Minutes of Bridford Parish Council meeting at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 6th June 2016 at 7.00pm
Present: Cllrs F Miles (Chairperson), G Hearnden, E Price, A Lord, R Dowding, T Evans, Mrs J Banks (Clerk) Dst Cllr A Ford attended for part of the meeting, Jackie Thomas, representing Acorn and David Wood, representing Teign Valley First Responders.   No other members of the public were in attendance.
1 Apologies Cnty Cllr J Brook  (via Cllr Ford)
2 Declarations of Interest – none
3 Short Presentation by David Wood, Teign Valley First Responder re First Aid training and Defibrillators.   David confirmed that first aid courses can be tailored to whatever is required. He brought along a defibrillator and explained how it works, providing the additional information needed to make a decision regarding the purchase of a machine.
4 Public Discussion – the Clerk introduced Jackie Thomas who came along in the absence of their Chair Jo Clunie, to give a short presentation about the work of Acorn serving the elderly and vulnerable.
13 District Councillors Report brought forward on the agenda from item 13 Cllr Ford reminded everyone of the meeting at TVCH on Friday June 10th, to meet with Teignbridge CEO Nicola Bulbeck and to ask any questions they may have.

The Broadband meeting held at TVCH on 3 June was attended by about 40 from the Teign Valley.  The presentation gave an overview about Broadband services in the Valley in the future. It is proposed that Airband will go live in September.  To be eligible to apply for a £500 voucher to upgrade your service, your Broadband speed must be less than 2.  Superfast is classed as 24 and above.

Dst Cllr Ford left the meeting at 8.00pm
5 Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 9th May 2016 as a true and accurate record of the meetings
6 Allotments – two half plots still vacant.  Nothing else to report.
7 Play Area – nothing to report
8 First Aid Course and Defibrillator – following on from item 3, the  Parish Council agreed that it would arrange a first aid course in September, the topics to include, Recovery, CPR, Bleeding & what to have in your First Aid Kit at home. The Clerk will liaise with David Wood to arrange a date and will put the details in Unity to see how much interest there is. Attendees would be invited to make a donation.  The Parish Council agreed that it will pursue the idea of the purchase of a defibrillator.  The Clerk will make enquiries regarding possible grants available.
9 Village Garden – Cllr Miles has been in contact with both families regarding the transfer of the Garden to the Parish Council and they are both of the opinion that this is what their respective parents had intended to happen.  They would be content for the land to be transferred and the Parish Council has agreed to cover their costs involved.  Cllr Miles will contact them again to get things underway.  Public Liability cover will need to be extended to include the Village Garden if it is to be transferred to the Parish Council ownership.
10 Casual Vacancy in the Parish of Bridford – there has not been any interest from anybody wishing to be co-opted on to the Parish Council.
11 Road between Laployd Barton and Blackingstone Rock – Simon Pearson (DCC Highways) has confirmed that he will take a look at the road in question and issue details of any safety defect potholes to the contractor for repair
12 Meetings attended by Parish Councillors – Cllr Dowding attended the recent Village Hall meeting and circulated a copy of the Annual Report.  Cllr Dowding also attended  the last TALC meeting, nothing of great importance to report          20
13 District Councillors Report – brought forward and dealt with earlier in the meeting

For Discussion

14 Establishing Bridford Parish Council’s Planning Policy – this has now been deferred until after the end of the summer
15 Tor Croft, Bridford – re proposed modifications and extension to existing dwelling (DNPA ref 0232/16)  deferred from last meeting pending site visit and observations submitted prior to June meeting.  “The Parish Council supports the application believing that it will result in a much improved house, both visually and structurally.”
16 Unit 2, Bridford Mill, Bridford – re change of use from (B2) Offices to (A1) Hairdressers (DNPA ref. 0244/16).  Details circulated to Councillors and dealt with between meetings due to short timescales for responses.  “The Parish Council has no objections to the application”
17 West Birch Farm, Bridford – re proposed removal of existing static home and construction of garage buildings (DNPA ref. 0257/16).  The Parish Council supported the original planning application but changed this to ‘no objection’ on the current application due to the new revised position of the building being more visually intrusive.
18 Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda – none
For Information
19 The White Barn, Weeke Barton, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent re refurbishment and alterations (DNPA ref. 0161/16 & 0162/16)
20 West Park Cottage, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent re extension / alterations (DNPA ref 0168/16 & 0169/16)
21 Burnicombe Farm – application re erection of agricultural barn has been withdrawn (DNPA ref 0186/16)
22 Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda

Little Lowton Farm, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re change of use of Land to site residential caravan to serve at temporary dwelling to house an agricultural worker for three years (DNPA ref 0172/16)

23 NALC 2016-2018 National Salary Awards

New pay scales for 2016/17 to be implemented immediately and backdated to 1st April 2016

New pay scales for 2017/18 to be implemented from 1st April 2017

24 Internal Audit – has been completed and there were no issues to report requiring Attention.   Annual Return will now be forwarded to the external auditor Grant Thornton for approval and signing off.  A revised Notice of Date of Commencement of Period for the Exercise of Public Rights has been published.
25 Account balances as at 9th May 2016

Current account

Investment account





(Balances Include earmarked funds £165 refundable allotment deposits, £659

Play Area, £43 Village Garden and £458 textile bank)


Bank interest  re April 2016

Bridford Village Hall Skittles – Learners Team re Village Garden  £43

Play Park Team re Play Park         £36

HM Revenue & Customs re VAT refund

Proceeds from textile bank – Bag2 School



£       0.28


£     79.00

£     43.01

£     44.00

£   166.29


Clerks salary for May 2016 including pay increase backdated to 1 April 2016

Cllr E Price   re photocopying                                           £   2.25

re refreshments for Annual Parish Meeting £  7.00*

Mrs J Banks  re refreshments for Annual Parish Meeting £20.23*

CCV Risk Solutions t/a Morgan Brokers re renewal of Parish Council insurance

Mrs P Clapham re completion of internal audit

* Refreshments for Annual Parish Meeting to be authorised as S137 payments


£   194.54


£       9.25    

£     20.23

£   821.22

   £     50.00


28 Account balances as at 6th June 2016

Current account

Investment account


The Parish Council resolved to accept the accounts and approve the expenditure.

Cllr Dowding (delegated by the Chairperson) checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.





29 Establishing Bridford Parish Council’s Planning Policy – duplicated item see 14
30 Any items for discussion since publication of the agenda – none
31 Annual Rural Skip – will be in the lay-by at the top of Pound Lane,16th July from 10am –
32 Electoral Review of Teignbridge

Have your say.  Consultation closes on 4 July 2016

33 Reminder – Invitation to meet Nicola Bulbeck CEO Teignbridge with our District Councillor Amanda Ford on Friday June 10th, 10.30am at TVCH Christow  
34 Any items for information since publication of the agenda

Warnings – be aware of bogus notifications regarding winners of the postcode lottery.

DNPA Communities Fund 2016/17 now opened for applications

35 Public Discussion – no other items for discussion
36 Date of next meeting – Monday 4 July 2016 in the upstairs room at Bridford Village Hall at 7pm
 Original copy of minutes signed by Cllr F Miles, Chairperson   4 July 2016



Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Dunsford PC and Christow PC approved April minutes



Bridford Parish Council Agenda for 4th July 2016

Dear Parish Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and members of the public are invited to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 6th June at 7.00pm

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council

1 Apologies
2 Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest relating to any item on the agenda
3 Public Discussion – opportunity for member of the public to comment on any items on the agenda or to bring any other matter to the attention of the Parish Council
4 Minutes – Parish Council to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th May 2016
5 Allotments
6 Play Area
7 Dartmoor National Park Authority Communities Fund
8 First Aid Course and Defibrillator
9 Village Garden
10 Casual Vacancy in the Parish of Bridford
11 Meetings attended by Parish Councillors
12 District Councillors Report

For Discussion

13 Deer Park, Little Heltor Farm, Doccombe – application for Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing use re occupation of building as a residential dwelling (DNPA ref. 0301/16)
14 The Hide, Bridford – application for Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing use in respect of use of building and associated land as a single dwelling (DNPA ref. 0323/16)
15 Burnicombe Farm, Bridford – re proposed erection of barn for agricultural and forestry use (DNPA ref. 0320/16)
16 Barton Lodge, Bridford re proposed erection of two storey extension (DNPA ref 0310/16)
17 Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda
For Information
18 Tor Croft, Bridford – re modifications and extension to existing dwelling.  Application has been withdrawn
19 2 Greenhill Cottages, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re removal of Existing garage/store wall, doors and roof.  Rebuilding to same footprint with new roof, cladding and doors.  (DNPA ref. 0195/16)
20 Poole Farm, Bridford – Appeal.  Informal Hearing 21 July, Parke, Bovey Tracey, 10.00am
21 Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda
22 Account balances as at 6th June 2016

Current account

Investment account





(Balances Include earmarked funds £165 refundable allotment deposits, £659 Play

Area, £43 Village Garden and £458 textile bank)


Bank Interest re May 2016


£       0.27

£       0.27


Mrs J P Banks re Clerks salary for June 2016

Mrs J P Banks re admin expenditure 1 April – 30 June 2016      £126.55

re use of home as office 1 April – 30 June 2016  £  54.00

HMLR re Clerk’s PAYE re Quarter ended 5 July 2016

Mr G Dicker re grass cutting Jan/Feb/March 2016    £152.49

re 4 cuts at allotment 2                         £  20.00

re grass cutting April/May/June 2016  £152.49


£   192.56


£   180.55

£   144.40



£   324.98

£   842.49

25 Account balances as at 6th June 2016

Current account

Investment account






26 Request for funding towards a Village Fun/Sports Day
27 Any items for discussion since publication of the agenda
28 Annual Rural Skip – will be in the lay-by at the top of Pound Lane,16th July from 10am –
29 Any items for information since publication of the agenda
30 Public Discussion
31 Date of next meeting – Monday 5th September 2016 in the upstairs room at Bridford Village Hall at 7pm


Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council





Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Dunsford PC approved May minutes

Christow PC approved May minutes

Bridford Parish Council Minutes of Annual May Parish & Parish Council meetings

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 9th May 2016 at Bridford Village Hall at 7.00pm

Present: Cllrs F Miles (current Chairperson), G Hearnden, T. Evans, A Lord, E Price, R Dowding, Mrs J Banks (Clerk), Cnty Cllr J Brook and sixteen members of the public.

