Gritting Update – Sun 6 Dec

Matt and Colin have been out tonight and gritted the hill for us so grateful thanks to them for doing this.
We would still like to have a few more volunteers to help out, the team is not large and a few more would enable us to spread the load a bit more. People just aren’t available every time. You go out as a team of two, the driver now only needs a vehicle with a tow bar to take part. Please contact the Parish Clerk if you could help.
Anne Mayes

Gritting Update – Thurs 16 April

It’s alright, no sudden change in the weather! This is just a public thank you to the Bridford Snow Team for looking after us this winter. Fortunately it wasn’t a very severe winter but they were called upon to go out several times. We’d stopped anyway as social distancing is a bit of a challenge for this activity. Hopefully there‘ll be a few extra volunteers for next winter….. Anne Mayes

Gritting Update – Tues 25 Feb

Tonight Dom and Matt have been out and done a run of the hill. It’s tricky as there is rain and heavy snow forecast but we can’t go out at 3am as Highways are doing. So, although it’s been done, it could well be icy still in the morning. Our thanks to them for going out. Anne

Gritting Update – Mon 27 Jan

Our thanks to Mike who dismantled the Gritter, identified the problem and then ordered and replaced the parts for us.
Tonight Andy and Colin have been out and done a run of the hill. It’s tricky as there is rain but we can’t go out at 3am as Highways are doing. So, although it’s been done, it could well be icy still in the morning. Our thanks to them for going out. Anne

Gritting Update – Sun 19 Jan

Jarrod, Colin and Ian have again undertaken the mammoth task of shovelling salt onto the steepest parts of the hill, so Pooks to Seven Views, then down to Stone Lane and finally the slope going down past Venn to the bottom – always useful to be able to stop there! They’ve added the area by the bus shelter and up to Church Lane. The parts not done will still need to be treated very carefully and slowly, but this is more than we could have expected and we are very grateful to them for doing this.
For various reasons we were down to just one driver for the past three nights, if there’s anyone else with a 4×4 and tow bar who could help please get in touch. It really is a vital service for the village. The required parts are being ordered tomorrow.
Anne. [email protected]

Gritting Update – Sat 18Jan

The Gritter needs some parts replacing, thanks to Mike for emptying it and diagnosing the fault. Jarrod, Colin and Ian have undertaken the sterling task of shovelling salt onto the steepest parts of the hill, so Pooks to Seven Views, then down to Stone Lane and finally the slope going down to Venn. The parts not done will still need to be treated very carefully and slowly, but this is more than we could have expected and we are very grateful to them for doing this. They hope to repeat this tomorrow for us. Anne

Gritting Update – Fri 17 Jan

You’ll probably have been expecting the Team to have gritted the hill tonight and Jarrod and Ali went up to do it. Unfortunately there is a problem with the Gritter so they’ve been unable to do it. It was our intention to grit tonight, tomorrow and Sunday, it won’t be done so please be careful. Anne

Gritting Update – Sun 1 Dec

Winter is here! First gritting of the hill tonight thanks to Jarrod and Mick.
We could do with a few more volunteers to help the drivers load up and do the run. If you could help please get in touch 252603. Anne

Gritting Update – Mon 2 Apr

The hill has been gritted tonight and I’d like to thank Andrew, who went out on an inaugural run as driver, and Mick for doing it. Hopefully that will be the last this winter. Anne

Gritting Update – Sat 2 Feb

The hill has been gritted tonight but it was a close thing. Our drivers were busy/ unavailable and it was only down to Jarrod being prepared to break off what he was doing that it was done. An example of why we need more drivers! So, grateful thanks to Jarrod and also to Andy who joined the team for the first time. Anne