Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 9th May 2016 at Bridford Village Hall at 7.00pm
Present: Cllrs F Miles (current Chairperson), G Hearnden, T. Evans, A Lord, E Price, R Dowding, Mrs J Banks (Clerk), Cnty Cllr J Brook and sixteen members of the public. |
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Cllr Miles, the current Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited them to stay afterwards for a social get together with refreshments. |
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Simon Lee (DNPA Ranger), Dst Cllr Amanda Ford, Cllr T Evans, Toby Russell from the Devon Air Ambulance, Francis and Daphne Leversedge, Tessa Darby |
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Presentation about the DAA Night Time Flying Project
Unfortunately, this had to be cancelled as Toby Russell was unable to attend and had sent his apologies |
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Open Forum for Members of the Public
A Parishioner wished for it to be publicly recorded that local resident Monty Cox has raised in excess of £100,000 for Military charities. |
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Chairperson’s Report
Cllr Miles spoke in depth about various topics including roads, health, communications, planning, gritting of the roads, allotments, Village Garden, play park, and the textile bank. She particularly wished to thank Cnty Cllr Jerry Brook and Dst Cllr Amanda Ford for their support and regular attendance at the PC meetings, Simon Lee, our DNPA Ranger, Dean Staniforth for volunteering to coordinate Snow Warden duties and the team of volunteers who operate the gritter and Jarrod Poynton who looks after the village website. Cllr Miles then invited Cnty Cllr Jerry Brook to present his report. |
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Cnty Cllr Jerry Brook’s Report
Cllr Brook spoke about how the County Council is having to implement comprehensive spending review reductions, saving £36m from the budget from Statutory Services. He talked about care homes in the private sector which are financed by the County, this being far less expensive than DCC running its own homes, all of which have now been closed. Other topics included roads and potholes, library services and the Devolution Plan. The Community Budget is still ongoing with £10,000 per annum available for community projects, There is also some additional money available this year from the remaining monies from the sale of Exeter Airport. |
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Dst Cllr Amanda Ford’s Report
As Cllr Ford was unable to attend the meeting, her report was read out by the Chairperson. This included flooding of the B3193, rural roads, Broadband and the mobile phone structure and funding |
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Reports from representatives of local groups and organisations
Reports were presented by representatives from the following of their activities over the past year:
Bridford WI, Bridford Wives, Bridford Chat-in, Bridford & Teign Valley Gardening Club, Teign Valley Scout Group, Bridford Church, Bridford Village Hall, Bridford Cricket Club, Teign Valley Fencing Club, Tree Warden, the Allotments and the Play Park.
Cllr Lord then requested to speak and publicly thanked both the Chairperson and the Clerk for the professional way in which they had dealt with a very difficult situation during the last year which could have led to severe repercussions for the Parish Council.
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Chairperson’s Closing Comments
Cllr Miles thanked everyone for attending the meeting and for presenting their reports. She expressed much gratitude to her fellow Parish Councillors for their support and to the Clerk for her support and commitment and to Cllr Price and the Clerk for providing the refreshments. |
The Meeting closed at 8.15pm and refreshments were served. |
Original copy signed by Cllr F Miles, Chairperson 6th June 2016 |
Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 9th May at the Village Hall at 8.45pm
Present: Cllrs F Miles (current Chairperson), G Hearnden, A Lord, E Price, R Dowding, Mrs J Banks (Clerk). No members of the public were in attendance. |
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Election of Chairperson
Cllr F Miles was proposed by Cllr Hearnden, seconded by Cllr Price and was unanimously re-elected as Chairperson for the next twelve months. |
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Election of Vice Chairperson
Cllr Hearnden was proposed by Cllr Dowding, seconded by Cllr Miles and was unanimously re-elected as vice Chairperson for the next twelve months |
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Acceptance of Office by the Chairperson
Due to printing problems, the Acceptance of Office form was not available for signature. The Parish Council agreed that this should be signed by Cllr Miles in the presence of the Clerk before the next meeting. |
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Cllr T Evans, Dst Cllr Amanda Ford and Simon Lee (DNPA Ranger) |
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Declarations of Interest
None |
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Appointment of Committee Representatives
- Village Hall Cllr Roger Dowding
Both Cllrs Lord and Dowding expressed interest in being the Village Hall representative and so a vote was taken by a show of hands with Cllr Dowding being successful. Cllr Lord was thanked for her commitment to the Village Hall as past Parish Council representative.