1 Welcome

Cllr Miles, the current Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited them to stay afterwards for a social get together with refreshments.

2 Apologies

Simon Lee (DNPA Ranger), Dst Cllr Amanda Ford, Cllr T Evans, Toby Russell from the Devon Air Ambulance, Francis and Daphne Leversedge, Tessa Darby

3 Presentation about the DAA Night Time Flying Project

Unfortunately, this had to be cancelled as Toby Russell was unable to attend and had sent his apologies

4 Open Forum for Members of the Public

A Parishioner wished for it to be publicly recorded that local resident Monty Cox has raised in excess of £100,000 for Military charities.

5 Chairperson’s Report

Cllr Miles spoke in depth about various topics including roads, health, communications, planning, gritting of the roads, allotments, Village Garden, play park,  and the textile bank.  She particularly wished to thank Cnty Cllr Jerry Brook and Dst Cllr Amanda Ford for their support and regular attendance at the PC meetings, Simon Lee, our DNPA Ranger, Dean Staniforth for volunteering to coordinate Snow Warden duties and the team of volunteers who operate the gritter and Jarrod Poynton who looks after the village website.  Cllr Miles then invited Cnty Cllr Jerry Brook to present his report.

6 Cnty Cllr Jerry Brook’s Report

Cllr Brook spoke about how the County Council is having to implement comprehensive spending review reductions, saving £36m from the budget from Statutory Services.   He talked about care homes in the private sector which are financed by the County, this being far less expensive than DCC running its own homes, all of which have now been closed.  Other topics included roads and potholes, library services and the Devolution Plan.  The Community Budget is still ongoing with £10,000 per annum available for community projects,  There is also some additional money available this year from the remaining monies from the sale of Exeter Airport.

7 Dst Cllr Amanda Ford’s Report

As Cllr Ford was unable to attend the meeting, her report was read out by the Chairperson.  This included flooding of the B3193, rural roads, Broadband and the mobile phone structure and funding

8 Reports from representatives of local groups and organisations

Reports were presented by representatives from the following of their activities over the past year:

Bridford WI, Bridford Wives, Bridford Chat-in, Bridford & Teign Valley Gardening Club, Teign Valley Scout Group, Bridford Church, Bridford Village Hall, Bridford Cricket Club, Teign Valley Fencing Club, Tree Warden, the Allotments and the Play Park.

Cllr Lord then requested to speak and publicly thanked both the Chairperson and the Clerk for the professional way in which they had dealt with a very difficult situation during the last year which could have led to severe repercussions for the Parish Council.


9 Chairperson’s Closing Comments

Cllr Miles thanked everyone for attending the meeting and for presenting their reports.  She expressed much gratitude to her fellow Parish Councillors for their support and to the Clerk for her support and commitment and to Cllr Price and the Clerk for providing the refreshments.

The Meeting closed at 8.15pm and refreshments were served.


Original copy signed by Cllr F Miles, Chairperson    6th June 2016

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 9th May at the Village Hall at 8.45pm

Present: Cllrs F Miles (current Chairperson), G Hearnden, A Lord, E Price, R Dowding, Mrs J Banks (Clerk).  No members of the public were in attendance.

1 Election of Chairperson

Cllr F Miles was proposed by Cllr Hearnden, seconded by Cllr Price and was unanimously re-elected as Chairperson for the next twelve months.

2 Election of Vice Chairperson

Cllr Hearnden was proposed by Cllr Dowding, seconded by Cllr Miles and was unanimously re-elected as vice Chairperson for the next twelve months

3 Acceptance of Office by the Chairperson

Due to printing problems, the Acceptance of Office form was not available for signature.  The Parish Council agreed that this should be signed by Cllr Miles in the presence of the Clerk before the next meeting.

4 Apologies

Cllr T Evans, Dst Cllr Amanda Ford and Simon Lee (DNPA Ranger)

5 Declarations of Interest


6 Appointment of Committee Representatives

  • Village Hall                                             Cllr Roger Dowding

Both Cllrs Lord and Dowding expressed interest in being the Village Hall representative and so a vote was taken by a show of hands with Cllr Dowding being successful.  Cllr Lord was thanked for her commitment to the Village Hall as past Parish Council representative.

  • TALC                                              Cllr Roger Dowding
  • DNPA Consultative Committee       All Parish Councillors
  • Bridford Trust                                   Cllr Francis Miles
  • Planning                                                   All Parish Councillors
  • Lengths Man                                            The Clerk
  • Play Park                                                   Cllr Elisabeth Price
  • Tree Warden                                             David Price
  • Parish Plan Development                   All Parish Councillors
  • Allotments Liaison                             Francis Leversedge
  • Allotments PC                                   The Clerk
  • Website                                                     Jarrod Poynton and the Clerk


  • Snow Warden                                           Dean Staniforth
7 Public Discussion

Cllr Dowding read out a letter received from a Parishioner voicing much concern over the way a local planning application relating to Poole Farm has been dealt with by DNPA and the alleged attitude towards the applicants.  The Parish Council has fully supported this application and has recently submitted a lengthy letter of support to the Planning Inspectorate in connection with the applicants appeal against the refusal of planning permission.  The Parish Council cannot do any more. As this information will be available to the public, it was agreed to send a copy of this letter to the Parishioner who had expressed concern.

8 Minutes

The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th April 2016 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

9 Damaged Bridge at Leigh Cross

Devon County Council has confirmed that the scheme will be funded out of the 2016/17 capital budget and has been passed to its highways team to progress.

9a Flooding of B3193 Teign Valley Road

The drain under the road was cleared in February and routinely, it is cleared annually but can be arranged on an ad-hoc basis as and when required.  If it becomes a problem, it should be reported to Simon Pearson at Highways and he will arrange clearance.  Tom French advised to let the Clerk know if there is a problem.

For Discussion

The first five application were dealt with between meetings due to the short timescales for  the Submission of comments.  Details were circulated to the Parish Councillors

10 2 Greenhill Cottages, Bridford – re proposed removal  of existing garage/store wall , doors and roof.  Rebuild to same footprint with new roof, cladding and doors (DNPA ref. 0195/16) “The Parish Council supports this application”
11 Little Lowton Farm, Bridford – re proposed change of use of land to site residential caravan to serve as temporary dwelling to house an agricultural worker for three years (DPNA ref. 0172/16). “The Parish Council is broadly supportive of this application by a hard working family.  Clearly, if they are to continue with this new farming business, they need more adequate accommodation for themselves and their three young children”
12 The White Barn, Weeke Barton, Bridford –  full planning permission and listed building consent re proposed refurbishment and alterations (DNPA ref. 0162/16). “The Parish Council is pleased to see sensitive updating of an historic building that will correct past ‘improvements’ and enhance its appearance and use.  The Parish Council strongly supports the application”
13 Burnicombe Farm, Bridford – Notice of Prior Notification re erection of agricultural barn (DNPA ref 0185/16).  “The Parish Council takes note of the notification and has no comments”
14 West Park Cottage, Bridford – full planning permission and listed building consent re proposed Extension and alterations (DNPA ref 0169/16)  “The revisions to the previous application seem to be improvements and the Parish Council continues to support this application”
15 Tor Croft, Bridford – re proposed modifications and extension to existing dwelling (DNPA ref 0232/16)  Site visit to be arranged prior to comment.
16 Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda


For Information – none


17 Any Planning items for information received since publication of the agenda

Higher Westcott Farm, Westcott, Moretonhampstead – Grant of Conditional Planning re installation of biomass boiler with external flue attached to side of property and retention of storage shed. (DNPA ref 0120/16)

18 Notice of Appointment for Date for the Exercise of Electors Rights

Notice has been published on website, in Unity and on the notice board.  Anyone wishing to examine the Parish Council annual return and associated paperwork may do so by appointment only on request to the Clerk.

19 Date of External Audit –  3rd June 2016
20 Date of Internal Audit – 26th May 2016
21 Receipts and Payments Account year ended 31 March 2016

The Parish Council resolved to approve the figures

22 Annual Return year ended 31 March 2016

The Parish Council answered yes to the questions in the Annual Governance Statement in section one and resolved to approve the accounts in section two and

The Annual Governance Statement in section one.

23 Account balances as at 4th April 2016

Current account

Investment account


Balances include earmarked funds £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623 Play

Park and £342.76 textile bank






Bank Interest March 2016

1st half of precept


£       0.27




Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for April 2016

DALC subscription deducted from precept

Society of Local Council Clerks annual subscription

Cllr J F Miles reimburse HMLR search fees re Village Garden

Bridford Village Hall re hire of meeting room                £48.00

Bridford Village Hall re contribution to post office rent £42.00


£   190.79

£   118.20

£     77.00

£       7.00


£      90.00

£    482.99

26 Account balances as at 9th May 2016

Current account

Investment account





The Parish Council resolved to accept the accounts and approve the expenditure.  Cllr Dowding, delegated by the Chairperson checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.
27 Casual Vacancy in the Parish of Bridford

There have been no enquiries to date regarding the above vacancy.  Details to be published again in Unity and on the website.

