearance & weed killer application at the allotments

Labour             £110.00

Materials          £  26.45                                                                                         £136.45


20   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda


21   Steps Bridge – response from DCC

22    The Way we register to vote is changing

23    Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

24    District Councillors Report

25    Public Discussion

26    Date of next meeting  – Monday 1st September at the Village Hall 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


Reports and Agendas

Dunsford PC June minutes

News from DNPA Planning Service

Newsletters and Updates

TDC Monthly Update – June 2014

Teignbridge Funding News – June 2014

The Clerk Magazine – July 2014

Everyone’s Tomorrow – Summer 2014

Village Green – Summer 2014

Clerks & Councils Direct – July 2014


Launch of Advice Teignbridge – July 2014

DNPA Calendar of Meetings 2014/15

Broadband update – Connecting Devon and Somerset

Letters sent



Bridford Parish Council Minutes of Meeting 2nd June 2014

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall June 2nd 2014 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs S Purser (Chairman),, G Hearnden, E Price, D Goodwin-Hughes,  J Bingham, A Lord,

Mrs J P Banks (Clerk) & two members of the public.

1        Apologies – Cnty Cllr Brook and a retrospective apology received from Cllr T Evans

2        Declarations of Interest – none

3        Public Discussion – no items raised by member of the public.  The Chairman accepted a

resignation from Cllr David Goodwin-Hughes who will be leaving the Village.  The

Chairman, both personally and on behalf of the Parish Council, thanked Dave for his

commitment and enthusiasm during the past three years as a Parish Councillor, particularly in

connection with his work as Bridford’s volunteer Snow Warden.  He will be greatly missed

and the best wishes of everyone on the Parish Council go with him and his family when they

move to their new home.


4    Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the combined Annual Parish

and Annual Parish Council meeting held on 14th May 2014 as a true and accurate record of the


5     Allotments – there has been no further information regarding the whereabouts of the tenant of

plot 3 which is now very overgrown.    The Council will exercise its right to take back the

allotment and find out the procedure regarding the disposal of personal items left on the site.

6     Play Area – TDC are able to supply a notice to put on the gate.  As the Play Area is not owned

by Teignbridge, the Parish Council may have to pay.   Further  enquiries will be made when

the officer who deals with this, returns from holiday

7     Village Hall  – a new volunteer has come forward to take on the role of treasurer, otherwise

nothing further to report.


8     Resignation of Cllr D Goodwin-Hughes and subsequent vacancy.  See comments in Public

Discussion item 3.  Procedures will now be put in place to enable the Parish Council to

advertise the vacancy and co-opt a new Parish Councillor for the remainder of the four year

term i.e. until May 2015.     Resigning Cllr Goodwin-Hughes will try and persuade a member

of the Snow Warden team to take over his role and will put an item in Unity.

8a   Overgrown ash tree at the end of Moreton Terrace – DNPA tree officer has indicated that it

would not be responsible for dealing with overgrown trees that are otherwise ‘healthy’.

9     Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council.

Cllr Hearnden attended the DNP Forum where there was a lot of routine discussion.  The

subject of the First World War and its impact on Dartmoor was discussed.  Information and

photos are being collected and groups are going into schools giving talks.   The Sustainable

Development Fund is now to be called “Your Dartmoor Fund”.

Cllrs Purser, Hearnden, Lord and Price attended the Three Parishes meeting hosed by

Dunsford Parish Council.  All attendees considered it worthwhile and that these annual

meetings should continue.  Subjects discussed included roads and housing and it was agreed

that a joint letter should be written regarding the state of the roads.  Christow, Bridford and

Dunsford supported Teign Valley Community Hall with their share of the Electors Fund for

2014 and Dunsford PC hoped that Bridford and Christow would support them next year in

connection with work relating to their play park.

TALC meeting – the Chairman did not attend this meeting but was able to report that a

representative from Highways declined an invitation to attend the meeting.  A representative



from the Environment spoke about the problems of tipping.

9a   Report submitted by Cnty Cllr Brook

The extraordinary meeting of the County Council held on 14th May proved regrettably to be

a non-event.  Objections to the length of consultation periods were made but as there was

limited exchanges between the chamber members, the cost of the exercise seemed wasteful.

