April 2013 Parish Council Minutes

Minutes for April 2013

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 8th April 2013 at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllrs S Purser (Chairman), G Hearnden, A Lord, T Evans, D Goodwin-Hughes, T Evans, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk) & one member of the public. Cnty Cllr Brooks attended for part of the meeting.
Apologies – Cllr E Price
Declarations of Interest – none
Public Discussion

Bridford Hill – Andy Heathwood gave an update on the formal complaint concerning the removal of Bridford Hill and other roads from the primary winter gritting network. The  Ombudsman’s final decision is “ There is insufficient evidence of fault by DCC”. Andy will be complaining to the Ombudsman formally about their lack of investigation. A Parish Councillor asked if there has been a traffic count on the hill. DCC has almost certainly used an estimate rather than a traffic count. The Chairman thanked Andy for all his efforts.

Bus timetable – a Parish Councillor asked what was happening about the missing timetable. The Clerk confirmed that Ken Bridgeman has kindly installed the new timetable case inside the shelter. The Parish Council resolved to authorise the payment of a token of thanks.
Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting
held on 11th March 2013 as a true and accurate record of the meeting
Allotments – the vacant half plot has a prospective tenant.
Play Area – mainly low risk maintenance tasks were listed on the annual RoSPA inspection report. Cllr Price to be asked to go through the report and make a priority list for discussion at next PC meeting.
Village Hall – alterations and improvements now completed. The official opening by Lord Clifford to take place 12th April. The secretary, chairman and vice chairman are all resigning and it is now a matter of urgency to find a new committee in time for the AGM in June. An item to be put in Unity.
Bridford’s website – John Lund now out of hospital and living in Bovey Tracey and happy to continue maintaining the current Bridford website.
Trees at top of Pound Lane – levelling of top of hedge postponed until the end of the season
Meetings Attended by any members of the Parish Council
Cllr Hearnden met up with members of Moretonhampstead Parish at their recent ‘Beating of
the Bounds”.
The Chairman attended a TALC meeting where a talk was given by Steve Hobbs,  Enforcement Officer.
Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.35pm and was welcomed by the Chairman and invited to speak. DCC is now in election mode, so nothing new to bring to the meeting. There are a lot of current issues re the road network. DCC comes out well in a Times article, compared to areas in the North. DCC is still trying to get on top of the issue of potholes. A Parish Councillor suggested that instead of continuously repairing the bridge at Leigh Cross, the money could be used for repairing potholes. There are two very large and dangerous potholes, one on the Longdown Road and one on the Teign Valley Road. These will be reported to DCC. A Parish Councillor mentioned the two gullies at the bottom of Bridford


Hill which have been blocked for two months. DCC has confirmed that they are on the system to be cleaned out. Cnty Cllr Brook said that the problem re-occurs because the gullies are cleaned out but the drains are not cleared. A lot of the road network is not done until later in the year due to the nesting season. By October / November, the debris is then hard and blocks the drains. Cnty Cllr Brook confirmed that he will be chasing up the outstanding work on the gullies and potholes.

The Chairman asked the Cnty Cllr if he is aware of the Longdown Garage saga where a business is being run on a public road. Holcombe Burnell and the Police are already involved and Cnty Cllr Brook has indicated that he would be willing to talk with them.

Cnty Cllr Brook will be standing for election again in the DCC elections on May 2nd and he thanked everyone for their support during the past four years.
Items for Discussion
The following item was dealt with between meetings due to the short timescales for submission
of comments
11 Whipple Tree Farm, Bridford – application for prior notification re proposed construction of
two polytunnels (each 25.6m x 7.3m) and one glasshouse/storage shed (10m x 6m). (DNPA
ref. 0141/13) Following a site visit, the Parish Council has no objections
12 Any Items for discussion received since publication of the agenda – none
Items for Information
13 Old Rectory, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re alterations and
reconstruction of wall incorporating gates (DNPA ref. 0085/13)
14 Land at Middle Westcott Farm, Doccombe – withdrawal of application re proposed erection of agricultural dwelling
15 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none
16 Account balances as at 3rd April 2013 – current account £2,071.25 and deposit account £2,886.58 (balances include £1,557.20 earmarked for Play Area and £25 Christmas tree expenses)
Balances allow for all expenditure and income detailed below.
17 Income
Bank interest for February £ 0.24 Bank interest for March £ 0.22
18 Expenditure
Mrs J P Banks re Clerk’s salary for March 2013 £162.76
Mrs J P Banks – reimbursement of admin expenditure £ 63.94
Playsafety Limited re annual RoSPA inspection £114.00
HMRC Payment of PAYE for quarter ended 5 April 2013 £122.00
Devon Association of Local Councils annual subscription £113.59
The Parish Council resolved to accept the accounts and approve the expenditure. The Chairman checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.
19 Parish Plan – Clerk to circulate choice of dates to Parish Councillors for 2013 meeitng.

20 Annual Three Parishes meeting to be hosted by Christow PC at TVCH on 14th May.
Bridford to send representatives.
21 Any items for discussion received since the publication of the agenda – none
Warnings – Friday 22nd March, 21 Weaners were released from their secured pen on a farm at Higher Ashton. All farmers/ livestock owners to be aware and be vigilant. Any suspicious activity should be reported to the Police on the 101 number.
TDC Housing Services Annual Stategy Review 30th April, at the Kenn Centre, Exeter. The Chairman will attend.
Rural Aid Funding – applications for 2013/14 are now open
The Neighbourhood Planning fund and support programme will be open on 1 May 20133 and last for two years.
Section 137 Expenditure – limit for 2013/14 to be £6.98 per electorate.
Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none
District Councillors Report from Dst Cllr Stephen Purser
There is a draft policy for out comment. Copies will be sent out to Town and Parish Councils.

NHS charges and the welfare reform, bedroom tax have been also discussed. The Local Plan will be delayed until June at the earliest.

Public Discussion

A Parish Councillor considers that the parapet wall at Leigh Cross Bridge requires re-inforcement.

A Parish Councillor reported that it is hoped to re-open Moretonhampstead hospital on 1st May 2013.

30 Date of next meeting – The combined Annual Parish meeting and Annual Parish Council
Meeting will be held at 7.00pm Wednesday 8th May 2013 at the Village Hall. All are welcome.

Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairman 8th May 2013

Reports and Agendas
Bridford Village Hall minutes of March meeting
Fingle Pheasant Shoot – message from Stephen Belli
Community Right to Bid in South Hams and West Devon
Alterations to Electoral Register
Copy of Declaration of Trust re Bridford Village Hall
Recycling Re-zine Spring edition
DCC Emergency Management March 2013
A380 South Devon Link Road Monthly Bulletin
Letters sent