28 Defibrillator and First Aid

The Parish Council will invite David Wood to its June meeting



29 Village Garden Ownership

A search at HMLR has revealed that there is a land certificate registered in the names of the last owners of the land, now both deceased.  Cllr Hearnden will speak with the families concerned to ascertain the way forward.  The Parish Council cannot undertake repairs to property which it does not own and if the land  is to be transferred to the Parish Council, it will have to be covered by public liability insurance

30 Invitation to meet Nicola Bulbeck CEO Teignbridge with our District Councillor

Amanda Ford on Friday June 10th, 10.30am at TVCH Christow

31 Broadband Voucher Scheme

Details available from the Clerk

32 Date of Next Parish Council Meeting

Monday 6 June 2016 in the upstairs room, Bridford Village Hall, 7.00pm


Original copy signed by Cllr F Miles, Chairperson    6 June 2016



Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Dunsford PC March Minutes

Christow PC March Minutes

Healthwatch Voices Spring 2016


Dartmoor Commoners Council dates of Elections

Letters sent














Bridford Parish Council Agenda for Monday 6 June 2016

Dear Parish Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and members of the public are invited to attend a meeting of Bridford Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 6th June at 7.00pm

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council

1 Apologies
2 Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest relating to any item on the agenda
3 Short Presentation by David Wood, Teign Valley First Responder re First Aid training and defibrillators
4 Public Discussion – opportunity for member of the public to comment on any items on the agenda or to bring any other matter to the attention of the Parish Council
5 Minutes – Parish Council to approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 9th May 2016
6 Allotments
7 Play Area
8 First Aid Course and Defibrillator – following on from item 3, Parish Council to determine the way forward
9 Village Garden – update
10 Casual Vacancy in the Parish of Bridford
11 Road between Laployd Barton and Blackingstone Rock
12 Meetings attended by Parish Councillors
13 District Councillors Report

For Discussion

14 Establishing Bridford Parish Council’s Planning Policy
15 Tor Croft, Bridford – re proposed modifications and extension to existing dwelling (DNPA ref 0232/16)  deferred from last meeting pending site visit and observations submitted prior to June meeting
16 Unit 2, Bridford Mill, Bridford – re change of use from (B2) Offices to (A1) Hairdressers (DNPA ref. 0244/16).  Details circulated to Councillors and dealt with between meetings due to short timescales for responses.  “The Parish Council has no objections to the application”
17 West Birch Farm, Bridford – re proposed removal of existing static home and construction of garage buildings (DNPA ref. 0257/16)
18 Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda
For Information
19 The White Barn, Weeke Barton, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent re refurbishment and alterations (DNPA ref. 0161/16 & 0162/16)
20 West Park Cottage, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent re extension / alterations (DNPA ref 0168/16 & 0169/16)
21 Burnicombe Farm – application re erection of agricultural barn has been withdrawn (DNPA ref 0186/16)
22 Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda
23 NALC 2016-2018 National Salary Awards

New pay scales for 2016/17 to be implemented immediately and backdated to 1st April 2016

New pay scales for 2017/18 to be implemented from 1st April 2017

24 Internal Audit – has been completed and there were no issues to report requiring Attention.   Annual Return will now be forwarded to the external auditor Grant Thornton for approval and signing off.  A revised Notice of Date of Commencement of Period for the Exercise of Public Rights has been published.
25 Account balances as at 9th May 2016

Current account

Investment account





(Balances Include earmarked funds £165 refundable allotment deposits, £659

Play Area, £43 Village Garden and £458 textile bank)


Bank interest  re April 2016

Bridford Village Hall Skittles – Learners Team re Village Garden  £43

Play Park Team re Play Park         £36

HM Revenue & Customs re VAT refund

Proceeds from textile bank – Bag2 School


£       0.28


£     79.00

£     43.01

£     44.00

£   166.29


Clerks salary for May 2016 including pay increase backdated to 1 April 2016

Cllr E Price   re photocopying                                           £   2.25

re refreshments for Annual Parish Meeting £  7.00

Mrs J Banks  re refreshments for Annual Parish Meeting £20.23

CCV Risk Solutions t/a Morgan Brokers re renewal of Parish Council insurance

Mrs P Clapham re completion of internal audit



£   194.54


£       9.25    

£     20.23

£   821.22

   £     50.00


28 Account balances as at 6th June 2016

Current account

Investment account






29 Establishing Bridford Parish Council’s Planning Policy
30 Any items for discussion since publication of the agenda
31 Annual Rural Skip – will be in the lay-by at the top of Pound Lane,16th July from 10am –
32 Electoral Review of Teignbridge

Have your say.  Consultation closes on 4 July 2016

33 Reminder – Invitation to meet Nicola Bulbeck CEO Teignbridge with our District Councillor

Amanda Ford on Friday June 10th, 10.30am at TVCH Christow

34 Any items for information since publication of the agenda
35 Date of next meeting – Monday 4 July 2016 in the upstairs room at Bridford Village Hall at 7pm
Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Dunsford PC and Christow PC approved April minutes


Bridford Parish Council Minutes of April 2016 meeting

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 4th April at 7.00pm
Present: Cllrs F Miles (Chairperson), G Hearnden, R Dowding, E Price, T Evans, A Lord, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Dst Cllr A Ford and three members of the public.  Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting
1 Apologies – none
2 Declarations of Interest –  none
3 Public Discussion – a Parishioner reported that the seat at the end of Butts Close in memory of a local resident has disappeared.  It was bolted down into the concrete base and therefore it is likely that it has been stolen.  Cllr Miles will ask the occupants of the end bungalow if they have seen anything or if they know what has happened to it.  The police will be informed.

The Clerk has received an email from a Parishioner complaining about the state of the road between Laployd Barton and Blackingstone Rock.  Also two lorry loads of soil have been dumped in a passing place and levelled.  The Parish Council will contact Highways.

4 Minutes – Parish Council to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th March 2016
5 Allotments – the tenant of plot 4b will move to plot 2a with immediate effect.  Plots 2b and 4b are therefore available for rent and will continue to be advertised.
6 Play Area – RoSPA has completed its annual inspection of the Play Area and submitted its report and recommendations to the Parish Council.  Cllr Price as the Play Area representative, has gone through the report, undertaken a further inspection and made subsequent recommendations regarding the action required which the Parish Council is happy to accept.  Taking everything into consideration, no further action is thought to be necessary for the time being.  Cllr Price inspects the Play Area weekly and will continue to monitor the points raised by RoSPA which will be reviewed again in six months time.
7 Snow Warden & Gritting of Bridford Hill – the Parish Council agrees that Devon County Council’s policy is flawed in the case of communities such as Bridford. With its scattering of houses and the steepness of the terrain, the size of the community is irrelevant. Given the opportunity, the Parish Council would hope very much to be able to change the fundamental policy which is based only on numbers.  The subject will be revisited in the autumn.

The Parish Council is not aware if Snow Warden training has yet been undertaken.

The Chairperson will have a chat with the Snow Warden and ensure all is well.

Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.30pm and the Chairperson invited him to speak/
Cllr Brook had nothing of great importance to report and invited questions which prompted the subject of the broken bridge at Leigh Cross.  Cllr Brook has asked questions to the appropriate department and will let the Parish Council know as soon as he has a reply.  It is a question of getting everyone’s agreement to change the splay.

Cllr Lord asked if there was an outcome re Trusham Quarry.  Cnty Cllr Brook stated that the Management and Development meeting for March did not go ahead and the matter was therefore not discussed.

The Chairperson invited Dst Cllr Ford to present her report
Teignbridge CEO Nicola Bulbeck would like to come out to the Teign Valley on the 10th June.  A venue is required where Parish Councillors from across the


Valley can come and ask questions.  The Clerk will ascertain the availability of the meeting room at the Teign Valley Community Hall and advise Cllr Ford accordingly.  Cllr Ford has been to see MP Mel Stride regarding improved Broadband services and has also met with Matt Barrow of Connecting Devon & Somerset. Looking to arrange a presentation between Mel Stride, Matt Barrow. Torbay Telecom and Air Band who won the contract for Connecting Devon & Somerset..  There is currently no further information on the mobile phone structure.  At the recent meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny committee, the District Manager for coastal and drainage was asked about flooding of the roads in the Teign Valley.    Communities Together can help with emergency plans.

Cnty Cllr Brook and Dst Cllr Ford left the meeting at 7.40pm
8 Notice of Casual Vacancy in the Parish of Bridford – TDC has confirmed that it has not received any requests for an election and the Parish Council may therefore fill the vacancy by co-option.  Nobody has to date expressed an interest in filling this vacancy which will be advertised in Unity, on the website and on the notice board.
9 Flooding of B3193 by Teign Valley Nurseries – it would appear that the drain under the road was cleared two weeks ago.  Highways will be asked for assurance that it will be kept clear on a regular basis.
10 Alternative textile recycling arrangements – Cllr Price reported that the textile bank is being well used.
11 Defibrillator and First Aid Training – David Wood the First Responder for the Teign Valley has confirmed that he is a qualified first aid trainer and would be happy to give a presentation to the Parish Council regarding defibrillators and first aid training.  It was suggested that Mr Wood should be asked to do this at the Annual Parish Meeting but he will be on holiday so another date will be arranged.
12 Village Garden – the Chairperson has not heard back from HMLR regarding the Ownership of Title.  Until ownership is established, the Parish Council cannot arrange for the repair of the wall.  If the Parish Council was to take it over, it would need to be included on the Council’s public liability cover.  Cllr Lord stated that the Learners proceeds from the skittles are to be donated to the upkeep of the Village Garden.
13 Birthday Card to HM Queen Elisabeth 11 – Alan Fitzjohn has submitted several drawings of Bridford church.  One was selected and the Parish Council agreed that Cllr Price should scan and make into a card to send to the Queen with the appropriate birthday greetings.
Cllr Hearnden left the meeting at 8.05pm
14 Broken wall at bridge over leat at Leigh Cross on B3193.  Dealt with earlier in the meeting.  See Cnty Cllrs Report.
15 Meetings attended by Parish Councillors – none
16 District Councillors Report – item brought forward earlier in the meeting

For Discussion

17 Establishing Bridford Parish Council’s Planning Policy – deferred from last meeting Cllr Evans advised the Parish Council that this was in progress and that he needs to do more research in order to present a document which is informative but not too long.  Deferred until the June meeting.













Dealt with between meetings due to short timescale for responses

Higher Westcott Farm, Moretonhampstead – re proposed installation of biomass Boiler with external flue attached to side of property and retention of storage shed (DNPA ref. 0120/16).  Details were circulated to the Parish Council which had ” no objections to the application”

The White Barn, Weeke Barton, Bridford – Full Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent re proposed refurbishment and alterations (DNPA ref 00161/16)

Comments deferred pending a site visit arranged for 9th April,

West Park Cottage, Bridford – re proposed extension and alterations (DNPA ref 0169/16).   Parish Councillors were asked to look at the application online and unless the Clerk receives comments suggesting otherwise, the Parish Council will advise DNPA that it strongly supports the application

21 Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda – none
For Information




Cedar House, Bridford – Notice of Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re erection of building (81sqm) for use as stables (DNPA ref. 0019/16)

Poole Farm, Bridford – Notice of Appeal against Refusal of Full Planning Permission re erection of rural worker’s dwelling (DNPA ref. 0356/15)

The Parish Council originally supported this application and will contact the applicants to find out what the current situation is before submitting a further positive response to the Planning Inspectorate.