- TALC Cllr Roger Dowding
- DNPA Consultative Committee All Parish Councillors
- Bridford Trust Cllr Francis Miles
- Planning All Parish Councillors
- Lengths Man The Clerk
- Play Park Cllr Elisabeth Price
- Tree Warden David Price
- Parish Plan Development All Parish Councillors
- Allotments Liaison Francis Leversedge
- Allotments PC The Clerk
- Website Jarrod Poynton and the Clerk
- Snow Warden Dean Staniforth
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Public Discussion
Cllr Dowding read out a letter received from a Parishioner voicing much concern over the way a local planning application relating to Poole Farm has been dealt with by DNPA and the alleged attitude towards the applicants. The Parish Council has fully supported this application and has recently submitted a lengthy letter of support to the Planning Inspectorate in connection with the applicants appeal against the refusal of planning permission. The Parish Council cannot do any more. As this information will be available to the public, it was agreed to send a copy of this letter to the Parishioner who had expressed concern. |
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The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th April 2016 as a true and accurate record of the meeting. |
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Damaged Bridge at Leigh Cross
Devon County Council has confirmed that the scheme will be funded out of the 2016/17 capital budget and has been passed to its highways team to progress. |
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Flooding of B3193 Teign Valley Road
The drain under the road was cleared in February and routinely, it is cleared annually but can be arranged on an ad-hoc basis as and when required. If it becomes a problem, it should be reported to Simon Pearson at Highways and he will arrange clearance. Tom French advised to let the Clerk know if there is a problem. |
For Discussion
The first five application were dealt with between meetings due to the short timescales for the Submission of comments. Details were circulated to the Parish Councillors |
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2 Greenhill Cottages, Bridford – re proposed removal of existing garage/store wall , doors and roof. Rebuild to same footprint with new roof, cladding and doors (DNPA ref. 0195/16) “The Parish Council supports this application” |
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Little Lowton Farm, Bridford – re proposed change of use of land to site residential caravan to serve as temporary dwelling to house an agricultural worker for three years (DPNA ref. 0172/16). “The Parish Council is broadly supportive of this application by a hard working family. Clearly, if they are to continue with this new farming business, they need more adequate accommodation for themselves and their three young children” |
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The White Barn, Weeke Barton, Bridford – full planning permission and listed building consent re proposed refurbishment and alterations (DNPA ref. 0162/16). “The Parish Council is pleased to see sensitive updating of an historic building that will correct past ‘improvements’ and enhance its appearance and use. The Parish Council strongly supports the application” |
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Burnicombe Farm, Bridford – Notice of Prior Notification re erection of agricultural barn (DNPA ref 0185/16). “The Parish Council takes note of the notification and has no comments” |
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West Park Cottage, Bridford – full planning permission and listed building consent re proposed Extension and alterations (DNPA ref 0169/16) “The revisions to the previous application seem to be improvements and the Parish Council continues to support this application” |
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Tor Croft, Bridford – re proposed modifications and extension to existing dwelling (DNPA ref 0232/16) Site visit to be arranged prior to comment. |
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Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda
None |
For Information – none
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Any Planning items for information received since publication of the agenda
Higher Westcott Farm, Westcott, Moretonhampstead – Grant of Conditional Planning re installation of biomass boiler with external flue attached to side of property and retention of storage shed. (DNPA ref 0120/16) |
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Notice of Appointment for Date for the Exercise of Electors Rights
Notice has been published on website, in Unity and on the notice board. Anyone wishing to examine the Parish Council annual return and associated paperwork may do so by appointment only on request to the Clerk. |
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Date of External Audit – 3rd June 2016 |
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Date of Internal Audit – 26th May 2016 |
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Receipts and Payments Account year ended 31 March 2016
The Parish Council resolved to approve the figures |
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Annual Return year ended 31 March 2016
The Parish Council answered yes to the questions in the Annual Governance Statement in section one and resolved to approve the accounts in section two and
The Annual Governance Statement in section one. |
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Account balances as at 4th April 2016
Current account
Investment account
Balances include earmarked funds £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623 Play
Park and £342.76 textile bank |
£6,390.70 |
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Bank Interest March 2016
1st half of precept |
£ 0.27
£3,250.27 |
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Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for April 2016
DALC subscription deducted from precept
Society of Local Council Clerks annual subscription
Cllr J F Miles reimburse HMLR search fees re Village Garden
Bridford Village Hall re hire of meeting room £48.00
Bridford Village Hall re contribution to post office rent £42.00 |
£ 190.79
£ 118.20
£ 77.00
£ 7.00
£ 90.00
£ 482.99 |
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Account balances as at 9th May 2016
Current account
Investment account |
£9,157.98 |
The Parish Council resolved to accept the accounts and approve the expenditure. Cllr Dowding, delegated by the Chairperson checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement. |
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Casual Vacancy in the Parish of Bridford
There have been no enquiries to date regarding the above vacancy. Details to be published again in Unity and on the website. |
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Defibrillator and First Aid
The Parish Council will invite David Wood to its June meeting
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Village Garden Ownership
A search at HMLR has revealed that there is a land certificate registered in the names of the last owners of the land, now both deceased. Cllr Hearnden will speak with the families concerned to ascertain the way forward. The Parish Council cannot undertake repairs to property which it does not own and if the land is to be transferred to the Parish Council, it will have to be covered by public liability insurance |
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Invitation to meet Nicola Bulbeck CEO Teignbridge with our District Councillor
Amanda Ford on Friday June 10th, 10.30am at TVCH Christow |
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Broadband Voucher Scheme
Details available from the Clerk |
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Date of Next Parish Council Meeting
Monday 6 June 2016 in the upstairs room, Bridford Village Hall, 7.00pm |
Original copy signed by Cllr F Miles, Chairperson 6 June 2016
Newsletters, Reports and Circulars
Dunsford PC March Minutes
Christow PC March Minutes
Healthwatch Voices Spring 2016
Dartmoor Commoners Council dates of Elections
Letters sent