The County Council meeting the following day proceeded without incident.  Various

ongoing consultations are at different stages.  A decision is pending regarding residential

care and day services.  Papers are going to the Cabinet on 11th June regarding Youth Services

The Library consultation is ongoing.  The Children Centres consultation ends on 6th June.


Items for Discussion

The following item was circulated to Parish Councillors and dealt with between meetings due

to the short timescales for a response.

10   Barn & Roundhouse, Bridford – re proposal to remove dilapidated stable and replace with

shed for storage of agricultural equipment (DNPA ref. 0260/14).  “The Parish Council has

no objections to the application.”

11   Any items  received for discussion since publication of the agenda – none

Items for Information

12   Bridford Barton, Bridford – Grant of Listed Building Consent issued for the works described

in the application dated 26 March 2014.  (DNPA ref. 0187/14)

13   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none


14   Account balances as at 28 May 2014 – current account £4,205.92 and deposit account

£3,172.62 (balances include £851 earmarked for Play Area, £150 balance of refundable deposits for allotments & £88.40 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

15   Income

Mr A Bornemisza re allotment deposit                                                              £  30.00

Mr A Bornemisza re five months allotment rent                                              £  12.50

Income received since publication of the agenda

Nathan Waste re proceeds of textile bank                                                          £  44.80

HMRC refund of VAT                                                                                              £111.77

16   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for May 2014                                                     £176.68

Wood Insurance Services – annual Parish Council insurance premium       £710.73

Expenditure to be paid received since publication of the agenda

Mr K Abraham re internal audit                                                                             £  90.00

The Parish Council resolved to  accept the accounts and approve the expenditure.

The Chairman checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank


17    Internal Audit  has taken place which highlighted a grant from TDC towards the precept

being included as precept instead of other income.  Otherwise, a good satisfactory report with

no other issues raised.  The Chairman thanked the Clerk for her continued work and

commitment to the Parish Council

18    Annual Return for 2013/14  has been completed and submitted to Grant Thornton.





19   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda

Review of Parish Plan – will take place on 30th June at the Bridford Inn.

Rural Skip Service – this will take place on Saturday 26th July from 10.00am – 4.00pm in the

new location at the top of Pound Lane.


20   Warnings  – there have been a number of reported thefts of heating oil in the area.  Residents

advised to secure oil storage tanks and report any suspicious activity.

21   Teignbridge Advice Partnership training programme – Third Annual Social Policy Event

The Link Between Debt and Mental Health 19th June at Newton Abbot Recreational Trust

22   Laployd Bridgleway and Windblow Clearance – work well on schedule

23   Notice of Road Closure – B3212  (from A382 junction to B3193 junction) Moretonhampstead

and Bridford.   The diversion will be signposted.

24  Teignbridge 2014 Housing Strategy Event 13th June at Exeter Racecourse.

25  Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Grants available to assist with the process of taking over

a service or asset.  Details from

26   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

Dartmoor National Park Authority – SHLAA Review 2014.  Landowners are invited to submit

sites for consideration.

27  District Councillors Report from Dst Cllr Stephen Purser.

Discussions about Christow toilets are ongoing with the District Council.  Teignbridge will

keep them open until the end of March 2015 and will give Christow Parish Council funds to

operate them.  Christow Parish Council will take them over during 2015.

28  Public Discussion

A Parishioner asked when the B3193 would be closed again and how to find out this

information. The Chairman confirmed that up to date information regarding the road closures

can be found on the Devon County website.

29   Date of next meeting  – Monday 7th July at the Village Hall 7.00pm.




Original Copy signed by the Chairman        7th July 2014


Bridford Parish Council Agenda for Meeting 7th July 2014

Dear Councillor,

You are summoned to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall   July 7th 2014 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


1        Apologies

2        Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in

any item on the agenda.

3        Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the

agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council


4    Minutes – Parish Council to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 2nd  June


5     Allotments    – update

6     Play Area      – update.

7     Village Hall  – update

8     Parish Councillor Vacancy – Co-option of new Parish Councillor

9     Snow Warden

10   Parish Plan


11     Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council


Items for Discussion

The following items were circulated to Parish Councillors and dealt with between meetings

due to the short timescales for a response.