24 Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda – none
25 Account balances as at 7th March 2016

Current account

Investment account





(Balance Includes earmarked funds £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623

Play Area and £342.76 textile bank)


Bank interest  re February 2016


£        0.28

£        0.28


Mrs J P Banks re Clerks salary for March 2016

Mrs J P Banks re Admin Expenditure1 Jan – 31 March 2016

Playsafety Limited re RoSPA annual inspection

HMLR re Clerk’s PAYE quarter ended 5 April 2016

Bridford Village Hall re 20% of income from textile bank


£   185.19

£   120.01

£   117.60

£   166.40

£     71.44

£   660.64

28 Account balances as at 4th April 2016

Current account

Investment account


The Parish Council resolved to accept and approve the accounts and toauthorise the expenditure. Cllr Dowding, delegated by the Chairperson, checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.






29 Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting 2016 – the Clerk


suggested that Devon Air Ambulance should be invited to give a presentation re it’s Night Time Flying project.  This was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council.

The Clerk will invite local clubs and organisations to give short presentations about their activities over the past year.  The Clerk will organise refreshments. The Chairperson will create and put up posters.

30 CPRE Devon ‘Our Outdoors’ Competition – previously the Best Kept Village Competition.  Bridford does not wish to participate.
31 Closure of Permissive Footpath at Steps Bridge – Dunsford Parish Council has asked if Bridford would be happy for them to take the lead in this matter as although it is within Bridford Parish, the closure of the footpath will have more impact on Dunsford residents. Bridford PC is happy to advise Dunsford to go ahead and will strongly support them with any strategy to try and resolve the matter.
32 Any items received for discussion since publication of the agenda – none
33 Police Warning Notices to be published in Unity
34 The Prince’s Countryside Fund is now open to applications.  Details to be published in Unity.  
35 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none
36 Public Discussion

A Parishioner has reported an another ‘broken bridge’ on theB3193 opposite the vets.   It is not though that this is a bridge as such and that the owner of the adjoining garden is likely to be responsible for the upkeep of this wall. The Clerk will send a photo to Highways to establish who is responsible. Cllr Dowding advised the Council that the Village Hall committee has been successful in securing a grant of £3,500 from the Dartmoor communities Fund.  The money will be used to resolve the problem of the overloading of the electrical circuit by replacing the overhead heaters.

A Parish Councillor asked if the Parish Council will have to pay for the Police Commissioner elections in May.  The Clerk confirmed that this is not so/

37 Date of next meeting

Monday 9th May 2016 in the upstairs room  at Bridford Village Hall at 7.00pm

This will be the Annual Parish Meeting with refreshments, followed afterwards by the Annual Parish Council meeting.









Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairperson   9th May 2016




Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Christow Parish Council February minutes

Dunsford Parish Council February minutes

Healthy People – March 2016


DNPA News Release – Super Broadband on Dartmoor

Letters sent




Bridford Parish Council Agenda Annual Parish and Parish Council Meetings May 2016

Dear Parish Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and members of the public are invited to attend the Annual Parish

Meeting which will be followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting to be held at Bridford Village

Hall on Monday 9th May at 7.00pm

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council

1 Welcome by the current Chairperson


Short Presentation by Toby Russell about the Devon Air Ambulance Night Flying Project

Open Forum for Members of the Public

Chairperson’s Report

County Councllor Jerry Brook’s Report

District Councillor Amanda Ford’s Report

Reports from individual local groups and organisations

Chairperson’s closing comments


REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED and there will be time to mingle and chat with the Parish

Councillors prior to the start of the Annual Parish Council Meeting



1 Election of Chairperson

Election of Vice Chairperson

Acceptance of Office forms



















Declarations of Interest

Appointment of Committees

  • Village Hall
  • TALC
  • DNPA Consultative Committee
  • Bridford Trust
  • Planning
  • Lengths Man
  • Play Area
  • Tree Warden
  • Parish Plan Development
  • Allotments Representative
  • Allotments PC Representative
  • Website
  • Snow Warden

Public Discussion – opportunity for members of the public to  comment on agenda items or to

raise matter of concern with the Councill

8 Minutes – Parish Council to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held on 4th April 2016

Damaged bridge at Leigh Cross – update





For Discussion

The first five applications were dealt with between meetings due to the short timescales for the submission of comments.  Details were circulated to the Parish Councillors












2 Greenhill Cottages, Bridford– re proposed removal of existing garage/store wall, doors and roof.

Rebuild to same footprint with new roof, cladding and doors (DNPA ref. 0195/16)

Little Lowton Farm, Bridford – re proposed change of use of land to site residential caravan to serve as temporary dwelling to house an agricultural worker for three years (DNPA ref. 0172/16)

The White Barn, Weeke Barton, Bridford – re proposed refurbishment and alterations (DNPA Ref. 0162/16)

Burnicombe Farm, Bridford – Notice of Prior Notification re erection of agricultural barn (DNPA ref. 0185/16)

West Park Cottage, Bridford full planning and listed building – re proposed extension and alterations (DNPA ref. 0169/16)

Tor Croft – re proposed modifications and extension to existing dwelling (DNPA ref. 0232/16)


16 Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda
For Information – none
17 Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda





Notice of Appointment for Date for the Exercise of Electors Rights

Date of External Audit

Date of Internal Audit

Receipts and Payments Account year ended 31 March 2016 to be approved by the Parish Council

Annual Return year ended 31 March 2016 – Parish Council to answer the questions in the Annual

Governance Statement and approve and accept the accounts in section two and the Annual Governance Statement in section one.

23 Account balances as at 4th April 2016

Current account

Investment account





(Balance Includes earmarked funds £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623

Play Area and £342.76 textile bank)


Bank interest  re March 2016

1st half of precept



£       0.27


£ 3,250.27


Mrs JP Banks re Clerk’s salary for April 2016

DALC subscription deducted from precept

Society of Local Council Clerks annual subscription

Cllr J F Miles reimburse HMLR search fees re Village Garden

Bridford Village Hall re hire of meeting room                 £48.00

Bridford Village Hall re contribution to post office rent  £42.00


£ 190.79

£ 118.20

£   77.00

£     7.00


£    90.00

£ 482.99

26 Account balances as at 9th May  2016

Current account

Investment account






27 Casual Vacancy in the Parish of Bridford
28 Defibrillator and First Aid – arrange a date to meet with David Wood

Village Garden Ownership

Invitation to meet Nicola Bulbeck CEO Teignbridge  with our District Councillor Amanda Ford on Friday June 10, 10.30am.   Please advise if you are attending



31 Broadband Voucher Scheme

Date of next meeting

Monday 6th June 2016 in the upstairs room  at Bridford Village Hall at 7.00pm



Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council









Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Dunsford PC March minutes

Christow PC March minutes

Healthwatch Voices Spring 2016


Dartmoor Commoners Council dates of elections

Letters sent



Bridford Parish Council minutes of meeting 7th March 2016

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 7th March at 7.00pm
Present: Cllrs F Miles (Chairperson), G Hearnden, E Price, T Evans, A Lord, R Dowding, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk), Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting. No members of the public were in attendance.
Apologies: Dst Cllr Ford. A retrospective apology was received from Cllr Evans
Declarations of Interest – none
Public Discussion – none
Minutes – the Parish Council approved the minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 1st February 2016 as a true and accurate record of the meeting
Allotments – there are still two half plots vacant and one annual rent still to be paid
Play Area – the annual safety inspection by RoSPA will take place in March. Cllr Price carried out her weekly check and reported that there were no problems,
Gritting of Bridford Hill – Devon County Council has reduced its budget even more since the decision to rationalise the County gritting routes and with further major financial reductions planned, it may be necessary to reduce the existing gritting routes.   It would therefore not be possible to reconsider the decision to remove Bridford from the primary gritting route. The Parish Council decided that it would not give up and suggested that a diary note should be made in October to write to the County Council again.
Grit/salt Bins – the contractor checks all bins when refilling and will break the surface of any that have solidified.   To supply and additional grit bin on Pound Lane would incur a cost. Suggested the Parish Council asks Cnty Cllr Brook if he would be able to fund it. The Clerk will bring a map of the location of the bins in the village to the next meeting to see if it would be possible to move an existing bin to Pound Lane. Arrangements will be made to turn around the bin at the bottom of Pound Lane to make it accessible.
Snow Warden – Dean Staniford has agreed to be village’s new Snow Warden / Co-ordinator and will undertake the formal briefing in order for him to be covered by Devon County Council’s insurance. Notices around the village and in Unity asking for additional volunteers for his team.
Alternative textile recycling arrangements – Rag Bag has given its permission for the Parish Council to keep the old recycling bank. Cllr Price has registered the Parish Council with the recycling company Bag to School which accept and pay for good quality items for re-use. Details of what can and cannot be accepted will be put up on the notice boards and published on the Parish website and in Unity.

Cllr Dowding suggested that storage might be possible in the waste paper collection shed by constructing a shelf above the area where the paper is stacked.

Defibrillator and First Aid Training – there are many different defibrillators ranging From £1,110 – £2,000. Dst Cllr Ford will give £200 from her District Councillor’s purse. The Parish Council is also holding proceeds from the sale of contents of the textile bank which could be used. A defibrillator is of no use without basic first aid knowledge. . It is probably more important to provide first aid training than a defibrillator. St John’s charge £250 plus V.A.T.. There are other local qualified first aid trainers who will be contacted to see what they would charge for running a course which ideally would be held on a Saturday in the summer.   Details of a trainer, cost and date to be available at the next PC meeting.   Parishioners wishing to attend a first aid course will be asked to make a suggested minimum donation of £10.


Devon Air Ambulance Night time landing site– the cost of remote controlled lighting to enable night time landing at the Play Area would have to be born by the Parish Council. Planning permission would also be the Parish Council’s responsibility. The approximate cost is not known but is likely to be expensive as it would need to be remotely activated via mobile phone lines from the helicopter.

