Gritting Update – Tues 9 Jan

It appears that the hill was gritted at lunchtime, but not by us! I presume that this was a Secondary Route gritting, they never tell me if they are doing it but there was plenty to see coming up just after 2pm. Anne Mayes

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Gritting Update – Mon 8 Jan

Our thanks to Andy H and Nige, again, for gritting the hill for us this evening. We do still need more volunteers as those we have are not always available and we can’t rely on the same people every time.
Don’t forget though that, after all the rain we’ve had, the possibility of run off washing the salt away is high and hence there could well be patches of black ice. Anne Mayes

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> Sent from my iPad

Gritting Update – Sun 7 Jan

Our thanks to Andy H and Nige for gritting the hill for us this evening. Don’t forget though that, after all the rain we’ve had the possibility of run off washing the salt away is high and hence there could well be patches of black ice. Still on the lookout for more volunteers!
Anne Mayes

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> Sent from my iPad

Gritting Update – Sat 9 Dec

A reminder that the Team is meeting up tomorrow and we’d welcome anyone who’d like to see what’s involved and, hopefully, join us. Since my last email we’ve lost another member who, because of his age, wishes to retire from active service. This means that we are two down on last winter. Both were helpers, not drivers.

However, we are seriously short of people who have a vehicle with a tow bar. People aren’t always available to go out – work, family commitments or illness – please consider offering to help to keep the hill safe to use. You never go out on your own, there’s always a helper.
We’re meeting up at Seven Acre Farm on Sunday Dec 10th at 11am for a recap and training session, do come and see if you could join us. Anne Mayes

Gritting Update – Fri 1 Dec

Tonight it was Dom and Matt who teamed up to grit the hill for us so our grateful thanks to them for doing so. Another member of the team tested the hill for us this morning – at 05.15 and told the rest of us at 05.23! He said it was fine so I didn’t update everyone.

However, we are seriously short of people who have a vehicle with a tow bar. People aren’t always available to go out – work, family commitments or illness – please consider offering to help to keep the hill safe to use. You never go out on your own, there’s always a helper.
We’re meeting up at Seven Acre Farm on Sunday Dec 10th at 11am for a recap and training session, do come and see if you could join us. Anne Mayes

Gritting Update – Thurs 30 Nov

 We are extremely grateful to Andy B and Joe – again – who braved the hill tonight to grit it. Those of us who either got up or tried to this pm will know how tricky it was. I left a meeting in Exeter two hours early just after 3pm – as usual much to the amusement of others who could see no reason to do so.
Despite all the grit Andy and Joe have spread, any more snow or run off may well leave icy patches, so please take care.
However, we are seriously short of people who have a vehicle with a tow bar. People aren’t always available to go out – work, family commitments or illness – please consider offering to help to keep the hill safe to use. You never go out on your own, there’s always a helper.
We’re meeting up at Seven Acre Farm on Sunday Dec 10th at 11am for a recap and training session, do come and see if you could join us. Anne Mayes

Gritting Update – Wed 29 Nov

 Winter has arrived and two of our volunteers went out tonight to grit the hill. Our thanks to Joe and Andy H who braved the cold to do this for us. However, we are seriously short of people who have a vehicle with a tow bar. People aren’t always available to go out – work, family commitments or illness – please consider offering to help to keep the hill safe to use. You never go out on your own, there’s always a helper.
We’re meeting up at Seven Acre Farm on Sunday Dec 10th at 11am for a recap and training session, do come and see if you could join us.Anne Mayes

Gritting Update – Tues 2 May

I wanted to take this opportunity to publicly thank the Snow Team for being available and wiling to go out and grit the hill again this winter. Their efforts are really appreciated. Highways have just stopped sending out daily updates so we can conclude that winter is officially over! The gritter is still work in progress, no luck so far in fixing it. Anne Mayes

Gritting Update – Tues 7 March

Change of personnel so the hill has been gritted earlier than initially expected. For that we thank AndyH and Colin. Hopefully that will have set us up for whatever the weather sends us tonight and first thing tomorrow. Anne Mayes