12   Many Waters, Bridford – re proposed extensions to an existing dwelling following the

removal of existing poorly built extensions (DNPA ref 0302/14).  ” The Parish Council has no


13   Poole Farm, Bridford – re proposed agricultural workers dwelling (DNPA ref 0293/14).

“The Parish Council has no objections”.

14   Any items  received for discussion since publication of the agenda

Items for Information

15   Land at Pound Lane, Bridford – notice of Refusal of Planning Permission re proposed erection

of timber storage barn 5.4m x 3.6m (DNPA ref 0232/14).

16   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda


17   Contribution to Clerk’s Internet costs – Parish Council to consider increasing its

contribution towards internet facility costs incurred by the Clerk by £2.50 per month,

increasing the quarterly payment to £30.00.

18   Account balances as at 30 June 2014 – current account £3,762.45 and deposit account

£3,172.88 (balances include £793 earmarked for Play Area, £150 balance of refundable deposits for allotments & £133 re proceeds of

contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

19   Income

Bank interest April 2014                                                                          £      0.27

Bank interest May 2014                                                                           £      0.26

20   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for June 2014                                                  £176.68

Mrs J P Banks re admin expenditure 1 April – 30 June 2014      £89.56

Mrs J P Banks re use of home as office 1 April – 30 June 2014  £54.00

Mrs J P Banks reimburse payment for Play Area notice

£48.00 + £9.70 V.A.T.                                                                        £57.60      £201.16

HMRC re PAYE 6 April – 5 July 2014                                                                 £132.40

21    Annual Return for 2013/14 has been signed off by the external auditor Grant Thornton with

no issues to address.   As income and expenditure are both less than £10,000, there is no fee


22    Notice of Completion of accounts has been published.


23    Empowering Parish Councils to sell electricity – PC to consider if it would submit a

proposal under the Sustainable Communities Act.

24    Bridford Village Website – PC to confirm that it wishes to continue funding the website for

a further 12 months.

25   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda


26   Warnings

27   DNPA has published it’s Adopted Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

which can be viewed on the DNPA website.

28  Electors Fund – letter of thanks  received from TVCH re the Parish Council’s

use of the Electors Fund towards the cost of LED ceiling lights.

29   Conclusions re Day Services Review

30   Bridford Rural Skip Service – reminder that this will take place 26th July.

31   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

32  District Councillors Report

33  Public Discussion

34  Date of next meeting  – Monday 4th August at the Village Hall 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


Reports and Agendas

Christow PC May minutes

Dunsford PC May minutes

DNPA Adopted Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

Letters sent


Bridford Parish Council Agenda for 2nd June 2014


Dear Councillor,

You are summoned to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall   June 2nd 2014 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


1        Apologies

2        Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in

any item on the agenda.

3        Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to comment on any item on the

agenda or bring any matter to the attention of the Parish Council


4    Minutes – Parish Council to approve minutes of the combined Annual Parish and Annual

Parish Council meeting held on 14th May 2014.

5     Allotments

6     Play Area

7     Village Hall


8     Resignation of Cllr D Goodwin-Hughes and subsequent vacancy

9     Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council


Items for Discussion

The following item was circulated to Parish Councillors and dealt with between meetings due

to the short timescales for a response.

10   Barn & Roundhouse, Bridford – re proposal to remove dilapidated stable and replace with

shed for storage of agricultural equipment (DNPA ref. 0260/14).  “The Parish Council has

no objections to the application.”

11   Any items  received for discussion since publication of the agenda

Items for Information

12   Bridford Barton, Bridford – Grant of Listed Building Consent issued for the works described

in the application dated 26 March 2014.  (DNPA ref. 0187/14)

13   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda


14   Account balances as at 28 May 2014 – current account £4,205.92 and deposit account

£3,172.62 (balances include £851 earmarked for Play Area, £150 balance of refundable deposits for allotments & £88.40 re proceeds of contents of textile bank)

Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.