The Parish Council initially decided that this is not something that it would wish to follow up at this time.

HRH Queen Elisabeth’s 90th Birthday Celebrations – arrangements are underway to hold a garden party at Bridford Barton organised by the Church to raise funds for the Church.   A Parish Councillor suggested that Bridford Parish Council should send a birthday card to Her Majesty. Alan Fitzjohn to be contacted to see if he still has any cards featuring the local church or if he would like to design a card,
Many Waters – Mr & Mrs Vaines have asked their building suppliers to utilise smaller vehicles for future deliveries and given assurance that they will put right any damage caused to neighbours boundary banks and hedges.   They have however walked along Neadon Lane and cannot see any evidence of this. The removal of a section of hedge was to enable lorries to turn around without trespassing on neighbouring properties and to be able to go back down the hill and not through the village. Mr & Mrs Vaines were not aware that planning permission was required to remove a section of hedgerow which will be reinstated when building works have been completed.
Meetings attended by Parish Councillors – non4
District Councillors Report received by email.   Dst Cllr Ford has sent a letter to local MP Mel Stride on behalf of the Teign Valley ward asking for his action on poor Broadband connection / speed and mobile phone coverage.

The District Council tax element will be increasing by 3.3%.   This was voted in at the last full council and budget meeting.

The Local Government Boundary Commission of England is looking at the current number of District Councillors, triggered by the fact that more than 30% of current council wards have an electoral variance of more than 10% from the average.

It is suggested that there should be approximately 2,000 electorate for each Councillor which may mean that the Teign Valley ward is expanded to take on more Parishes. Teignbridge has voted to keep the current number of forty-six ward councillors despite the increase in housing in Teignbridge, but the ultimate decision will be made by the Commission


For Discussion

Establishing Bridford Parish Council’s Planning Policy – deferred until the April PC meeting when Cllr Evans will be present to share his ideas.


Cnty Cllr Jerry Brook joined the meeting at 7.50pm and was welcomed by the Chairperson.
Trusham Quarry Planning Application – Cnty Cllr Brook was invited to join this discussion and was able to explain more in detail what the application is about but was unable to offer any advice as he will be chairing the planning meeting which will make the decision.   The Parish Council will respond to the Consultation requesting the authorities to place restrictions on weight limits and the regular daily movement of vehicles on the B3193.



The Chairperson invited Cnty Cllr Brook to continue with his report
The budget went through with the exception of school crossing patrols which has been given a reprieve under public pressure.

Following a lobbying of MP’s by Devon County Council the County has secured an additional £8.5m to the budget outcome. A considerable portion of this will be utilised for Children and Young Peoples Services.   The Tour of Britain is returning to Devon after a year’s absence and is expected to generate a lot of income for the region. Good news, following an inquiry into Children’s and Young People’s Servicers, DCC has received a letter lifting it from ‘inadequate measures’

Cnty Cllr Brook supports the Parish Council concerns over the gritting of Bridford Hill in that although the population is less than 500, the village is vulnerable due to its geographical location. However, the long term answer has to be for a Parish approach together with the help of a Snow Warden and team. The Chairperson confirmed that things are moving forward in this direction to restore the cover we have had for the previous two years.   A Parish Councillor mentioned that there does not appear to be a public consultation with regards to the Devolution Plan

With regards to the bidding process for Devolution, the Government said that when the idea was proposed, it would be more favourable if more than one authority was in the frame with the bid. Cornwall wished to go it alone and Devon joined with Somerset. It is all about costs and securing a better deal with a more local control of the financial package.

The Parish Council asked Cllr Brook if he could fund another grit box from his County Councillors fund which he confirmed he would be able to do, but only the £330 cost of the box and not the cost of supplying the additional salt.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 8.20pm
Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda – none
For Information
Longacre, Neadon Lane, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning re erection of shed/wood store (DNPA ref. 0665/15)

Birchdown Farm, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning re construction of two bay car port and lean-to log store (DNPA ref. 0664/15)

Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda

Seven Acre Lane, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning re the creation of three access gateways (DNPA ref. 0011/16)

Additional Hours – the Parish Council resolved to authorise payment to the Clerk of an additional thirteen hours for the month of February 2016
Annual Increment re Clerk’s Salary – the Parish Council resolved to authorise the annual increment increase from scale SCP22 £10.527 per hour to SCP23 £10.836 per hour with effect from 1st April 2016
The Pension Regulator – Bridford Parish Council has complied with it’s legal duties in connection with the new Pension Rules and Regulations
Account balances as at 1st February 2016

Current account

Investment account

(Balance Includes earmarked funds £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623

Play Area and £414.20 textile bank)



Bank interest re January 2016

Teignbridge District Council re Electors Fund Grant to Village Hall


Clerks salary for February 2016 to include an additional thirteen hours

Bridford Village Hall payment of Electors Fund Grant

Information Commissioner re annual subscription

Account balances as at 7th March 2016

Current account

Investment account


The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure. Cllr Dowding designated by the Chairperson checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.

Resignation of Councillor James Atkinson – the Parish Council has received and accepted the resignation of James Atkinson following an recent court case relating to an incident on the the Teign Valley road last July.

Prior to receiving the resignation, and following media coverage which resulted in a great number of complaints from the public, the Parish Council met for a special meeting which Mr Atkinson declined to attend and issued the following official statement:

“Mr Atkinson’s behaviour and demeanour, as evidenced by the Court verdict and a photograph in the public domain was completely unacceptable.

The local; Government Code of Conduct only applies to elected representatives when they are discharging official duties and at the time of the incident, Mr Atkinson was not acting as a representative of the Parish Council.

The Parish Council has taken professional advice and is constrained to actions which are according to the law.   James Atkinson was elected by due process and for legal reasons cannot be removed from office.

Mr Atkinson believes that he continues to have sufficient local support from the

Electorate and therefore a mandate to continue in office.”

Notice of Casual Vacancy in the office of Councillor at Bridford Parish

A notice of Casual Vacancy has been issued dated 26th February 2016,stating that unless ten or more persons of the Electorate contact Teignbridge District Council by 17th March 2016 asking for an election, then the Parish Council may co-opt. Details to be published in Unity and on the website asking anybody wishing to be considered to contact the Clerk.

Flooding on B3193 by Teign Valley Nurseries – it is understood that the pipe under the road may now have been cleared by workman. Enquiries to be made.
Growing a Rural Community – the Parish Council completed a questionnaire from the Rural Services Network
Healthy People – Success Regime Case for Change becoming public. Further newsletters are being received to keep everyone up to date.   Response from the Parish Council not considered necessary.
Any items for discussion since publication of the agenda – none
Police Warning Notices re the theft of sheep and sheep worrying by dogs will be

published in Unity.                                         8

Crime Prevention DNA Marking Kits now in stock and can be obtained at a cost of

£20 by visiting [email protected]

Devon Neighbourhood Plan Road show 18th March at Hannah’s (Seale-Hayne)

Newton Abbot

Notice of Road Closure – the road past Middle Hole Farm, Bridford, the junction at the road past Hillside view to the junction at Commons Hill will be closed from 4th to 5th May 2016 to enable Open Reach Works to replace a decayed pole in the same position and erect one new drop wire . The alternative diversion will be signposted.
Any items for information since publication of the agenda – none
Devon Minerals Plan has been submitted to the Secretary of State for independent Examination. The submitted documents can be viewed on DCC’s website or at County Hall, Exeter during normal office hours.
Electoral Review of Devon: Final Recommendations. Details have been circulated to members of the Parish Council.
DALC Highways Conference 16th March at Exeter Football Club. Bridford PC will not be represented.
Public Discussion – a section of wall has fallen down at the Village Garden. Monty Cox to be asked if he will repair it.   It is understood that there was a fund set up at the old Post Office originally which Parishioners could pay into to support theVillage Garden.   Enquiries will be made to Kathy Fitzjohn to see if she still has any information. Ownership of the garden is still not known since the death of all three of the local people who originally purchased the piece of land for the benefit of the Parish.- Cllr Miles mentioned that ownership of the title of the land can be obtained from HM Land Registry for a fee of £12. Cllr Miles kindly offered to arrange for the appropriate search to be made to establish current ownership.

A Parish Councillor reported branches leaning on telephone wires. The owners of the land in question to be contacted and asked to make arrangements for the branches to be cut back.

Pound Lane Hedge & Commermorative Tree Area – Cllr Price reported that volunteers have managed to cut back a significant 20m section including several ash and sycamore trees which were getting very tall, at the top of Pound Lane. This follows on from last winter when about half of the overgrown hedge was cut back. A small pile of cuttings will be cleared away leaving the area neat and tidy. In addition, the length of hedge that was cut back last year has been trimmed manually. The commemorative trees look much better and have made good even growth now that they are no longer overshadowed.

Date of next meeting

Monday 4th April 2016 in the upstairs room at Bridford Village Hall at 7.00pm








Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairperson   4th April 2016





Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Dunsford PC January minutes

Junk Mail issue 17

Clerks and Councils Direct March 2016


Letter from Philip Fowler – Chairman Moretonhampstead District Hospital

Amendments of the Electoral Register

Letters sent










































Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 7th

March at 7.00pm

Present: Cllrs F Miles (Chairperson), G Hearnden, E Price, T Evans, A Lord, R Dowding, Mrs J P Banks

(Clerk), Cnty Cllr Brook attended for part of the meeting. No members of the public were in attendance.

Apologies: Dst Cllr Ford. A retrospective apology was received from Cllr Evans
Declarations of Interest – none
Public Discussion – none
Minutes – the Parish Council approved the minutes of the Parish Council meeting

on 1st February 2016 as a true and accurate record of the meeting

Allotments – there are still two half plots vacant and one annual rent still to be paid
Play Area – the annual safety inspection by RoSPA will take place in March. Cllr

Price carried out her weekly check and reported that there were no problems,

Gritting of Bridford Hill – Devon County Council has reduced its budget even more

since the decision to rationalise the County gritting routes and with further major

financial reductions planned, it may be necessary to reduce the existing gritting

routes.   It would therefore not be possible to reconsider the decision to remove

Bridford from the primary gritting route. The Parish Council decided that it would

not give up and suggested that a diary note should be made in October to write to

the County Council again.

