Low temps forecast for 6/7 am tomorrow and Highways unsure about the possibility of light snow/sleet so Dom and Andy have gritted the hill for us and our thanks go out to them. Anne Mayes
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Gritting Update – Wed 5 Feb
Our thanks tonight go to Jon and Andy who’ve been out to grit the hill for us. Looks like a cold spell coming up so the Team will be busy. Anne Mayes
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Gritting Update – Fri 31 Jan
Tonight our thanks go to Joe and David for venturing out to grit the hill
to combat the forecast ice later tonight and tomorrow morning and keep everyone moving – in the right direction! Anne Mayes
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Gritting Update – Thurs 9 Jan
Tonight our thanks go to Joe and Matt for venturing out to grit the hill yet again to combat the forecast ice later tonight and keep everyone moving – in the right direction! Anne Mayes
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Gritting Update – Wed 8 Jan
A huge thank you to not only Joe and Andy H who, after making various changes to schedules, managed to get the gritter out, down to the Valley Road and back to try and enable as many as possible to get back home tonight, but to the rest of the team who tried to help but were hampered by cars being in for service and/or not being able to get out of their own drives. Bridford is very fortunate to have such a dedicated group of helpers, we really appreciate their efforts, it’s not the nicest of tasks!
Tomorrow morning is unlikely to be straightforward looking at the forecast temps. Anne Mayes
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Gritting Update – Tuesday 7 Jan
Tonight out thanks go out to James R and Andy B who rallied round to go out tonight to do the hill for us. Not a nice night, a long cold spell and still very wet so although salt has been spread and it’s forecast to be dry until 7am the run offs could cause trouble so, as usual, do, please, be careful tonight and tomorrow. Anne Mayes
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Gritting Update – Friday 3 Jan
Once again our thanks go out to Jon and Andy H for going out again tonight to grit the hill. It’s clearly going to be a very cold night but despite a generous spread, ice is likely to form in the wet areas so care will still be needed first thing but then it’s relatively balmy for a while – odd weather! Anne Mayes
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Gritting Update – Thursday 2 Jan
The hill has been gritted thanks to Jon, a new resident and member of The Team, and Andy H. It looks as if we’re in for a cold spell and certainly temps aren’t forecast to rise until midday. Anne Mayes
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Gritting Update – Thursday 2 Dec
The hill has been gritted thanks to Jon, a new resident and member of The Team, and Andy H. It looks as if we’re in for a cold spell and certainly temps aren’t forecast to rise until midday. Anne Mayes
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Gritting Update – Thursday 21 Nov
The hill has been gritted again thanks to the two Andy’s – B and H. Conditions are bad so we are very grateful to both of them for going out on such an unpleasant evening. Although it has been done, there’s still a lot of snow on the hill, just tracks in places and the temp has already dropped below zero and is forecast to be below until well into tomorrow morning. It will need a lot of care until the temps finally rise – 14/15 degrees at the w/e!, please be careful until then. Anne Mayes
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