15   Income

Mr A Bornemisza re allotment deposit                                                    £  30.00

Mr A Bornemisza re five months allotment rent                                      £  12.50

16   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for May 2014                                             £176.68

Wood Insurance Services – annual Parish Council insurance premium       £710.73

17      Internal Audit

18      Annual Return has been completed and submitted to Grant Thornton


19   Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda


20   Warnings

21   Teignbridge Advice Partnership training programme

22   Laployd Bridgleway and Windblow Clearance – update

23   Notice of Road Closure – B3212

24  Teignbridge 2014 Housing Strategy Event

25  Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Grants

26   Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

27  District Councillors Report from Dst Cllr Stephen Purser

28  Public Discussion

29  Date of next meeting  – Monday 7th July at the Village Hall 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council



Western Power Distribution- Preparing for a Power Cut or Emergency

Letter from Dr Alex Degan re update Moretonhampstead Hospital

Reports and Agendas

Dunsford PC April minutes

Letters sent



Combined Annual Parish and Parish Council Meeting Agenda



The combined Annual Parish meeting and Annual Parish Council meeting will be held at Bridford Village Hall on Wednesday May 14th 2014 at 7.00pm.

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council


1        Election of Chairman

2        Election of Vice Chairman

3        Acceptance of Office Forms

4        Apologies

5        Declarations of Interest

6        Appointment of Committees

Neighbourhood Watch

Rural Aid

Village Hall


DNPA Consultative Committee

Bridford Trust



Playing Field

Tree Warden

Parish Plan Development

Allotments Representative

Allotments PC Representative


Snow Warden

7        Chairman’s Report

8        DNPA Ranger’s Report

9        Public Discussion


10    Minutes

11    Allotments

12    Play Area

13    Village Hall


14    Meetings Attended


Items for Discussion

15    Seven Acre Farm – deferred from last meeting pending site visit and comments already  submitted due to timescales.   Proposed agricultural workers dwelling (DNPA ref. 0165/14)

16    Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda

Items for information

17    Rock Valley Farm, Doccombe – re proposed  construction of agricultural storage

barn (22.9m  x 9/2m).  The application has been withdrawn.  (DNPA ref. 0155/14)

18   Pound Cottage, Bridford – Notice of appeal against refusal of planning permission

19   Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda


20    Unbanked cheque no. 000669 –  dated 7 October 2013.  Payee has mislaid cheque.  Authority required to cancel and issue a replacement.

21   Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Electors Rights

22   External Audit

23   Internal Audit

24   Receipts and Payments Account year ended 31 March 2014 to be approved by the

Parish Council

25     Annual Return year ended 31 March 2014 – Parish Council to answer the questions in the Annual Governance Statement and approve and accept the accounts in section one and the Annual Governance Statement in section two.

26    Annual End of Year PAYE Returns year ended 5 April 2014

27    Account Balances as at 29th April 2014 – current account £5,601.20 and deposit account £3,172.59 (balances include £851 earmarked for Play Area, £120 balance re refund of allotment deposits  and £88.40 balance re proceeds of textile bank)

Balances take into account expenditure and income below

28    Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for April 2014                               £ 176.88

Mrs J Lockwood – replacement of lost cheque re allotment

deposit refund                                                                                  £   15.00

Mr C Baxter refund of 5 months allotment rent            £12.50

refund of allotment deposit                      £30.00      £  42.50

Bridford Village Hall re contribution to PO rent            £44.50

re hire of room for PC meetings £42.00       £ 86.50

Society of Local Council Clerks annual subscription                       £  76.00

29    Income

Bank interest March 2014                                                             £       0.24

First half of precept £3,250 less DALC sub deducted by TDC   £3,135.27


30    Parish Plan – Parish Council to arrange a date for annual review

31    Any Items received for discussion since publication of the agenda


32    Devon Waste Plan – has been submitted to the Secretary of State for independent

examination.  Documents can be viewed at

33   Devon Remembers the First World War – website link:

34   Teignbridge Citizens’ Advice Bureau – free conference Newton Abbot Race Course

10 June.

35   Fields in Trust – Have a Field Day event.

36  Three Parishes Meeting

37  Teignbridge Local Plan Inspector’s Report – can be  viewed at  Hard copy can be viewed during office

hours at Forde House, Newton Abbot

38  Warnings/Messages from Devon and Cornwall Police

39   Devon Libraries consultation & Drop in Sessions

40   District Councillor’s Report

41   Public Discussion

42   Date of next meeting – Monday 2nd June 2014 in the Village Hall


Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




Notice of Election for the South West Electoral Region

List of Teignbridge Precepts for 2014/15


Junkmail issue 14

Healthwatch Voices Spring 2014

Reports and Agendas

Dunsford PC  March minutes

Christow PC March minutes

Letters sent