Grit/salt Bins – the contractor checks all bins when refilling and will break the

surface of any that have solidified.   To supply and additional grit bin on Pound

Lane would incur a cost. Suggested the Parish Council asks Cnty Cllr Brook if he

would be able to fund it. The Clerk will bring a map of the location of the bins in

the village to the next meeting to see if it would be possible to move an existing bin

to Pound Lane. Arrangements will be made to turn around the bin at the

bottom of Pound Lane to make it accessable.

Snow Warden – Dean Staniford has agreed to be village’s new Snow Warden /

Co-ordinator and will undertake the formal briefing in order for him to be covered

by Devon County Council’s insurance. Notices around the village and in Unity

asking for additional volunteers for his team.

Alternative textile recycling arrangements – Rag Bag has given its permission for

the Parish Council to keep the old recycling bank. Cllr Price has registered the

Parish Council with the recycling company Bag to School which accept and pay

for good quality items for re-use. Details of what can and cannot be accepted will

be put up on the notice boards and published on the Parish website and in Unity.

Cllr Dowding suggested that storage might be possible in the waste paper collection

shed by constructing a shelf above the area where the paper is stacked.

Defibrillator and First Aid Training – there are many different defibrillators ranging

From £1,110 – £2,000. Dst Cllr Ford will give £200 from her District Councillor’s

purse. The Parish Council is also holding proceeds from the sale of contents of the

textile bank which could be used. A defibrillator is of no use without basic first

aid knowledge. . It is probably more important to provide first aid training than a defibrillator. St John’s charge £250 plus V.A.T.. There are other local qualified

first aid trainers who will be contacted to see what they would charge for running a

course which ideally would be held on a Saturday in the summer.   Details of a

trainer, cost and date to be available at the next PC meeting.   Parishioners wishing

to attend a first aid course will be asked to make a suggested minimum donation of



Devon Air Ambulance Night time landing site– the cost of remote controlled

lighting to enable night time landing at the Play Area would have to be born by the

Parish Council. Planning permission would also be the Parish Council’s

responsibility. The approximate cost is not known but is likely to be expensive as

it would need to be remotely activated via mobile phone lines from the helicopter.

The Parish Council initially decided that this is not something that it would wish to

follow up at this time.

HRH Queen Elisabeth’s 90th Birthday Celebrations – arrangements are underway to

hold a garden party at Bridford Barton organised by the Church to raise funds for

the Church.   A Parish Councillor suggested that Bridford Parish Council should

send a birthday card to Her Majesty. Alan Fitzjohn to be contacted to see if he still

has any cards featuring the local church or if he would like to design a card,

Many Waters – Mr & Mrs Vaines have asked their building suppliers to utilise

smaller vehicles for future deliveries and given assurance that they will put right

any damage caused to neighbours boundary banks and hedges.   They have however

walked along Neadon Lane and cannot see any evidence of this. The removal of

a section of hedge was to enable lorries to turn around without trespassing on

neighbouring properties and to be able to go back down the hill and not through the

village. Mr & Mrs Vaines were not aware that planning permission was required to

remove a section of hedgerow which will be reinstated when building works have

been completed.

Meetings attended by Parish Councillors – non4
District Councillors Report received by email.   Dst Cllr Ford has sent a letter to

local MP Mel Stride on behalf of the Teign Valley ward asking for his action on

poor Broadband connection / speed and mobile phone coverage.

The District Council tax element will be increasing by 3.3%.   This was voted in at

the last full council and budget meeting.

The Local Government Boundary Commission of England is looking at the current

number of District Councillors, triggered by the fact that more than 30% of current

council wards have an electoral variance of more than 10% from the average.

It is suggested that there should be approximately 2,000 electorate for each

Councillor which may mean that the Teign Valley ward is expanded to take on

more Parishes. Teignbridge has voted to keep the current number of forty-six

ward councillors despite the increase in housing in Teignbridge, but the ultimate

decision will be made by the Commission


For Discussion

Establishing Bridford Parish Council’s Planning Policy – deferred until the April

PC meeting when Cllr Evans will be present to share his ideas.


Cnty Cllr Jerry Brook joined the meeting at 7.50pm and was welcomed by the Chairperson.
Trusham Quarry Planning Application – Cnty Cllr Brook was invited to join this

discussion and was able to explain more in detail what the application is about but

was unable to offer any advice as he will be chairing the planning meeting which

will make the decision.   The Parish Council will respond to the Consultation

requesting the authorities to place restrictions on weight limits and the

regular daily movement of vehicles on the B3193.



The Chairperson invited Cnty Cllr Brook to continue with his report
The budget went through with the exception of school crossing patrols which has

been given a reprieve under public pressure.

Following a lobbying of MP’s by Devon County Council the County has secured

an additional £8.5m to the budget outcome. A considerable portion of this will be

utilised for Children and Young Peoples Services.   The Tour of Britain is returning

to Devon after a year’s absence and is expected to generate a lot of income for the

region. Good news, following an inquiry into Children’s and Young People’s

Servicers, DCC has received a letter lifting it from ‘inadequate measures’

Cnty Cllr Brook supports the Parish Council concerns over the gritting of Bridford

Hill in that although the population is less than 500, the village is vulnerable due to

its geographical location. However, the long term answer has to be for a Parish

approach together with the help of a Snow Warden and team. The Chairperson

confirmed that things are moving forward in this direction to restore the cover we

have had for the previous two years.   A Parish Councillor mentioned that there

does not appear to be a public consultation with regards to the Devolution Plan

With regards to the bidding process for Devolution, the Government said that

when the idea was proposed, it would be more favourable if more than one

authority was in the frame with the bid. Cornwall wished to go it alone and Devon

joined with Somerset. It is all about costs and securing a better deal with a more

local control of the financial package.

The Parish Council asked Cllr Brook if he could fund another grit box from his

County Councillors fund which he confirmed he would be able to do, but only the

£330 cost of the box and not the cost of supplying the additional salt.

Cnty Cllr Brook left the meeting at 8.20pm
Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda – none
For Information
Longacre, Neadon Lane, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning re erection of

shed/wood store (DNPA ref. 0665/15)

Birchdown Farm, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning re construction of two

bay car port and lean-to log store (DNPA ref. 0664/15)

Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda

Seven Acre Lane, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning re the creation of three

access gateways (DNPA ref. 0011/16)

Additional Hours – the Parish Council resolved to authorise payment to the

Clerk of an additional thirteen hours for the month of February 2016

Annual Increment re Clerk’s Salary – the Parish Council resolved to authorise

the annual increment increase from scale SCP22 £10.527 per hour to SCP23

£10.836 per hour with effect from 1st April 2016

The Pension Regulator – Bridford Parish Council has complied with it’s legal

duties in connection with the new Pension Rules and Regulations

Account balances as at 1st February 2016

Current account

Investment account

(Balance Includes earmarked funds £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623

Play Area and £414.20 textile bank)



Bank interest re January 2016

Teignbridge District Council re Electors Fund Grant to Village Hall


Clerks salary for February 2016 to include an additional thirteen hours

Bridford Village Hall payment of Electors Fund Grant

Information Commissioner re annual subscription

Account balances as at 7th March 2016

Current account

Investment account


The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure.

Cllr Dowding designated by the Chairperson checked the invoices to the cheque

book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.

Resignation of Councillor James Atkinson – the Parish Council has received and

accepted the resignation of James Atkinson following an recent court case relating

to an incident on the the Teign Valley road last July.

Prior to receiving the resignation, and following media coverage which resulted in a great number of complaints from the public, the Parish Council met for a special meeting

which Mr Atkinson declined to attend and issued the following official statement:

“Mr Atkinson’s behaviour and demeanour, as evidenced by the Court verdict and a

photograph in the public domain was completely unacceptable.

The local; Government Code of Conduct only applies to elected representatives

when they are discharging official duties and at the time of the incident, Mr

Atkinson was not acting as a representative of the Parish Council.

The Parish Council has taken professional advice and is constrained to actions

which are according to the law.   James Atkinson was elected by due process and

for legal reasons cannot be removed from office.

Mr Atkinson believes that he continues to have sufficient local support from the

Electorate and therefore a mandate to continue in office.”

Notice of Casual Vacancy in the office of Councillor at Bridford Parish

A notice of Casual Vacancy has been issued dated 26th February 2016,stating

that unless ten or more persons of the Electorate contact Teignbridge District

Council by 17th March 2016 asking for an election, then the Parish Council may

co-opt. Details to be published in Unity and on the website asking anybody

wishing to be considered to contact the Clerk.

Flooding on B3193 by Teign Valley Nurseries – it is understood that the pipe under

the road may now have been cleared by workman. Enquiries to be made.

Growing a Rural Community – the Parish Council completed a questionnaire from

the Rural Services Network

Healthy People – Success Regime Case for Change becoming public. Further

newsletters are being received to keep everyone up to date.   Response from the

Parish Council not considered necessary.

Any items for discussion since publication of the agenda – none
Police Warning Notices re the theft of sheep and sheep worrying by dogs will be

published in Unity.                                         8

Crime Prevention DNA Marking Kits now in stock and can be obtained at a cost of

£20 by visiting [email protected]

Devon Neighbourhood Plan Road show 18th March at Hannah’s (Seale-Hayne)

Newton Abbot

Notice of Road Closure – the road past Middle Hole Farm, Bridford, the junction at

the road past Hillside view to the junction at Commons Hill will be closed from 4th

to 5th May 2016 to enable Open Reach Works to replace a decayed pole in the

same position and erect one new drop wire . The alternative diversion will be


Any items for information since publication of the agenda – none
Devon Minerals Plan has been submitted to the Secretary of State for independent

Examination. The submitted documents can be viewed on DCC’s website or at

County Hall, Exeter during normal office hours.

Electoral Review of Devon: Final Recommendations. Details have been circulated

to members of the Parish Council.

DALC Highways Conference 16th March at Exeter Football Club. Bridford PC

will not be represented.

Public Discussion – a section of wall has fallen down at the Village Garden. Monty

Cox to be asked if he will repair it.   It is understood that there was a fund set up

at the old Post Office originally which Parishioners could pay into to support the

Village Garden.   Enquiries will be made to Kathy Fitzjohn to see if she still has

any information. Ownership of the garden is still not known since the death of all

three of the local people who originally purchased the piece of land for the benefit

of the Parish.- Cllr Miles mentioned that ownership of the title of the land can be

obtained from HM Land Registry for a fee of £12. Cllr Miles kindly offered to

arrange for the appropriate search to be made to establish current ownership.

A Parish Councillor reported branches leaning on telephone wires. The owners

of the land in question to be contacted and asked to make arrangements for the

branches to be cut back.

Pound Lane Hedge & Commermorative Tree Area – Cllr Price reported that

volunteers have managed to cut back a significant 20m section including several

ash and sycamore trees which were getting very tall, at the top of Pound Lane.

This follows on from last winter when about half of the overgrown hedge was

cut back. A small pile of cuttings will be cleared away leaving the area neat and

tidy. In addition, the length of hedge that was cut back last year has been trimmed

manually. The commemorative trees look much better and have made good even

growth now that they are no longer overshadowed.

Date of next meeting

Monday 4th April 2016 in the upstairs room at Bridford Village Hall at 7.00pm








Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairperson   4th April 2016





Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Dunsford PC January minutes

Junk Mail issue 17

Clerks and Councils Direct March 2016


Letter from Philip Fowler – Chairman Moretonhampstead District Hospital

Amendments of the Electoral Register

Letters sent





















Bridford Parish Council Agenda 4th April 2016

Dear Parish Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and members of the public are invited to attend a meeting of Bridford

Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 4th April at 7.00pm

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council

1 Apologies
2 Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda
3 Public Discussion – opportunity for member of the public to comment on any items on the agenda or to bring any other matter to the attention of the Parish Council
4 Minutes – Parish Council to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th March 2016
5 Allotments
6 Play Area to discuss RoSPA Inspection Report
7 Snow Warden
8 Notice of Casual Vacancy in the Parish of Bridford
9 Flooding of B3193 by Teign Valley Nurseries
10 Alternative textile recycling arrangements
11 Defibrillator and First Aid Training
12 Village Garden – title deeds and damaged wall
13 Birthday Card to HM Queen Elisabeth 11
14 Broken wall at bridge over leat at Leigh Cross on B3193
15 Meetings attended by Parish Councillors
16 District Councillors Report

For Discussion

17 Establishing Bridford Parish Council’s Planning Policy – deferred from last meeting









Dealt with between meetings due to short timescale for responses

Higher Westcott Farm, Moretonhampstead – re proposed installation of biomass Boiler with external flue attached to side of property and retention of storage shed (DNPA ref. 0120/16). Details were circulated to the Parish Council which had ” no objections to the application”

The White Barn, Weeke Barton, Bridford – Full Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent re proposed refurbishment and alterations (DNPA ref 00161/16)

West Park Cottage, Bridford – re proposed extension and alterations (DNPA ref 0169/16)

21 Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda
For Information




Cedar House, Bridford – Notice of Grant of Conditional Plannning Permission re erection of building (81sqm) for use as stables (DNPA ref. 0019/16)

Poole Farm, Bridford – Notice of Appeal against Refusal of Full Planning Permission re erection of rural worker’s dwelling (DNPA ref. 0356/15)

24 Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda
25 Account balances as at 7th March 2016

Current account

Investment account





(Balance Includes earmarked funds £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623 Play Area and £414.20 textile bank)

Bank interest re February 2016


£        0.28

£       0.28


Mrs J P Banks re Clerks salary for March 2016

Mrs J P Banks re Admin Expenditure1 Jan – 31 March 2016

Playsafety Limited re RoSPA annual inspection

HMLR re Clerk’s PAYE quarter ended 5 April 2016

Bridford Village Hall re 20% of income from textile bank


£   185.19

£ 120.01

£   117.60

£   166.40

£     71.44

£ 660.64

28 Account balances as at 4th April 2016

Current account

Investment account






29 Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting 2016
30 CPRE Devon ‘Our Outdoors’ Competition
31 Closure of Permissive Footpath at Steps Bridge
32 Any items received for discussion since publication of the agenda
33 Police Warning Notices
34 The Prince’s Countryside Fund  
35 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda
36 Public Discussion
37 Date of next meeting

Monday 9th May 2016 in the upstairs room at Bridford Village Hall at 7.00pm

This will be the Annual Parish Meeting with refreshments, followed afterwards by the Annual Parish Council meeting.


Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council




Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Christow Parish Council February minutes

Dunsford Parish Council February minutes

Healthy People – March 2016


DNPA News Release – Super Broadband on Dartmoor

Letters sent



Bridford Parish Council minutes of meeting 1st February 2016

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall Monday 1st February 2016 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs F Miles (Chairperson), G Hearnden, A Lord, R Dowding, E Price, J Atkinson, T Evans, Mrs J P Banks

(Clerk). Dst Cllr A Ford and Cnty Cllr J Brook attended for part of the meeting. No members of public were in attendance.

  • Apologies – none
  • Declarations of Interest – Cllr Evans declared an interest in item 13

Public Discussion – nothing for discussion


4   Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th

December 2015 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5   Allotments   – there are now two half plots vacant which could be let as a whole plot. They will continue to

be advertised both in Unity, on the notice board and on the Parish website.

6   Play Area    – nothing to report

7   Bridford Hill / Gritting arrangements – a Parish Councillor has suggested that consideration should be given to

changing the location of some of the grit bins. The Parish Council will ask Highways if an additional bin can

be installed on Bridford Hill on the corner by Southwood. Item to be put in Unity advising road users to

exercise extreme care on Bridford Hill even when the surface has been treated.   The bin at the bottom of

Bridford Hill is still the wrong way round and therefore inaccessible. Highways to be asked again to correct

this. It has also been pointed out that the grit/salt in most of the bins has solidified and would be very hard if

not impossible, to utilise if required. Highways to be advised.

Although, at previous meeting it was decided not to pursue the matter any further, the Parish Council has now

decided that it will try again to get DCC to reverse its decision to remove Bridford from the primary gritting

route on the basis of its geographical location, the village being cut off in severe weather by a very steep hill.

Dst Cllr Ford has agreed to give her support and she will be copied in on any correspondence. Cllr Atkinson

offered his services as part of the Snow Warden’s team of volunteers.

8   Alternative Textile Bank arrangements – another company has now been found. Cllr Price is in contact to try

and get the recycling scheme back in operation again. The Parish Council will ask Rag Bag if we can keep

the textile bank and the Village Hall committee will be asked if there is any space available at the hall for

storage of full bags of textiles as collection will not be so frequent.

9   Defibrillator – the Parish Council has made the decision that it would like to obtain a defibrillator for the

village and would hope to achieve this by June. Dst Cllr Ford will supply details of grants for purchasing and

the appropriate training. There are also funds available from the proceeds of the textile bank.   A suggested

location for a defibrillator pack is the telephone box. The Clerk will contact Belstone Parish Council which

already has one in its phone box to find out if permission is required from British Telecom. However,

CPR is still the first course of action and a decision was made to find out how much it would cost to run a

basic first aid course for local residents, possible to be held in the Spring.   Would residents be prepared to

make a contribution towards this training?

10 Anglers Cottage – a building control officer carried out an external inspection of the property on 15 December

and made the observation that although render has fallen off around a couple of the ground floor windows,

making it unsightly, the property would not be considered dangerous at this time. He will continue to monitor

the situation to ensure that its does not become a danger to the public. Teignbridge are in contact with the

owner regarding getting the work done to bring the property back into occupation. It is understood that there

is somebody local who would be interested in renting the property once the work has been done. The Parish

Council will contact Teignbridge again for an update at the end of February.          


11 Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council – none

Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.40pm – the Chairperson welcomed him and invited him to speak.

The proposed budget is not looking good. Contracts have been going out for Care in the Community with a

provision that all staff delivering the care will be paid for their time to include the ‘living wage’. The whole

budget is staff reliant and these staff must be looked after. DCC is looking to make savings of £34m. This

will only happen with a lot of staff changes. Taking cuts are Corporate service £4.5m, Place £9m & People

£19.5m. Health and Wealth budget previously looked after by the NHS has not yet been decided. The


number of teenage pregnancies has reduced to the lowest level for Devon. The Health and Wealth budget is

aimed towards prevention and a lot of budget goes to rehabilitation. Road network is more or less unaffected,

with works concentrating on tar and chipping rather than mending.   The County Council will continue to

deliver services. Looking to transfer school crossing patrols to the schools. DCC has some very good flexible

staff prepared to meet new ideas to ensure that DCC works.

12 District Councillors Report

Dst Cllr Ford attended a ‘Connecting Devon & Somerset’ Broadband meeting and a Clinical & Community

Group meeting regarding closing and cost cutting in connection with local hospitals. Proposals being put

together to find the best way to finance what the hospitals already have.   Teignbridge is to host the Radio One

Road Show in 2016 at Powderham Castle, will involve spending of £100k but will bring in a lot of revenue

to the District.   Rural Aid applications open at the beginning of March. Cllr Ford to clarify if Parishes within

DNPA are still eligible to apply. A prospective on Devolution is available to view.

Cnty Cllr Brook and Dst Cllr Ford left the meeting at 8.05pm


Item 21 was brought forward prior to any planning discussions

21 Parish Council Policy concerning reasons for support / object / no objection when considering applications.

The Parish Council represents the constituents and sits below the DNPA. The Parish Council provides away

for the Park to say that they have consulted public opinion. Site visits keep the Parish Council involved in the

community.   A site visit enables a case to be discussed on its own merits.   Does the Parish Council wish to

change its general approach to making planning observations? Cllr Evans to draw up a suggested summary of

what the Parish Council’s planning policy should be. Previously arranged planning training by DNPA was

cancelled. Bridford Parish Councillors would be interested if another such course is to be organised.

Enquiries to be made.

For Discussion

13 Seven Acre Lane, Bridford – re proposed creation of three new field access gateways for Wastenage Farms Ltd

(DNPA ref. 0011/16) Site visit arranged for 30th January. Following a site visit the Parish Council commented

as follows: “The Parish Council strongly supports this application because of the support for a local business

which is important to the Parish and also of National importance. Farmers Weekly has recently awarded the

Wastenages the accolade of Farmer of the Year.”

The following applications have been dealt with between meetings either due to the cancellation of the January

Parish Council meeting or the short timescales for the submission of responses to DNPA

14 West Birch Farm, Bridford – re proposed removal of static home and construction of garage buildings (DNPA

ref. 0633/15). Following a site visit, the Parish Council had no objections to this application

15 Venn Bridge Farm, Bridford – re proposed erection of agricultural storage building (DNPA ref. 0636/15)

The Parish Council had no objections to the application.

16 Longacre, Neadon Lane. Bridford – re proposed erection of a shed/wood store (DNPA ref. 0665/15). The

Parish Council had no objections to the application

17 Birchdown Farm, Bridford – re proposed two-bay car port and lean-to log store (DNPA ref. 0664/15)

Following a site visit, the Parish Council had no objections to the application.

18 West Park Cottage, Bridford full planning permission and listed building consent – re proposed extension and

alterations to dwelling (DNPA ref. 0640/15). Following a site visit, the Parish Council commented that it

admires the determination with which the ground-works have been undertaken to make this property habitable

and strongly supports the application.

19 Rose Cottage, Bridford full planning permission and listed building consent – re proposed internal alterations

(DNPA ref. 0642/15). Following a site visit, the Parish Council strongly supported the application and

commented that it was good to see a small but historic property brought back to life.

20 Cedar House, Bridford – re proposed erection of building (81sqm) for use as stables (DNPA ref. 0019/16)

Following a site visit, the Parish Council had no objections to the application.

21 Parish Council Policy regarding planning – already dealt with earlier in the meeting.

22  Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda – none


For Information

23   Higher Westcott Farm, Bridford – reply from DNPA re withdrawal of application (DNPA ref. 0521/15)

The Parish Council queried how a retrospective application for planning could be withdrawn. DNPA has

advised that the application was withdrawn following advice from officers that it was going to be refused.

A revised application is expected. In the meantime the development remains an open enforcement case.

24   West Park Cottage, Bridford – application has been withdrawn (DNPA re. 0641/15)

25   Swanaford House, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re demolition of existing barn and

construction of barn for wine/tasting room for new business, Swanaford Estate Wine (DNPA re. 0559/15)

26   West Birch Farm, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re removal of static home and

construction of garage buildings (DNPA ref. 0633/15)

27   Notification of DNPA Appointed Parish Link Member – Bridford’s Parish Link member is Peter Harper.

28 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda

Rose Cottage, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re internal alterations to dwelling

(DNPA ref. 0642/15)


29    Account balances as at 2nd November 2015

current account £4.796.60 + investment account £3.340.42    =                                           £8,137.02

             (includes earmarked funds: £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623 Play Area

and £414.20 textile bank)

30 Income

Bank interest November                                                                                             £   0.28

Banks interest December                                                                                            £   0.27

31   Expenditure

Mrs J P Banks re December salary                                                                                          £185.19

HMLR Quarter ended 5 January 2016                                                                                    £139.00

Mrs J P Banks re admin expenses 1 Oct – 31 Dec 2015                                                          £143.57

Bridford Village Hall hire of meeting room Oct/Nov/Dec                              £48.00

Bridford Village Hall contribution to Post Office rent 1 Sept – 31 Dec           £56.00             £104.00

Mrs J P Banks re January salary                                                                                             £185.19

32  Balance as at 1st February 2016

current account £4,039.65 + investment account £3,340.97                                        £7,380.62

             The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure. Cllr Dowding, delegated

by the Chairperson, checked invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.

     33 Annual Internal Audit 2016 – date has been arranged for 26th May


34   Teign Valley Tennis Trust AGM 23 March 7.30pm at the Royal Oak, Dunsford. Bridford Chairperson is a

trustee and is invited to attend or to send a representative from the Parish Council.

35   Any items received for discussion since the publication of the agenda

Devon Air Ambulance – landing site.   Air Ambulance looking to increase its flying hours to include night

flights and is starting to work with communities across Devon to develop a network of Community Helipads

across the county. Bridford’s landing site is the play area. To enable landings after dark would require

ground lights activated remotely by DAA.   The Parish Council to establish what DAA want and what if any

Parish Council involvement would be.

HM Queen Elisabeth’s 90th Birthday Celebrations – does Bridford wish to organise a local event? Cllr Lord

suggested that the Parish Council should send Her Majesty a birthday card.   Subject to be an item on the

March agenda.


36 Devon & Cornwall Police Warnings – residents are warned to be on their guard against receiving bogus phone

calls from a man claiming to be able to prevent cold and silent phone calls and asking for bank details to take

the fee for providing this service.

37   Cosy Devon – funds available to assist with costs of installing solid wall insulation. Further information



38   Devon Communities Together Advice and Information Surgeries – 8th February at Ashburton Town Hall

Drop in 2pm – 8pm.

39   Devon Countryside Access Forum – currently appointing members. Details to be published in Unity.

40   Devon Emergency Community Flood Resilience Fund – funds available. Details to be circulated to


41   Mental Health Awareness Course – 16 February. Details circulated

42   Parish Council Websites must comply with the Transparency Code. Bridford’s website is up to date

and includes all the current information that is legally required

43 Any items for information received since the publication of the agenda – none

44   Public Discussion

A Parish Councillor brought to the attention of the Parish Council, concerns received about large lorries

using Neadon Lane on route to Many Waters to deliver building materials. Residents are worried about

hedges and banks bordering their properties on Neadon Lane collapsing. It is also believed that a hedge

has been removed at Many Waters to give access to the delivery lorries. The Parish Council will write to

the owner of Many Waters to ask if smaller delivery lorries could be used to prevent further damage and to

advise that planning permission is required to remove a section of hedgerow.

Cllr Dowding in his capacity as Village Hall Chairman, is submitting an application for funds from the

Electors’ Fund.   As applications must be made via the Parish Council, it was agreed, in view of short

timescales, that Cllr Dowding be authorised to complete the form and submit online.

Clerk to diarise October to contact Dunsford and Christow to see if they are intending to utilise their Elector

funds for their own projects or if they would consider donating it to Bridford Parish Council for use by the

Village Hall.

45  Date of next meeting – Monday March 7th 2016 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the

Village Hall

Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairperson     7th March 2016


Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Healthwatch Voices Winter 2015/16

Councils and Clerks Direct January 2016

Dunsford Parish Council December 2015 minutes

Christow Parish Council December 2015 minutes

TALC draft minutes November meeting

TALC agenda for 28 January

Letters sent



Bridford Parish Council Agenda 7th March 2016

Dear Parish Councillors and Members of the Public,

Parish Councillors are summoned and members of the public are invited to attend a meeting of Bridford

Parish Council to be held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 7th March at 7.00pm

Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council

1 Apologies  
2 Declarations of Interest – Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest

in any item on the agenda

3 Public Discussion – opportunity for member of the public to comment on any items

on the agenda or to bring any other matter to the attention of the Parish Council

4 Minutes – Parish Council to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting

on 1st February 2016

5 Allotments  
6 Play Area  
7 Gritting of Bridford Hill – reply from Devon County Council  
8 Grit/salt Bins  
9 Snow Warden  
10 Alternative textile recycling arrangements  
11 Defibrillator and First Aid Training  
12 Devon Air Ambulance Night time landing site  
13 HRH Queen Elisabeth’s 90th Birthday Celebrations  
14 Many Waters – reply from owners  
15 Meetings attended by Parish Councillors  
16 District Councillors Report  

For Discussion

17 Establishing Bridford Parish Council’s Planning Policy  
18 Trusham Quarry Planning Application  
19 Any planning items for discussion received since publication of the agenda  
For Information




Longacre, Neadon Lane, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning re erection of

shed/wood store (DNPA ref. 0665/15)

Birchdown Farm, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning re construction of two

bay car port and lean-to log store (DNPA ref. 0664/15)

22 Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda  
23 Additional Hours – the Parish Council is requested to authorise payment to the

Clerk of an additional thirteen hours for the month of February 2016

24 Annual Increment re Clerk’s Salary – the Parish Council is requested to authorise

the annual increment increase from scale SCP22 £10.527 per hour to SCP23

£10.836 per hour with effect from 1st April 2016

25 The Pension Regulator – Bridford Parish Council has complied with it’s legal

duties in connection with the new Pension Rules and Regulations

26 Account balances as at 1st February 2016

Current account

Investment account





  (Balance Includes earmarked funds £165 refundable allotment deposits, £623

Play Area and £414.20 textile bank)


Bank interest re January 2016

Teignbridge District Council re Electors Fund Grant to Village Hall


£       0.28

£   460.00

£   460.28


Clerks salary for February 2016 to include an additional thirteen hours

Bridford Village Hall payment of Electors Fund Grant

Information Commissioner re annual subscription


£   294.84

£   460.00

£     35.00

£   789.84

29 Account balances as at 7th March 2016

Current account

Investment account






30 Resignation of Councillor James Atkinson – official statement  
31 Notice of Casual Vacancy in the office of Councillor at Bridford Parish  
32 Flooding on B3193 by Teign Valley Nurseries  
33 Growing a Rural Community – completion of questionnaire  
34 Healthy People – Success Regime Case for Change becoming public –   does the

PC wish to respond?

35 Any items for discussion since publication of the agenda  
36 Police Warning Notices  
37 Crime Prevention DNA Marking Kits now in stock

Devon Neighbourhood Plan Road show 18th March at Hannah’s

38 Notice of Road Closure  
39 Any items for information since publication of the agenda  
40 Devon Minerals Plan  
41 Electoral Review of Devon: Final Recommendations  
42 DALC Highways Conference 16th March at Exeter Football Club  
43 Date of next meeting

Monday 4th April 2016 in the upstairs room at Bridford Village Hall at 7.00pm




  Joan Banks

Clerk to Bridford Parish Council









  Newsletters, Reports and Circulars

Dunsford PC January minutes

Junk Mail issue 17

Clerks and Councils Direct March 2016


Letter from Philip Fowler – Chairman Moretonhampstead District Hospital

Amendments of the Electoral Register

  Letters sent


